Meneires Disease? Hearing aids


New Member
Nov 17, 2010
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Anyone have Meneires disease? I was told I had this....Are you cochlear implant candidates? With you fluctating hearing do hearing aids help? I was told my ear will eventually go dead.
Yikes, huh I have this. Hearing aids HELP.. It sucks to live with and no they don't give everyone CI's. I suggest you read up on it. Why did you ask these questions the way you did?
Yikes, huh I have this. Hearing aids HELP.. It sucks to live with and no they don't give everyone CI's. I suggest you read up on it. Why did you ask these questions the way you did?

I was just wondering it must be hard with fluctuating hearing? Also IF you got tired of the hearing changing and fullness if CI would help?
I was just wondering it must be hard with fluctuating hearing? Also IF you got tired of the hearing changing and fullness if CI would help?

The fluctuating hearing I can handle, it's the vertigo that makes me wanna hit my head into the wall and sudden attacks of this. It's very tough, as well as the balance issues and horrible tinnitus. I am eligible for CI but I still have residual hearing left. Not sure when and if I will get a CI. I deal with the menieres the best I can so far, and so far I'm still here.... We will see what the future holds.
Who told you that u had this? Your doctor? You had all the tests? Did they prescribe any medication?
Who told you that u had this? Your doctor? You had all the tests? Did they prescribe any medication?

MY ENT told me. Yes I had test I realized why I was becoming dizzy and my ears would feel so full. THe ringing is so upsetting its very annoying, No medication yet.
Anyone have Meneires disease? I was told I had this....Are you cochlear implant candidates? With you fluctating hearing do hearing aids help? I was told my ear will eventually go dead.

My name is Ana
I have mineires disease and malfuctioning vestibular . It got worse this year. I was born deaf . I just got labyrathictomy sugery and got a cochlear implant for my left ear.
Hello I to have Meniere's Disease Bilateral and first tried gent ingections in my right ear that didn't work then onto mastoid surgery then to a labyrinthectomy that did work 3 months after that I went bilateral and my doctor decided to try sac decompression surgery in my left ear that did work but 3 days after the surgery I went deaf now I have a CI. But during some of my time with this disease I did use a hearing aid with little problem but there is a huge difference between dizzy a vertigo my question is have you seen an Otoneurologist for Meniere's for proper testing.

I do hope the best for everyone here with this disease I live with no vestibular function now I balance with my eyes but you learn to deal with it.

Take care all, Don
I have been diagnosed with Menieres Syndrom also. Sorry to hear your going through a similar situation.

I've lived with Menieres Symptoms most of my life but have been lucky in that I've never really had long bouts of Vertigo but sure know what it is like. The hearing in my left ear abruptly ended roughly 20 years ago. My Right ear had good hearing until about 6.5 years ago when it too started degrading. I battled the fluctuating hearing loss over about 18 months which ended with my decission to get my first CI in my Left ear before the hearing was completely useless. The two months prior to CI activation was really rough since the hearing was so difficult to deal with.

I am now Bilateral CI and although I still have some ringing, for the most part the CI stimulation over powers it and I can hear very well now. The fluctuating hearing I can tell is still there but since the CI stimulates the nerve directly, it only slightly affects my ability to hear from day to day. Mainly I feel the pressure changes if that makes any sense.

I have had my CI in my left ear for 5 years and my right for 3 years. It has been for me a true life changing experience for me.

If your searching for other forums on Menieres, I have visited the site for support and to better understand what others have been through and where I found out about CIs.

Hope you had a relaxing and uneventful Holiday.