
couple questions before I answer your question -
1. what year did this happen?
2. are they convicted pedophile before or after they were teachers?

1. Several years ago.
2. I don't know but I'm guessing no given he's had no problems finding new teaching jobs.
I mean they don't get caught in the first place. Have you ever wondered how most prisoners have a low IQ. It's not because people with low IQ's are the only ones to comit crimes. Far from it.

It's because clever criminals don't get caught.

This is particulaly true with sex offenders because if they rape or molest a child that people don't believe for whatever reason the authorities are likely to take the SO's part in the matter. Not the child's part. When I got raped at college I was accused of trying to jeperdize somebody elses future.

yes - again like what I said previously - very difficult to prosecute pedophiles. You know what's even more fucked up? Most of "clever" pedophiles are in "respectable" jobs such as CEO, lawyer, doctor, politicians, etc. You know what's also disturbing? My high school vice principal was caught and charged with child pornography and weed in his office. The student peeked thru his window (it was on ground level) and saw he was looking at pictures in computer. I couldn't believe it. He was my HS's VP for a very long time. His background was that he was a former Town Police Chief.

very disturbing, indeed.
Thanks Typeing

Biological parents abuse child: Child goes into foster care: Biological parents move to another area and have another child: maybe that gets put in foster care too and so on...

Now if Biological parent who abused their child were steralized they wouldn't be able to have another child so their would not be another child in the system.

Less foster children in the sysem would mean more vacancies so the agencies aren't so rushed off their feet and can look into homes more carefully


ah I see what you mean. wow that is messed up but thanks god it's not that widespread


I've seen one case. Neighbor to one of my daughter's. She had lost four children to the system over the years due to neglect and abuse. She had two more children and was living in fear she would lose the older one because she was being "investigated" because neighbors had called the authorities.

When she was put on probation the neighbors were asking "What can be more insane than this?"
1. Several years ago.
2. I don't know but I'm guessing no given he's had no problems finding new teaching jobs.

then you are not sure... thus your previous response to my post is invalid. (I don't mean to be insensitive but it's important to stay objective and rational without spreading blanket of blame)

Your teachers may have slipped thru cracks but not this time. 1980's and 1990's were difficult to track the pedophiles and the laws were loose but around 2000... things have gotten MUCH MUCH better with keystone laws such as Megan's Law and Sex Offender registry. They are required to notify neighbors as well.
I've seen one case. Neighbor to one of my daughter's. She had lost four children to the system over the years due to neglect and abuse. She had two more children and was living in fear she would lose the older one because she was being "investigated" because neighbors had called the authorities.

When she was put on probation the neighbors were asking "What can be more insane than this?"

yes - again like what I said previously - very difficult to prosecute pedophiles. You know what's even more fucked up? Most of "clever" pedophiles are in "respectable" jobs such as CEO, lawyer, doctor, politicians, etc. You know what's also disturbing? My high school vice principal was caught and charged with child pornography and weed in his office. The student peeked thru his window (it was on ground level) and saw he was looking at pictures in computer. I couldn't believe it. He was my HS's VP for a very long time. His background was that he was a former Town Police Chief.

very disturbing, indeed.

Yes I agree. It's really depressing.
That too. A lot of child abusers are outwardly generous, to keep others from suspecting them. They will donate to charities, be the popular person, be sociable and overall likable. Then they'll get you in a room just the two of you and it's a whole different story from there. I talked to one of my abusers on the phone once and it was ridiculous how "kind" and "polite" etc. she was. No one would ever suspect her.

this thread is starting to hit a little too close to home for me, so i'm going to leave for awhile.
then you are not sure... thus your previous response to my post is invalid. (I don't mean to be insensitive but it's important to stay objective and rational without spreading blanket of blame)

Your teachers may have slipped thru cracks but not this time. 1980's and 1990's were difficult to track the pedophiles and the laws were loose but around 2000... things have gotten MUCH MUCH better with keystone laws such as Megan's Law and Sex Offender registry. They are required to notify neighbors as well.

I hate to break it to you Jiro, but a lot of pedophiles "slip through the cracks." I was sexually abused by so many adults it's not even funny. And, it's not just me. I have had so many people talk to me about their experiences, and I've talked to social workers and therapists and they have also confirmed the ubiquity. The other thing is it doesn't take many pedophiles for so many people to be abused, because one pedophile can have hundreds of victims. I know you want to believe that most of them get caught, but it's just not true. My experiences along with the experiences of many others I've talked to directly contradict your statement. We had a program at my high school called "Take Back the Night." About half the school showed up, and so many people had stories. A lot of them had stories from after 2000. So I'm glad to know there are more pedophiles caught nowadays than before, but there are plenty that are still out there, passing under the radar.

I wish you were right. I want to believe what you're saying is true. But it's just not.
The other thing that is depressing is that so many children aren't believed. I have actively tried to report several of my abusers, but it was my word against theirs. And guess whose word was taken over mine? Theirs. Adults' opinions are often taken over children's, which is one of the reasons things like this go on. Not only that, but everyone wants to believe the adult who is denying his/her own misdeeds because they don't want to believe this person is doing such an awful thing. In our culture it's acceptable to just dismiss what a kid is saying. So it doesn't matter what I was saying because "the adult is always right."
I hate to break it to you Jiro, but a lot of pedophiles "slip through the cracks." I was sexually abused by so many adults it's not even funny. And, it's not just me. I have had so many people talk to me about their experiences, and I've talked to social workers and therapists and they have also confirmed the ubiquity. The other thing is it doesn't take many pedophiles for so many people to be abused, because one pedophile can have hundreds of victims. I know you want to believe that most of them get caught, but it's just not true. My experiences along with the experiences of many others I've talked to directly contradict your statement. We had a program at my high school called "Take Back the Night." About half the school showed up, and so many people had stories. A lot of them had stories from after 2000. So I'm glad to know there are more pedophiles caught nowadays than before, but there are plenty that are still out there, passing under the radar.

I wish you were right. I want to believe what you're saying is true. But it's just not.

Like I said in my post - it is VERY hard to prosecute pedophiles. It's as hard as prosecuting politicians, CEO, etc... I've acknowledged that this is a huge problem. You're confusing my statement.

I'll clarify - I said that it is not as widespread as past for convicted pedophiles to have jobs that involve with children. But yes there are far too many pedophiles out there who aren't caught yet. If USA went this far beyond the law to get the terrorists... they should do same for hunting down pedophiles :mad2: