Metals to Avoid Using for Body Piercing

Two teenagers decided to lace mercury in cigarettes and smoke it! That was back in 80's and unfortunately they didn't live long afterwards.

As for lead, once gets in human body, it will NEVER come out.

As for Mercury, it is very highly restrictive materials, meaning it is almost impossible to get mercury legally, but for lead, it was close to being highly restrictive but EPA decided not to do so due to ammo requirements.

Seriously, Mercury is AWESOME metal! Very awesome! But, its vapor, unfortunately is very lethal.

Two teenagers decided to lace mercury in cigarettes and smoke it! That was back in 80's and unfortunately they didn't live long afterwards.

As for lead, once gets in human body, it will NEVER come out.

As for Mercury, it is very highly restrictive materials, meaning it is almost impossible to get mercury legally, but for lead, it was close to being highly restrictive but EPA decided not to do so due to ammo requirements.

Seriously, Mercury is AWESOME metal! Very awesome! But, its vapor, unfortunately is very lethal.

Yeah and mercury is in the low energy lights bulbs. I read that someone broke one in the house and called 911 and the fire department came to the house. If we broke an old fashion light bulb we just threw it away , I think is cheaper to be able throw a bulb than having bring it in to be recycled.
They will phase out CFL bulbs, it was intended as temporary until replacement energy efficient bulb invented. That is LED, now it is getting everywhere. I prefer LED over CFL.

Yeah and mercury is in the low energy lights bulbs. I read that someone broke one in the house and called 911 and the fire department came to the house. If we broke an old fashion light bulb we just threw it away , I think is cheaper to be able throw a bulb than having bring it in to be recycled.
You should always use surgical steel, gold or silver as Sono said. You should never put anything else in a piercing... I thought everyone knew that.... *facepalm*

I have gold but I don't think it's 24K for sure. I had my navel pierced and I haven't had issues at all with my ring. Titanium however was another story. My body reacted to it and I had to switch the ring out with surgical steel....healed with blinding speed; I heard from the body piercer that quite a few people react to titanium so I guess it's not just me. You're right, surgical steel really is best....but I'm now wearing and the gold circular bar and really love it.

This is interesting thread. I has two each earring pierces. My mom decided to earring pierced me when I was toddler. My experienced with bleeding and sore while I wore earring pierce. I got second earring pierces st 12 years old. I got my first upper earring pierce with ring at 14 years old. My class of 2000 eight graders went to king island in Ohio, my classmate and I rode on the roller coaster title Vortex. My head shake cause hit my upper pierced got swell and not heal for two years. It was painful when I sleep on side the pillow to bother my upper pierce and still swell. I decided to stop wear it at 16 years old in sophomore because of swell and can't get heal. I removed pierce off my upper wear right closed the hole to purple scar. I was almost to get a navel piece and tongue pierced, I changed my mind to not get it after I learned from my friend's navel pierce skin tore by wear jean pant and belt. And also I learned my many friends' teeth broke by tongue pierced. The ball swallow by accident. My friend rushed to ER and have a surgery on her ulcer to remove the ball. I decided to not choice tongue pierce and navel pierce. I have zero tattoo and body piercing. I don't like the bigger hole on earring lobe pierces because it would be ugly when it become old. That is not worth for me. I respect people's personal choice of body piercing and tattooes on their bodies. I am still want to get tattoo. But I am chick out and hate the needles on skins and bones. I can't trust the cheap tattoo and body piercing. I prefer to seek a professional tattoo with licensed.

I can't wear nickel, gold, silver because it made my skin sore and too sensitive to metal. My old best friend was an inmates and have a tongue ring and eyebrow pierced. In prison is not allow inmate wear a metal pierces because of sharp and weapon. The most inmate wear a plastic pierces for safety reason.
This is interesting thread. I has two each earring pierces. My mom decided to earring pierced me when I was toddler. My experienced with bleeding and sore while I wore earring pierce. I got second earring pierces st 12 years old. I got my first upper earring pierce with ring at 14 years old. My class of 2000 eight graders went to king island in Ohio, my classmate and I rode on the roller coaster title Vortex. My head shake cause hit my upper pierced got swell and not heal for two years. It was painful when I sleep on side the pillow to bother my upper pierce and still swell. I decided to stop wear it at 16 years old in sophomore because of swell and can't get heal. I removed pierce off my upper wear right closed the hole to purple scar. I was almost to get a navel piece and tongue pierced, I changed my mind to not get it after I learned from my friend's navel pierce skin tore by wear jean pant and belt. And also I learned my many friends' teeth broke by tongue pierced. The ball swallow by accident. My friend rushed to ER and have a surgery on her ulcer to remove the ball. I decided to not choice tongue pierce and navel pierce. I have zero tattoo and body piercing. I don't like the bigger hole on earring lobe pierces because it would be ugly when it become old. That is not worth for me. I respect people's personal choice of body piercing and tattooes on their bodies. I am still want to get tattoo. But I am chick out and hate the needles on skins and bones. I can't trust the cheap tattoo and body piercing. I prefer to seek a professional tattoo with licensed.

I can't wear nickel, gold, silver because it made my skin sore and too sensitive to metal. My old best friend was an inmates and have a tongue ring and eyebrow pierced. In prison is not allow inmate wear a metal pierces because of sharp and weapon. The most inmate wear a plastic pierces for safety reason.

I thought of getting my nose pierce when I was younger but I change my mind as my ear skin keloid and I did not want to happen on my nose.

This can be hereditary my sister had t happen when she had surgery on her neck , it took a long time to fade.
Yeah my brother cracked some of his teeth with his tongue piercing, but he'd click the ball on his teeth, like move his tongue back and forth bouncing it on them. I heard piercing in your mouth can make secrete extra amounts of saliva which can eat at the enamel on your teeth.

My nose is pierced, but I lose those like it's my job, so they never last long lol my belly button has been pierced for 20 years, never had a problem with it. If it actually tore your friends piercing her gauge was too small probably. You need at least a 14g bar/hoop.
I thought of getting my nose pierce when I was younger but I change my mind as my ear skin keloid and I did not want to happen on my nose.

This can be hereditary my sister had t happen when she had surgery on her neck , it took a long time to fade.

I forget to add nose pierce but I changed my mind either. I had a bad sinus infection during teens. I didn't want to deal with Kleenex my nose with pierce.
Yeah my brother cracked some of his teeth with his tongue piercing, but he'd click the ball on his teeth, like move his tongue back and forth bouncing it on them. I heard piercing in your mouth can make secrete extra amounts of saliva which can eat at the enamel on your teeth.

My nose is pierced, but I lose those like it's my job, so they never last long lol my belly button has been pierced for 20 years, never had a problem with it. If it actually tore your friends piercing her gauge was too small probably. You need at least a 14g bar/hoop.

Same as my friends like to play with their tongue pierces and accident bite caused broke their teeth and wisdom teeth. They did regret for made wrong decide. My one friend for a new teeth after broke teeth. She decided to not wear tongue pierce ever again.

My another friend has a small dot nose pierce and never have problem.

My ex gf has a tongue and navel pierced. She got pregnant with her first child and tore her navel pierce while wear during pregnant. I was alike shame on her. She should get navel pierce off during pregnant season. She learned her lesson and not re navel pierce again.
I have heard of some people getting sick from certain metals for body piercing. I thought of this after seeing that weirdo with holes in head posted here .

Well, I suppose it is never a good thing to make ANY holes in your head regardless of a metal quality, eh?

I get a really bad reaction around nickel, and recently had that happen, and now I am taking steps to remove the offending object from my room.
Yuck! That would had been messy having tissue hang off your nose.

Just blow it straight out. no kleenex, or handkerchief, thumb close one nostril, kpthooey! another and presto - beautifully done.

While I was living in Manitoba an elderly Asian did it in front of me.
Something great to see. perhaps he was pierced, I don't know, I was minding my own business walking behind him.

Yeah my brother cracked some of his teeth with his tongue piercing, but he'd click the ball on his teeth, like move his tongue back and forth bouncing it on them. I heard piercing in your mouth can make secrete extra amounts of saliva which can eat at the enamel on your teeth.

My nose is pierced, but I lose those like it's my job, so they never last long lol my belly button has been pierced for 20 years, never had a problem with it. If it actually tore your friends piercing her gauge was too small probably. You need at least a 14g bar/hoop.

I eat my snake bites or librets... :laugh2: I go through probably 1 every week or so! :laugh2: I go through them like new-borns go through diapers! :laugh2: Okay, not QUITE that bad... but man do I eat a lot of them... I usually end up accidentally swallowing them while I'm eating or something... :squint: Nose rings I don't really go through any of those thankfully... I hate the feeling of accidentally pulling that out... :shock:
It's usually when I'm drying my face with a towel. I could a) take it out before I got in the shower or b) where a kind that doesn't come out so easily.

Sometimes I do take it out before, sometimes I forget. Sometimes I take it out and still lose it Hahahaha but the L shaped ones are my favorites. Unfortunately they come out very very easily.
my friend is dentist and he earning big bucks since tongue piecing become common
Well, I suppose it is never a good thing to make ANY holes in your head regardless of a metal quality, eh?


Yeah like that thread about guy having holes in his face. I am talking people that pierce their nipples etc. Acupuncturist would agree with what you said 100% .