Jury Duties Call

I understand... but to pick jury duty over education?

I've seen some students do the same. They picked jury duty over education and then blamed their jury duty on their failed education. Yet, the school usually didn't listen for it was the student's choice... not the government's choice.

If I was REQUIRED to go to jury duty, regardless of education... then the school would be understandable. If it was NOT required due to education, then it would fall upon my decision whether to serve jury duty (and get behind in school) or to say 'no' (and keep up with school)... and the school would base my issue on that decision.
I don't see anything wrong with asking the judge to postpone jury duty until school is over. There's a continuing need for jurors, so doing it later is fine. :)

But using jury duty as a way to get out of school work is lame. :nono:
Done !

Really good court today it easy and simple even i got pick to vericte it .... it was very fast now i don"t have to worry for two year and i did ask and they acppet and judge have interper for other . woww hat a honor to have with me .... he cool guy !
well right but you have to be duty even in the law !!!! school will have to deal it with it not you it betwwen school and court but court will beat school anyway.
I remember another case I was called to jury for it was about a car thief who used master keys to get into and start the cars. Master keys in the hands of car thieves? How scary!

A deaf mother told me that her coach abused her daughter's back neck at a soccer game. The daughter is about 12 years old. The mother caught him. She reported to the police and took her daughter to the hospital. The man was arrested....

The police showed her that the coach has a long history of abusing children and psychology problems. She has all the proof papers (reports and pictures of her bruised neck) and to show them at the court without a lawyer.

She contacted someone at an interpreter department in her area to request an interpreter for the court. She arranged that three months ago.

One day before the court, the interpreter called her that she cannot make it to the court. She and her daughter had to go there. The coach was there with his lawyer. There was a miscommunication between the judge, the mother, and her daughter. The coach grinned at her daughter. Now, her daughter is cried and depressed.

She told me that it was her second time at the court last year. I'm stunned that the coach is still free.
I was called for jury duty once. They ended up not picking my number and I got to stay at home. I was in school at the time so I was planning on showing up with a "I Hate Everybody" attitude. They really can't pick you then.

But it is interesting to know that you can get it deferred. Maybe that would have been a better back-up plan... :hmm:
do you know about accomodations for hoh jury duty?
I dont' know ASL well enough for an interpreter, but could they do one of those mobile captioning thingys...was it called a CART? Is that "reasonble accomodations?"
I haven't been called, but I kinda hope to, someday, and want to know my rights :)
Suppose, you not want to be the jury at the court. You can inform someone at your town hall, and you request your name to be removed from the register list for elections. That way, the court cannot ask you to be the jury. It's up to you.

(If you receive your letter for the jury before your name is removed from the list, you must go to the court.)
Suppose, you not want to be the jury at the court. You can inform someone at your town hall, and you request your name to be removed from the register list for elections. That way, the court cannot ask you to be the jury. It's up to you.

(If you receive your letter for the jury before your name is removed from the list, you must go to the court.)
I've never hear of that rule. Are you referring to Deaf people only?
I've never hear of that rule. Are you referring to Deaf people only?

No, anyone can request it. You can find it out at your town hall. When your name is removed from the list, then you cannot vote anyone.
When I got a Jury Duty call. I called the court house and asked for an interpreter. The clerk said "Oh you can get a doctor note to proof that you are deaf. Then mail it to me. We'll remove your name. You dont have to come in at all and wont get any mail from us." So I did and it works.
When I got a Jury Duty call. I called the court house and asked for an interpreter. The clerk said "Oh you can get a doctor note to proof that you are deaf. Then mail it to me. We'll remove your name. You dont have to come in at all and wont get any mail from us." So I did and it works.

That's a big relief for you! I did the same thing a few years ago. It kept mailing me for the update jury for next year since three years. Weird. Now, not anymore, my name is removed from the registration at the town hall last fall.
That's a big relief for you! I did the same thing a few years ago. It kept mailing me for the update jury for next year since three years. Weird. Now, not anymore, my name is removed from the registration at the town hall last fall.
Yea, it does. Now soon Ill move to different state and just hope that they will not send me for jury duty. *finger cross* ;)

We don't have Judy duties in many European countries including Germany...

The German judges are assisted by few of their colleagues. The Judge’s assistance is search/informed about all legal aspects of a case. Example they collect the case from prosecutor and lawyer to help the judge’s decision, not jury's decision.
No, anyone can request it. You can find it out at your town hall. When your name is removed from the list, then you cannot vote anyone.
Oops, my mistake. I thought you meant you could be removed from the list of prospective jurors. You meant that you could be removed from the voting rolls. But if you do that, you can't vote in elections. Why would anyone want to do that?

Some states use drivers license lists, so removing one's name from voter registration won't get them off the juror list.
It's really sad how many people don't want to fulfill their duty as American citizens by serving on juries. :(
It's really sad how many people don't want to fulfill their duty as American citizens by serving on juries. :(

Only Experts should do it because it's their job task, not rely on American citizens.
Only Experts should do it because it's their job task, not rely on American citizens.
You obviously don't know anything about the Constitution of the USA or the American jury system.

Just because the German government doesn't trust its citizens to make reasonable judgments doesn't mean all countries are that way.
You obviously don't know anything about the Constitution of the USA or the American jury system.

Just because the German government doesn't trust its citizens to make reasonable judgments doesn't mean all countries are that way.

Sounds probably right to me about the German government issue.

But, being a jury is the most difficult job to deal with because some jurors are not too bright. It's because they did not use their common sense if it is a very small crime that send him/her to a prison for 30 years. For sake. I believe that a small crime that would be a job to clean up the town or clean up the highway for 30 to 60 days. A prison is a bad idea because it creates their mind when they get out and teach other people to do their crime.

That's how it happened to my incredible stupid young cousin who bought some pots on the street. I stopped seeing him anymore. His mother had her home phone number for 40 years, and she forced to change the number because of her son's bad friends trying to call him.