Know Your NES History?

Farwell, I am not here to defend for dojosky.. I know you hardly know him personality that very well. Let me tell you something about him, I remember that Doj and I were kids, He always brough his colovison (sp) and Inllivision (sp) to deaf school. I sometime play videogames with him when he let me played it. I knew he is freaking videogame kid.. His parents spoil him alltimes.. I was jealous of him what he got video games when i was kid as you know... eh.. But he is very cool and genius guy in real life. Now he is adult now, still collect value games like colovision, nes, anything etc. I easily believe him since I born to world cant change my trust toward dojo's life.

If you met him, you will relaize that he is very casual cool and understanding person. He is not kind of cheat, nor trouble or dirty scam like that... I wish you met him in person that will make your thought be different between online and person.. ;)

You are deadly wrong, No body can own Dojosky's life.. almost impossbile.. I know him personality life from childhood till now. My life own him!

Dojosky, You correct me, If I am wrong? :fingersx:

Let BACK to this topic...

Yup he is 100% correct so dont evar doubt me evar again ! actually it was the colecovision and intellivision I still have those systems and games from my old days !!!! my mom and dad were very cool about my video games etc ... plus my uncle worked for atari from when they first started and stayed there for about 9 years ... so I played atari pong when i was age 2 before pong was even released to retail stores !!!! .. plus about nes ! i have 350-400 boxed complete NES games and about 70 nes cartridiges some with manuals some not etc ... am not sure if I am going to collect every 772 nes games released yet .. cuz i will NOT pay $500+ for a stadium events game for NES no way ! LOL ... I need to clean up and organize my collection someday and take photos of them so you cant doubt me or call me a liar ! I am being totally HONEST. xbgm3r knew me as a video game freak at our old school... and many kids came to me about tips and advices on nes games !! ahh old days LOL .... so anyways back to the topic hopefully everyone stays cool here ... Im starting to see some ugly spots in this forums making me thinking about whether should i stay here and visit here or just forget about this site LOL... take care and game on ! remember no matter what if u have a small or large collection your still a GAMER ! thats what rocks ! :D ... Keep on Gamin' !!!