Longtime browser, scheduled for CI impalnt 11/12

So, why did you pick cochlear? I'm always curious why people pick their brands.
Good luck on your surgery tomorrow. We will be thinking of you and hoping you have a speedy recovery....Keep us posted.:fingersx:
Surgery went without a hitch. I am in some pain right now and hoping the pain pills kick in. Feel pretty nauseus too. I am going to lay down. Thanks for the well wishes.
Glad to hear all went well. Get some rest and remember not to overdue it....
Surgery went without a hitch. I am in some pain right now and hoping the pain pills kick in. Feel pretty nauseus too. I am going to lay down. Thanks for the well wishes.

I'm glad everything went well. Take care of yourself and be sure to get plenty of rest.
Relax, enjoy it and the time will come quicker than you think...

Congrats for getting through the op.
Few pics from today.

My friends are joking that I got the optional GI Joe Kung Fu grip installed in my hand. That's my cell phone. lol I have BIG hands.:lol:
Ah yes, the ever lovely glasscock bandage...goes well with the kung fu grip
Speaking of bandages, after my first surgery I had a "standard" bandage wrapped around my head which had to be cut off with scissors. After my second surgery I had a bandage that had a velcro closure and a plastic ear cup that was *far* more comfortable and much easier to remove.
Congrats and I wish you the best of luck with your surgery. As for bandages, I had a cup and the standard bandages. Wasn't too bad but it did itch for a while.
Had the full on Turban, I was so glad when it was taken off 48 hours later.

how long are you having the bandage on for?
Doc told me to leave it on until today and take it off this evening. I can't wait. It's driving me nuts and it's crimping the wound somewhere causing it to hurt.
Doctor told me to go ahead and take the wrap off. I took it off and feel MUCH better. There is still a piece of gauge over the tape. He said to just leave that there for them next week. I do notice my ear is sticking out some. I think it will recede.
Doctor told me to go ahead and take the wrap off. I took it off and feel MUCH better. There is still a piece of gauge over the tape. He said to just leave that there for them next week. I do notice my ear is sticking out some. I think it will recede.

Yes, the swelling will go down eventually although it may take a few days.
Doctor told me to go ahead and take the wrap off. I took it off and feel MUCH better. There is still a piece of gauge over the tape. He said to just leave that there for them next week. I do notice my ear is sticking out some. I think it will recede.

Mine had the velcro but they added tape on top of that to make sure it stayed in place. Hated that, as every smile or frown pulled the tape. Yeah, ear will go back to normal shape in a day or two and then swelling will start to go down too. Unless you happen to me like me, and are allergic to the triple antibiotic ointment...then it might take a wee bit longer.:(
Should I be putting anything on it? The gauge fell off today shortly after the head wrap came off so it's just the stitches. It's VERY clean looking. They told me to clean around it with peroxide and a cotton swab. They didn't say anything about ointment.

It's not hurting. It just feels funny if I accidently burp. The stitches its and sort of sting. That's all . Sort of feels like my ear would feel before when I had swimmers ear.
Should I be putting anything on it? The gauge fell off today shortly after the head wrap came off so it's just the stitches. It's VERY clean looking. They told me to clean around it with peroxide and a cotton swab. They didn't say anything about ointment.

It's not hurting. It just feels funny if I accidently burp. The stitches its and sort of sting. That's all . Sort of feels like my ear would feel before when I had swimmers ear.

I did nothing to mine. Mine had the gauze still on and so I didn't see any stitches. I showered and shampooed, just didn't scrub/rub that side at all. The only thing I did do was the triple antibiotic on a cotton ball in the ear...till it made me break out. That was all I was asked to do by my surgical team. They took the gauze off today and the stitches had already dissolved.