Keep your old clunker or buy a new car?

id rather for 3 years and then just return it and get a new one
RITcutie18 said:
id rather for 3 years and then just return it and get a new one
Be careful of hidden added charges that you get socked with when you return the car.
I had my car for almost ummm shame on me i can't remember.. but my car is pretty good running and almost to 200 thousand mileage **thud** but i know i will need to trade in wtih a suv or whatever it's with a good low payment. I learn something if i decide to buy a BRAND new and it will high payment so i decide to trade in and get a used for a while till you are in good budget then go for the brand ones.
diehardbiker65 said:
Oh I love Cherokee!!! That is my SUV! The power is awesome! I could dart out of red light in no time! I didn't have problem with my jeep even after that it was stolen 2 years ago. yup some damages.


Aw thats too bad Sorry to hear this... Some
of my neighbors wanted to buy my Jeep (with hitch).
I even used the Good Old Jeep pulling my BMW
toward the Repair Shop about two or three hours away !
I did not realize that Jeep is a pretty strong one.
I finally got a new motor engine replaced in
my BMW so it drives almost like a brand new car again.

Funny thing everyone thought it's a pretty old car,
but no one knew it has a brand new motor inside haha
Reba said:
I know what you mean. Our state got rid of the inspections a few years ago because they found out that many of the inspection places were ripping off car owners. The inspectors used to fail a car, and then "fix" the problem for a large repair cost. The state discovered that many of the cars that "failed" really did not have anything wrong. The inspecting garages just wanted to charge for unneccessary repairs. :(

Exactly ! You're lucky that you happen to live there
without any inspections required !! Maybe I ought to
move down there someday haha
CoolieFroggie said:
I had my car for almost ummm shame on me i can't remember.. but my car is pretty good running and almost to 200 thousand mileage **thud** but i know i will need to trade in wtih a suv or whatever it's with a good low payment. I learn something if i decide to buy a BRAND new and it will high payment so i decide to trade in and get a used for a while till you are in good budget then go for the brand ones.

Yes, that's the right thing to do (Wisdom !) Good luck...
Right! Leased car is never bargain! The dealer will ALWAYS win on leased car. Your right, there is hidden charges in there. The monthly payment you made on leased car is actually AN estimate. What does that mean? That means that IF the dealer underestimated the depreciation and YOU could end up pay huge difference!!! Suppose you found another job that is farther than current one, or that you have drove more miles... your going to hit hard with cents per miles after specified mileage that STEALERS allow you to. To get the vehicle with REAL bargain is to buy it right off from CASH!!! Plus that its between 4 to 8years old. That is WHERE you'd want to buy in order to get huge bargain! Whats more, insurance premiums usually higher on leased car than 100% lien* free vehicles.

*Lien means you owe to somebody else
So, I'd stay away from leased vehicle!!!


Reba said:
Be careful of hidden added charges that you get socked with when you return the car.
Need to trade in? Is this car falling apart? If it is not falling apart, then I'd keep it because you never know wheather the next vehicle will last as long as this one. If this car don't give you trouble, just keep it til it starts to fall apart, then you'd know its time to trade in.


CoolieFroggie said:
I had my car for almost ummm shame on me i can't remember.. but my car is pretty good running and almost to 200 thousand mileage **thud** but i know i will need to trade in wtih a suv or whatever it's with a good low payment. I learn something if i decide to buy a BRAND new and it will high payment so i decide to trade in and get a used for a while till you are in good budget then go for the brand ones.
I was a conniosseur of fine POS's before I bought my ZX2 Escort brand new. Now 4 years and 116k miles (most highways) later, the poor car was much ridden hard and put away wet!

Now I car, I'm back to being a connoisseur of fine used cars as I near lost my shirt on the depreciation and adding in interest on the loan! :dizzy:

and on leasing...forget it for me since I drive a LOT of miles that the dealer would charge me an arm and leg for excess wear, tear, and miles!