Longtime browser, scheduled for CI impalnt 11/12

I hear pretty good. I am just having problem telling what the sound is sometimes. It's barely been 4 days so I am happy with the results so far.
I was in the living room and the sound of grilled cheese on the skillet in the kitchen made me almost jump out of my chair. Whoa.
Here you go. I just ordered black for my dogs. They have colored nails and stuff. lol I don't know if they work since I have not gotten them yet.

Dog Scratching Solutions, Nail Caps for Dogs

Thanks, I am doing better everyday. I went to Rite Aid recently and that was a adjustment. It was crowded and I really couldn't take 100 voices at once. Someone came up behind me and said excuse me and I didn't hear them over all the noise.

Last night I had what you would call a CI moment I guess. I brushed my teeth and was walking out of the bathroom. I was about 20 feet away when I heard a gurgle gurgle gurgle. Had no clue what it was. I finally realized it was the water draining down the sink's pipes. I had never heard this with hearing aids.

Thanks for the link. I will check into it. You will have plenty of CI moments. I like that word. You'll learn new sounds every day!
how well do you hear with your bilateral implants? i might have to get them someday so i was just curious. and what does "mapping" mean?

How well people hear with the implant probably varies from person to person. For me with the Nucleus Freedom by Cochlear, I am thinking sounds are very much the same as they were when I could hear with hearing aids. It did take me a while to learn to hear again because it has been 20 years since I used hearing aids, but many sounds came back... Mapping is when you visit your audiologist and work on the programs in the implant to match your hearing fingerprint, so to speak.

I will say this, for sure. You will hear sounds you never heard with hearing aids. I can hear salt hitting the plate if I listen for it :)

BTW, I am not bilaterally implanted, just the right ear. I had the surgery June 19 and activated July 14 2008.
I was in the living room and the sound of grilled cheese on the skillet in the kitchen made me almost jump out of my chair. Whoa.

I have to admit, that one made me laugh. And I mean that in a very good way, since it's my turn next :)
how well do you hear with your bilateral implants? i might have to get them someday so i was just curious. and what does "mapping" mean?

I hear much better with two implants then one. It give a great surround sound. My comprehension has increased greatly. I had an overall 1% in my right ear and an overall 17% in my left ear. I am now 92% in my right ear and 96% in my left ear.

mapping is adjusting the CIs. It is a set of beeps to add more sound to the CIs for better comprehension. I go every 3 months. I tend to need more sound.
Glad to be of help. If you've been hearing all your life, a implant would probably work wonders for you. You would probably adjust 10 times as fast as someone who has been deaf or lost part of their hearing years before. I'd definitely look into it. Especially if it put a damper on your everyday life. If it gives you the ability to get back on your feet and do what you do best, I say go for it.
And even if you do not get a implant, your hearing impairment shouldn't hold you back from doing anything you want. I am in awe of how some fully deaf people live normal lives. My best friend is deaf and does really well.

I knew a teacher my senior year at West Virginia School for the Deaf. He was fully deaf and coached a hearing girls soccer team. It was unreal.

Thats cool have a deaf coach. From sports and playing with all hearies- friends are much more willing to sign in a sport or during a game. Maybe cuz they are at eaze and not afraid to do a simple sign for something.
I was in the living room and the sound of grilled cheese on the skillet in the kitchen made me almost jump out of my chair. Whoa.

your post reminds me of the day i heard boiling water for the first time since 1985. it was awesome! :)
how well do you hear with your bilateral implants? i might have to get them someday so i was just curious. and what does "mapping" mean?

i have bilateral ci's and hear pretty well with mine.

having two implants give speech and music a fuller, richer sound quality. i don't hear as well with one ci as i do two. bilateral ci's also helps to give me sound directionality -- something that's imperative for me as a totally deafblind person.

mapping is the process by which your ci's are adjusted to give you the best hearing possible. it consists of playing various beep tones and you telling your audi the most comfortable and softest sounds (beep tones) you can hear.

since i've had my ci's for awhile, i go for mappings once a year (or more often if needed).