Jury Duty...

The judges here don't allow any reading materials or electronic devices in their courtrooms, even for spectators. If they catch you, it can mean contempt, and they confiscate your stuff.

It seems harsh but other than that, I've noticed our judges are strict with slackers but nice and helpful to those who seem to want to do their best.

I did see one send the deputy to get a tardy juror. Uh, oh!

I didn't mind the actual jury service. The process is very interesting. It was the commuting to court each day that I didn't like.

What did judge do to people who start not to focus? :eek3:

I lose focus after 20 minutes in a meeting and start to fidget and whatnot. Now thats scary for me to be able to try to do my best in the courtroom
What difference is it going to make? Asking for dr note COST taxpayers money anyway, usually more than what it cost to provide terp though court room, don't forget medicaid is paid though taxpayer, doctor have to pay for terp to provide for patient, and that is wasting resource because what if the court does not accept dr note? It is really moot point.

I forgot to mention that most doctors are overworked, overwhelmed with bunch of patients on daily basis, having doctor taking away from their work just to make excuse for jury duty, isn't it waste doctor's resources, eh? That is another reason why it won't make difference between show up at jury duty and get excuse or go see doctor to get note and pass to court clerk to see if your getting excused or not.

Waste of time and resources, people who cannot serve with full mental capacity already know and is responsible enough to get the doctors note, is saving taxpayers time and everyone elses time. Its irresponsible to make someone show up and waste interpreters resources, time, judges time, lawyers time etc.

I work in a mental health field and my clients are lower functioning than the OP and none will be able to understand the questions. Few will get upset they're not picked and wont understand why.

and I'll be royally pissed if I was selected to be on a jury. I CANNOT afford to miss the hours I'm living paycheck to paycheck and they do not reimburse you for the time lost at the job. I work in a non-profit organization and they can get away with it. Otherwise sign me up on my days off or if I'm fired or jobless I'll be up and Ready to do it!
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What did judge do to people who start not to focus? :eek3:
I don't know; everyone in my group stayed focused.

I lose focus after 20 minutes in a meeting and start to fidget and whatnot. Now thats scary for me to be able to try to do my best in the courtroom
It's a totally different experience, so you might be surprised how you might focus.
Yeah, it is not just like average meeting, if it is civil, then maybe. But Criminal, often it is easier to focus than one would think.

To give you an idea what it is like to be a Juror, I know it is not accurate but it is general idea to give, it is like listening to the gossip from both two sides, maybe more and it is juror's job to decide which gossip is true and what is not and give the verdict of guilty or not guilty.

I don't know; everyone in my group stayed focused.

It's a totally different experience, so you might be surprised how you might focus.
Asking for a dr note costs tax payers money? Well perhaps for those who ARE on Medicaid. Not every person who is deaf or medically in need of a doctor note is on medicaid you know...

Plus I am sure that many times that all the doctor has to do is review the chart, write a letter and send it- if the person is a long time patient there probably isn't a need for them to go in (thus incurring the "costs" you speak of).
We're going to start running out of face palm gif's! I think we need a face palm emoticon! :D

This is probably going to follow the news, more like it's only a matter of time before gun play is the next alternative.
Yes, they do bill for their time. I have seen already. Nothing is free anymore. And don't forget most of the Deaf are on medicaid or Medicare.

Asking for a dr note costs tax payers money? Well perhaps for those who ARE on Medicaid. Not every person who is deaf or medically in need of a doctor note is on medicaid you know...

Plus I am sure that many times that all the doctor has to do is review the chart, write a letter and send it- if the person is a long time patient there probably isn't a need for them to go in (thus incurring the "costs" you speak of).

I know quite a few deaf folks (under the age of 60-65 that is) who are NOT on medicaid/medicare.