Man kills teen for walking on grass


I am not saying that the old guy had no right to be pissed...he had every right to be pissed over the dispute, but you need to understand something..A firearm was unjustly used to take the life of a person. Do you not understand the value of a life? Even if the kid was an a-hole, he lost his life in this tragedy.

I guess there is no way to explain it in text. EVERY single time I have pulled out my gun, it is for a reason. If I EVER have my weapon pointed at somebody, the thought quickly goes through my head that I may have to pull that trigger and take a human life, even if that human life is a is still a human life and I am mentally prepared to take that life if it comes down to it.

I would have been more understanding of this guy had he punched the kid in the face...and if the harassment had been going on for 5 years, I'd probably be the first to admit that the kid had it coming (assault is still against the law so I'd still be cuffing the old guy even if the kid had it coming).

The mans life was not in danger, and he should not have had the shotgun out in the first place unless the teenager had approached his house and was doing/saying something threatening....and I don't mean shooting at the kid, I mean just having the shotgun out. The gun should never have come into play at all...but it did.

A teenager lost his life at a young age and that can never be returned. Additionally, a 66 year old man has also lost his life. As you said, he was a veteran with no criminal record which makes it even more tragic of the loss.

I don't care how angry the old man was, he should never have shot that kid given the circumstances...he took a life from his anger over something so stupid.

Also, I know what you are referring to about wanting to shoot somebody...but like I said, the value of a life (even a dirtbag) far outweighs the amount of anger I could ever feel towards somebody being a jackass. Yes, people have pissed me off and yes, I have told them things I shouldn't have...but I have never thought about killing them for it.

I hope they have a lawn for this guy to manicure at Rikers.
In a way, the kid had it coming to him. Technically, he and his family kept trespassing on his private property. I know what he did was stupid, but if the boy and his family had respected his yard... none of this would have happened.

Even I know enough not to walk on other people's yards. It's a matter of respect. If I kept walking on someone's yard after being repeatedly warned about it, I wouldn't be surprised if the owner did something to me. In fact, it did happen to me... where I rode a bike on his drive-way over and over. As a result, he sprayed my friends and I with water. I told my parents about it and they said, "too bad" because I was techincally trespassing.
hey mom have huge plm with my other neighbor cuz their kids always walk across our yard and bother some way....but did my mom shoot them?? no she didnt.....she also did set up fence in back yard to get prative and plus my mom is going to sell her house cuz of that area....why cant he move out??? eh??? emotion took over his mind it is not goody thing...god dont kill people by walk over the grass....think abt it..... :nono:
Fei Ku , You got a good point because God lets people walk the earth in the grass, mud , desert, and every type of terrain. I hope your family and you can move to a better place where there is peace and quiet.

Yes VamPyroX that kid sure did have it coming to him but then again the old guy should have handled it differently.

Taylor your next post did make more sense. At least I see some honesty shining right through your post.

Teresh, sometimes the media covers up certain facts to paint a better picture of somebody. For somebody to snap like that he would have had to be a teenager from hell. I am not the bad guy here and I do know what I am talking about and I am not the least knowledgeable. You need to read the article again and I was saying what was on my mind. Sometimes I don't need to provide a link because I read between the lines of that newspaper article.

Everybody thinks in a different way. That is okay to agree or to disagree. People usually find my thinking too strong or they agree with me and they raise their beer with me.
Heath said:
Teresh, sometimes the media covers up certain facts to paint a better picture of somebody. For somebody to snap like that he would have had to be a teenager from hell. I am not the bad guy here and I do know what I am talking about and I am not the least knowledgeable. You need to read the article again and I was saying what was on my mind. Sometimes I don't need to provide a link because I read between the lines of that newspaper article.

I don't doubt that this happens sometimes, but I have my doubts that multiple sources reporting on the same issue would all deliberately leave out important relevant information. This isn't a case of bad journalism.

You don't like what the article says, so you add details to the story that suit what you want it to say. This is why you're not a journalist... You're a regular Stephen Glass. Journalism is about telling what's going on in the most unbiased way possible. An argument can be made that being completely unbiased isn't really possible, but such flagrant disregard for journalistic ethics as you're suggesting is unlikely to be the case.
Teresh said:
I don't doubt that this happens sometimes, but I have my doubts that multiple sources reporting on the same issue would all deliberately leave out important relevant information. This isn't a case of bad journalism.

You don't like what the article says, so you add details to the story that suit what you want it to say. This is why you're not a journalist... You're a regular Stephen Glass. Journalism is about telling what's going on in the most unbiased way possible. An argument can be made that being completely unbiased isn't really possible, but such flagrant disregard for journalistic ethics as you're suggesting is unlikely to be the case.

Teresh , I never wanted to be a journalist anyway beside most of the time journalists aren't telling the truth with a hidden agenda because he or she is very greedy " power-hungry" and has control over the media which is typical or that the powers that be won't let the journalists speak the truth because they have a vested interest in something and tightly control the media.
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VamPyroX said:
In a way, the kid had it coming to him. Technically, he and his family kept trespassing on his private property. I know what he did was stupid, but if the boy and his family had respected his yard... none of this would have happened.

Even I know enough not to walk on other people's yards. It's a matter of respect. If I kept walking on someone's yard after being repeatedly warned about it, I wouldn't be surprised if the owner did something to me. In fact, it did happen to me... where I rode a bike on his drive-way over and over. As a result, he sprayed my friends and I with water. I told my parents about it and they said, "too bad" because I was techincally trespassing.

I think that's different, though. No lasting harm was done, and (I would assume) you were not injured. That I can understand, because it teaches a kid a lesson.

But to kill someone unarmed in the same situation makes no sense.
Good morning, Heath, I see that your'e feeling a little better today by the tone of your posts. That said, please tell me that, just based on the news article and assuming all of the relevant facts are therein, that it was okay for the man to have shot and killed this kid.
Tousi said:
Good morning, Heath, I see that your'e feeling a little better today by the tone of your posts. That said, please tell me that, just based on the news article and assuming all of the relevant facts are therein, that it was okay for the man to have shot and killed this kid.

Yeah Thanks man .... and no he should not have killed that kid unless the kid was threatening the old guy or something along those lines.
Heath said:
Teresh , I never wanted to be a journalist anyway beside most of the time journalists aren't telling the truth with a hidden agenda because he or she is very greedy " power-hungry" and has control over the media which is typical or that the powers that be won't let the journalists speak the truth because they have a vested interest in something and tightly control the media.


I hope you're happy being ignorant... Everyone is out to get you, there's a secret shadow government that controls the whole world... right.

Conspiracy theories aren't accepted by the majority because they're too far fetched.
Teresh said:

I hope you're happy being ignorant... Everyone is out to get you, there's a secret shadow government that controls the whole world... right.

Conspiracy theories aren't accepted by the majority because they're too far fetched.

Stranger things have happened with our government. Just wait and you will start to see a very disturbing and an emerging pattern in our government which will make you go huh? what's up with that? I know some conspirancies are not widely accepted but they are starting to gain ground with credible evidence.
Taylor said:
I have never been tempted to shoot anyone. I have come close to shooting people before (the most recent one was a guy who had a BB gun that looked like a real gun and wouldn't drop it...I was a fraction of a second from pulling the trigger). I had no idea it was a BB gun, therefore it was a deadly force situation and I would have been justified in shooting him, even if a BB gun because the gun looked real.


I attended a Bible college in Tempe, Arizona and one time, in the men's dorm, one of the guys aimed a gun at me while I was washing the dishes. I reported it to the administration and do you know what happened? The vice-president of the school sat me down and asked me to describe the gun to him. While I was doing that, he was rubbing his face and then told me that the gun I was describing was a (toy) paint ball gun. I laughed and should have asked "why a 22-year old (boy) was playing with toy guns, aren't we too old for toys around here?" So, even though the kid denied it, he apologized to me. His roommate assaulted me about something else the week before over a misunderstanding. I left that Bible college because I no longer felt safe there. I did file a police report and the dorm monitor lied to them, as I found out about that later.

Would you be justified in shooting, even though it was found out later to be a bb gun, Taylor? You bet!! A gun is a gun is a gun. Last time I heard and saw my own (deer hunting) rifle, it shot real bullets that could kill someone.
Heath said:
Taylor I think you are feeding me a line of b.s. because I grew up around soldiers and policemen and many different types of people and I have seen policemen want to shoot somebody but they were not allowed to yet. I watched the policemen fight with many different suspects and many times I could see the policemen just wanted to shoot the bad guy and end the fight right there on the spot. I don't blame the policemen. He is only human and he got the same emotions as all of us do.

I am done here and I am very fed up with the direction of where America is going. It did not use to be like this at all.


If you are going into law enforcement just to shoot someone (legally), you are going into the wrong profession, my friend. I highly doubt that cops dream of the day that they actually fire their weapon and either hurt or kill someone else and even doubt it more that they go out afterward and have a beer in celebration. If they can hardly wait to shoot someone, they, like you, are in the wrong profession. You're more of a liability than an asset to that police department ... if you don't believe me, come to Minneapolis where I live now or read about what happens when Mpls cops get trigger-happy: A good many of them have cost this city mega bucks in damages, yet, they're still on the force.
Heath said:
Fei Ku , You got a good point because God lets people walk the earth in the grass, mud , desert, and every type of terrain. I hope your family and you can move to a better place where there is peace and quiet.

Yes VamPyroX that kid sure did have it coming to him but then again the old guy should have handled it differently.

Taylor your next post did make more sense. At least I see some honesty shining right through your post.

Teresh, sometimes the media covers up certain facts to paint a better picture of somebody. For somebody to snap like that he would have had to be a teenager from hell. I am not the bad guy here and I do know what I am talking about and I am not the least knowledgeable. You need to read the article again and I was saying what was on my mind. Sometimes I don't need to provide a link because I read between the lines of that newspaper article.

Everybody thinks in a different way. That is okay to agree or to disagree. People usually find my thinking too strong or they agree with me and they raise their beer with me.


Based on what you have said, a cop is justified (always, 100 percent of the time) when he/she shoots someone. So, since I was stopped this past week by the police for not stopping all the way at a stop sign and I called 911 because the light was blinding me, the cop would have been justified in shooting AND killing me because I asked her to dim her light. I told her the light prohibits me from seeing her.

I may decide to fight this ticket in court, as it was way too expensive and the police department in Duluth, Minnesota, is getting way out of hand ... in other words, there needs to be some regulation on the police department (sorry, Taylor). This got out of hand and you can bet that I will make a case out of it.

Also, Heath, no smiley face for you tonight. You're very naughty. :thumbd:
pek1 said:

If you are going into law enforcement just to shoot someone (legally), you are going into the wrong profession, my friend. I highly doubt that cops dream of the day that they actually fire their weapon and either hurt or kill someone else and even doubt it more that they go out afterward and have a beer in celebration. If they can hardly wait to shoot someone, they, like you, are in the wrong profession. You're more of a liability than an asset to that police department ... if you don't believe me, come to Minneapolis where I live now or read about what happens when Mpls cops get trigger-happy: A good many of them have cost this city mega bucks in damages, yet, they're still on the force.

I am not trigger-happy ..... you got the wrong idea though......and yes I read about incidients like this in the newspapers and on television all the time.
pek1 said:

Based on what you have said, a cop is justified (always, 100 percent of the time) when he/she shoots someone. So, since I was stopped this past week by the police for not stopping all the way at a stop sign and I called 911 because the light was blinding me, the cop would have been justified in shooting AND killing me because I asked her to dim her light. I told her the light prohibits me from seeing her.

I may decide to fight this ticket in court, as it was way too expensive and the police department in Duluth, Minnesota, is getting way out of hand ... in other words, there needs to be some regulation on the police department (sorry, Taylor). This got out of hand and you can bet that I will make a case out of it.

Also, Heath, no smiley face for you tonight. You're very naughty. :thumbd:

Pek...I just wanted to comment quickly (not for or against your case), but you are essentially blinded on purpose. It is an officer safety issue. If you can't see me, then you can't shoot me is what it boils down to. We don't do it blind people on purpose but we don't want you to see us approaching the car (our approach to the vehicle is the most dangerous time during a traffic stop). The lights are there for our protection. BTW, I'm assuming you are reffering to the spotlight and lights pointed at your car and not necessarily the flashing red/blue lights, correct?
Taylor said:
Pek...I just wanted to comment quickly (not for or against your case), but you are essentially blinded on purpose. It is an officer safety issue. If you can't see me, then you can't shoot me is what it boils down to. We don't do it blind people on purpose but we don't want you to see us approaching the car (our approach to the vehicle is the most dangerous time during a traffic stop). The lights are there for our protection. BTW, I'm assuming you are reffering to the spotlight and lights pointed at your car and not necessarily the flashing red/blue lights, correct?

Correct! However, I think that if I have my dome light on (it wasn't in this case, due to the late night), there is no reason to blind me, is there?
pek1 said:
Correct! However, I think that if I have my dome light on (it wasn't in this case, due to the late night), there is no reason to blind me, is there?

Pek...the light isn't a matter of them seeing you, but you seeing them. When I walk up on a car during a stop, I do not want the driver to know where I am at as it gives him a target to shoot at...When I exit my police car, I do not slam the door as this indicates that I'm now out of my vehicle and walking towards their car. When I'm a back-up officer, I secretly approach the car to watch for any dangers to the primary officer.

There are so many dangers on a traffic stop for an officer...anywhere from being run over by the other driver (putting it in reverse and hitting the officer). There are also weapons such as guns, knives, etc. Officers have been killed by the driver opening their car door and shoving the officer into traffic. Your ticket was minor, but a lot of cops get killed on traffic stops over minor violations...such as a tailight out, etc. The officer that stops you wanted to go home that night...just as I do each night. If I can have any advantage over somebody who could possibly injure or kill me, I will take that advantage. This may be one of those 'You'd have to be a cop to understand' situations. I can show you countless videos of officers getting killed and what they should have done differently (not to second guess the officers at the time but we use these videos for training).

In regards to the BB Gun Versus Real Gun...can you tell me which one is real and which one is the BB gun?
