Krown PocketComm

Originally posted by ideafspy
I wonder if that will work with Sidekick? Since the Q90 or 90Q whatever they name on strange device. You know about it? Have they test it out? Better be quit before I question too much

I just test on sidekick with Q90. It don't work too well.
Originally posted by Oddball
Off the point, regular AT&T TTY has wonderful features... I love my TTY so much even though I prefer modern technology such as pagers, sidekicks, cell phones, etc. Now, AT&T TTY is a rare unlike other Ultratec or Krown TTYs. I will never give up my beloved AT&T TTY to anyone!! :)

AT&T's ex-staff who worked in TDD department - is now work for Krown. :D weird, huh?
Let me clarify about the PocketComm. It is a perfect companion for cell phone such as T-Mobile Sidekick or BlackBerry with built-in cell phone service. The PocketComm product is not competing with a pager; it is entirely different. It's like having two best means of communication in one package.

What if the pager/email service is down but the cell phone service is still up? You can make a quick call through the relay service (full TTY or VCO) or directly to other TTY user. Also, regular two-way pager doesn’t have same coverage as cell phone.

Also, keep in mind that you can call 911 directly via PocketComm if you have an emergency. In very near future, the 911 call center will have the ability to pin-point where you are because of cell phone's technology. Some cell phones already have built-in GPS and some cell phone service providers have the ability to do that without built-in GPS.

The email & instant messenger is a "store & forward" technology. That means if one of the server is down or extremely busy or the signal is lost, the message will be stored until that server or signal is available again and forward that message to next server and so forth. With PocketComm, it is not "store & forward" -- it is REAL TIME conversation.

Personally, I have Nextel BlackBerry 6510 and it’s great! I can call 911 in an emergency or if need to talk with someone real quick on cell phone. I use email all the time and prefer to use it. It works great all way on the freeway between Las Vegas and Los Angeles. I used to have RIM 950 and RIM 857, which do not work between Las Vegas and Barstow, CA and part between Barstow, CA and Victorville, CA. The Nextel BlackBerry works ALL the way and that is a good feeling to know that I can be reached in case of emergency via email/cell phone and I can call for 911 with PocketComm instantly.

That's something to think about.
Excuse me! the PocketComm never said it is compatible with Sidekick but the one that did say it is the PVCO-C
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
Excuse me! the PocketComm never said it is compatible with Sidekick but the one that did say it is the PVCO-C

PocketComm is the same engineer as PVCO-C. But instead... it's add with keyboard and FAST TYPE, and it will work on sidekick.

But, it will have to take more test on several different wireless devices by this late May.
Originally posted by BabyPhat21
it is still NOT here!!!

I got enewletters from CompuTTY, it said that it has beeen delay until early Fall. :(
indeed, my boss told me it hold up until early fall because there are several error and it need more time to fix. :dunno:
they should give us a discount for making us wait this long for those who preordered
question for you

illustrator said:
indeed, my boss told me it hold up until early fall because there are several error and it need more time to fix. :dunno:

this may be off the point may i ask where do you work and what do you work for or on? it sounds ur job is entertaining. ;)
Why u need that? If u got sidekick or blackberry, u got tty from web site
Krown PocketComm has finally release! In Stock!

I got one already. It's awesome! I make much quick communicate with hearings since they don't have AIM or email on their mobile. More important, I able to get hold of them better than pager or sidekick.

Cost $249.
To get mobile phones, you need to find out with saleperson at wireless store about TTY compatible.

Don't get Sony-Ecrisson mobile! They don't support TTY compatible, only 20% to 30% error on TTY message.

Nokia are great support! I have Nokia 6800.
DANG :shock:

PocketComm has sold out already. Won't have more in stock until 2 to 4 weeks. :|
I preordered in December. It took me about 3 months or so, but I finally got my Krown PocketComm TTY in March when it was released.

It'll make a nice lightweight backup TTY when I need one. At the moment, I use my color Blackberry 7280 cellphone as a wireless TTY now (using custom software), and I am down to only one other TTY as a backup as other older TTY's that I own, have broken down.

One thing I am dissapointed about the Krown though is that it cannot be used with payphones for two-way text. It really needs either (1) cable to your cellphone/hiptop/berry; (2) cordless phone; (3) use as a HCO device with payphone; (4) use as a VCO device with payphone (5) Use with a regular phone that has a handset connector.

It is too small to have an acoustic coupler to be used with payphones for two-way texts (non-VCO non-HCO). That would be my main complaint. Was hoping it'd be possible. Actually it almost is, but requires you to quietly and rapidly move the device back and fourth between the two ends of a phone handset everytime the direction of conversation changes.

But Krown Pocketcomm works great with cordless phones and cellphones; and provides a good lightweight backup that doesn't take up much space while travelling.

Although, I'd say the Blackberry 7280 keyboard is about 30% faster for me to thumbtouchtype on than the Krown PocketComm. And the Blackberry 7280 is smaller (only 4.8 ounces). Although the Krown thumb keyboard is better than the 6800 keyboard. However, the 7280 keyboard is too small for some people, but I'm used to them anyway..
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Have you tried MCI Wireless IP-Relay on your 6800? It works on Nokia 6800 if you install the trial version of (use the free trial version) on the 6800 and then connect to "" (port 2510) via the telnet protocol. I was able to succeed with other cellphones, but I don't have the 6800 to test with.

More info at: