Just a new girl saying hello!

Thank you for your input. I completely understand where you're coming from. For me, I'm not wanting to be 'more Deaf' or change myself. It's simply that I don't feel comfortable talking in the hearing world because I can't hear myself. I don't know how loud I'm speaking, I forget how to pronouce things sometimes, and there are a few other reasons that are not related to deafness at all. I actually went voice-off for a long period of time twice before. And that was before I lost my hearing. It was due to medical issues as well as emotional and mental issues where becoming voice-off was just much easier on me. I still have those medical issues so it will still be a benefit in that sense. I never want to completely lose the ability to speak, because of course in emergency situations I would be able to get help to someone a lot faster than if I had to sit there writing everything down. I would still speak with my very very close friends who have been there as I lost my hearing and understand it better, but other people make me feel very uncomfortable at times (not from anything they are doing). I also figure, once I become voice-off, if I decided it's just not me and I'm even more uncomfortable with that, then it's not like I can't just undecide it and speak again. But no, I would never want to become more Deaf, or change me in that sense. Although I grew up in the Deaf community wanting to become an interpreter, I was still hearing, so I also grew up in the hearing community. So, I'm not so sure I can say I'm Deaf over deaf because yes I was a part of the Deaf community, but I wasn't deaf while being a part of it until a few years ago. Now it just feels like I'm a deaf girl in a hearing world. As a matter of fact, once I became physically deaf, it felt like people in the Deaf community treated me differently. When I was hearing in the Deaf community they welcomed me with open arms, they gave me my sign name, they invited me everywhere, including their own get togethers that were not part of the deaf socials. When I became deaf, it's like that all stopped. Like now I was just a late deafened girl who used to be a part of the Deaf community. I'm not sure if it was something in me, if I had changed, or what happened. But I do feel less Deaf now that I'm deaf.

Can you or someone else maybe give some insight on the bolded
I'm not quite sure how to explain it. Basically growing up I was culturally Deaf even though I wasn't physically deaf. I was part of the Deaf community (except I didn't go to a Deaf school), most of my freinds were deaf, etc. This is not because I was some Deaf groupie. It was because my mother was in the interpreting program when I was growing up. When her and my father split she had to leave the program, but I had sort of picked up the love for it and it had become a passion for me. It was my dream career. So I just had always been involved with the Deaf. I also worked with children with disabilities physical and mental, and I had loved that, so I was thinking of working with Deaf children as a career. Anyways, so I was in the Deaf community but I was a hearing person. Then, I became physically deaf and it seemed like I was no longer welcomed in the same way in the Deaf community. I'm not sure why this is. Again, maybe I had changed in some way, I'm really not sure. It just seemed like as a hearing person in the Deaf community I was accepted as one of the Deaf who just happened to be hearing. Then when I became deaf, I was just a late deafened person in the hearing world. No longer accepted in the same way as I had been in the past in the Deaf community.
I'm not quite sure how to explain it. Basically growing up I was culturally Deaf even though I wasn't physically deaf. I was part of the Deaf community (except I didn't go to a Deaf school), most of my freinds were deaf, etc. This is not because I was some Deaf groupie. It was because my mother was in the interpreting program when I was growing up. When her and my father split she had to leave the program, but I had sort of picked up the love for it and it had become a passion for me. It was my dream career. So I just had always been involved with the Deaf. I also worked with children with disabilities physical and mental, and I had loved that, so I was thinking of working with Deaf children as a career. Anyways, so I was in the Deaf community but I was a hearing person. Then, I became physically deaf and it seemed like I was no longer welcomed in the same way in the Deaf community. I'm not sure why this is. Again, maybe I had changed in some way, I'm really not sure. It just seemed like as a hearing person in the Deaf community I was accepted as one of the Deaf who just happened to be hearing. Then when I became deaf, I was just a late deafened person in the hearing world. No longer accepted in the same way as I had been in the past in the Deaf community.

Hello, nice to meet you. I am deaf, from california, and went to cornell university. where did you go? and where are you from?

Are you single? I may like to know...
Hello, nice to meet you. I am deaf, from california, and went to cornell university. where did you go? and where are you from?

Are you single? I may like to know...

it is rude to lie what college you're going and it is very very rude to ask "are you single" to all girls.
it is rude to lie what college you're going and it is very very rude to ask "are you single" to all girls.

why does it is rude if ask are you single to all girls, I do not want to confused and make sure to check before go out with.
why does it is rude if ask are you single to all girls, I do not want to confused and make sure to check before go out with.

that's not how you can check. just because you meet any girl doesn't mean they want to go out with you if they're single.
that's not how you can check. just because you meet any girl doesn't mean they want to go out with you if they're single.

how can i know if they are single if I dont ask they are?

few times I met girl then girl has bf then i left.
how can i know if they are single if I dont ask they are?

few times I met girl then girl has bf then i left.

none. you have to get to know of girl first before you talk about relationship status.
none. you have to get to know of girl first before you talk about relationship status.

oh, no wonder...i am sure it is happened to you before in hs and college, i didnt like it way before i left college cuz i didnt know girl has bf or seeing someone. if we knew each other as long then can i ask about relationship status? like more comfortable to ask in college or else?

if we knew each other like more than five years but some do not want hurt my feeings or other try tell truth...
I remember I asked few of their friends or relatives about girl's relationship status like if she is engaged or boyfriend? but it is realy never doing that i was not surprised.
oh, no wonder...i am sure it is happened to you before in hs and college, i didnt like it way before i left college cuz i didnt know girl has bf or seeing someone. if we knew each other as long then can i ask about relationship status? like more comfortable to ask in college or else?

if we knew each other like more than five years but some do not want hurt my feeings or other try tell truth...

truth is - no girls want to date you. nobody.