Kids Turned Away From Church....

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Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

Jiro said:
Do you have some kind of research proving that there are more Christian hate groups? Also, how do you quantify "more?" More total individuals in the groups or more groups? Also, how do you identify a group or individual as "Christian?" Do you differentiate between groups who talk trash but don't commit acts of violence with those who kill people?

Not gonna bother with this because we both know what you're trying to do. All I can say is pick up a newspaper and look at who is causing more trouble than others.

What I'm trying to do is see some facts to back up accusations.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

TheWriteAlex said:
All acts of terrorism and hate in America are caused by evil people.

Being Christian, Muslim, or any other religion does not preclude anyone from being "evil" or committing evil acts.

There are evil people in non-evil groups, there are independent evil doers, and there are some groups that are intrinsically evil with evil memberships. Some evildoers, lone wolf and group, have evil intent against American people worldwide, or the country of the United States. Some aim at the government of the USA or specific agencies of the USA.

Sadly, there is plenty of hate to go around. Even worse, some of that hate results in violence and death.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

Jiro said:
Well, at the least, there are so fewer Wiccan/Pagan terrorists than Christian terrorists...

probably because many Wiccans and Pagans were killed off by Christians :dunno:

How many were "killed off" in America?
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)

There are evil people in non-evil groups, there are independent evil doers, and there are some groups that are intrinsically evil with evil memberships. Some evildoers, lone wolf and group, have evil intent against American people worldwide, or the country of the United States. Some aim at the government of the USA or specific agencies of the USA.

Sadly, there is plenty of hate to go around. Even worse, some of that hate results in violence and death.

right and I'm specifically talking about specific groups with specific ill agenda. in America, majority of hate crimes, deaths, and violence are caused by Christian groups more than other religious groups such as Islamic groups.
Wirelessly posted (BB Curve 9300)
How many were "killed off" in America?

well I said "probably" with :dunno: but if I were to guess, it's probably in untold thousands of deaths.
I'm not sure what you're asking. Quran itself is the ordinal text.

Whatever! If as you said you pick up a Bible in America, Saudi Arabia and wherever they would indeed be the same. Different languages but same message!
Not gonna bother with this because we both know what you're trying to do. All I can say is pick up a newspaper and look at who is causing more trouble than others.

That would be the Muslims if you read any paper or watch any news!
Whatever! If as you said you pick up a Bible in America, Saudi Arabia and wherever they would indeed be the same. Different languages but same message!

um.... I wonder if you are aware that there are tons of different translations like King James, New King James, New International, New Living, English Standard, etc.?

it's mind-boggling...
its funny how people are arguing that translating the bible into another language is okay and doesnt change anything. But every language has its own subtle meanings behind phrases that are lost in translation. In all honesty religion really is a sham. Im not here to bash anyones beliefs but people really do need to wake up and smell the shit
its funny how people are arguing that translating the bible into another language is okay and doesnt change anything. But every language has its own subtle meanings behind phrases that are lost in translation. In all honesty religion really is a sham. Im not here to bash anyones beliefs but people really do need to wake up and smell the shit
Yet, you did just that.
well I said "probably" with :dunno: but if I were to guess, it's probably in untold thousands of deaths.
This has some interesting information:

Q: But what about the Burning Times? Nine million Wiccans were killed by Christians!
A: The "Burning Times" is a name given by Gerald Gardner to the great European witch hunts of the early modern period, seen by many Neo-Pagans as a crucial step in Christianity's theoretical crushing of the Pagan religions, driving them underground. Victims of these hunts are perceived as martyr witches by some Wiccans today, "with the lessons of intolerance, misogyny and religious terror clearly noted." 3
Unfortunately such Wiccans don't seem to recognize that by blaming today's Christians for the excesses of the Christian past, they are guilty of exactly the same ugly intolerance. Worse, by insisting that Christians killed Wiccans or Witches (or at least Pagans) in their witch hunts, they betray their own gullible superstition, similar to the gullible superstition of the Christians who killed their own in the name of their God.
"The witch-trials didn't begin until more than a millennia [sic] after the founding of Christianity. If the Church found these supposed pagans to be such a threat, they sure took their time in dealing with them."4
The "nine million" number for the victims of the witch hunts originated with Matilda Gage, a suffragist, early feminist, and advocate for civil rights, whose enthusiasm outpaced her research.5 "While millions of people might have been affected, the best estimates of recent historians range from 50,000 to 200,000 dead.... The earlier estimates ... were grossly exaggerated; no respectable historian supports them anymore. Modern figures concerning the number of executed witches are based on a much closer examination of the surviving historical records, combined with reasonable guesswork and statistical analysis for those areas and periods lacking clear sources."6 The tragedy is no less if a "mere" 50,000 died, nor does it matter whether they were Witches.
Most were not. Certainly they weren't Wiccans; Wicca was founded in the 1940s. It didn't exist at the time of the Witch hunts, so the victims can't have been Wiccans. In fact, no witch was ever executed for worshiping a pagan deity.7 The majority (if not all) of those killed in the witch hunts were Christian. It is true that most were women, not due to Christian misogyny, but only because it was thought that women were more likely to be Witches than men were.

3. Usenet alt.religion.wicca FAQ Starts right out confusing Witchcraft with Wicca. Accepts poor history for the sake of religious tolerance, which I consider a mistake. It is not hard to know reasonably accurate history, and all arguments worth making can be better supported by the truth than by false history.

4. Wicca For the Rest of Us, "The Burning Times or the More Persecuted than Thou Syndrome"

5. "OUR STRUGGLE IS FOR ALL LIFE": THE THEOSOPHIST/UNITARIAN FEMINIST PIONEER MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE (1826-1898 CE) Passages From Her Magnum Opus Woman, Church and State (1893): From Chapter Five, "Witchcraft"

6. King's College History Department: Common Errors and Myths about the Witch Hunts, Corrected and Commented by Brian A. Pavlac, Ph.D., Associate Professor of History

7. "Who Burned the Witches?" by Sandra Miesel, Crisis Magazine, October 2001
Wiccan FAQ
Whatever! If as you said you pick up a Bible in America, Saudi Arabia and wherever they would indeed be the same. Different languages but same message!

You are right about different language but same message. However, my point to Jiro (which he continues to deflect) is the original Quran does not exist, so there is no possiblity of comparing today's work with the original.
People can say, but not prove, the copies are the same as the original but that is a moot point.
That doesn't change the fact that victims were being accused for being a witch. Even if they were, they were put to death, anyway.
You are right about different language but same message. However, my point to Jiro (which he continues to deflect) is the original Quran does not exist, so there is no possiblity of comparing today's work with the original.
People can say, but not prove, the copies are the same as the original but that is a moot point.

If I were to pick up Bible here and there... will both texts be different? the answer is yes.

If I were to pick up Quran here and there... will both texts be different? the answer is nope.
If I were to pick up Bible here and there... will both texts be different? the answer is yes.


If I were to pick up Quran here and there... will both texts be different? the answer is nope.

Are you 100% sure of this?
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