Japan bill to let women on throne

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The fact that I really dislike Koizumi notwithstanding, I support this move by him and the LDP.

Heath said:
My mother is very against that organization http://www.now.org and she does vote very conservatively.

Your mother is female, right? Misogynistic women are generally not well liked by those of us who aren't ashamed that our reproductive organs are on the inside rather than the out.
Teresh said:
Your mother is female, right? Misogynistic women are generally not well liked by those of us who aren't ashamed that our reproductive organs are on the inside rather than the out.

Of course my mom is a woman. The primary reason my mom does not like the organization is that they murder babies. They allow murderous abortion. My mom said no to abortion and that is the reason I praise God that I am here today Thanks to my mom and God too. My mom did not commit murder before God.

The NOW is a very evil and very satanic organization and breaks God's laws all the time.

p.s. I do not understand what you mean or are talking about when you said..... " Misigynistic women "..... I am a guy so I am not sure what misigynistic women means.... tell me what it means please?

This I do know is that the feminists viciously attacks any good law abiding woman who loves God and The Truth.
Heath said:
I know this is off topic but there is vital information you need to know. F.Y.I.

I just wanted to point out that where Biblical Prophecy is concerned that in the End Times, The KJV Holy Bible says women will take position of authority and rebel against God ...

Whoa!! :shock: Book, chapter and verse, Heath. My Bible says, "In the last days, your sons and daughters will prophesy..." I don't see that as rebellion by anyone, do you? How well do you read and know your Bible, Heath? Let's keep it in context and not by what your pastor says. Remember, I am able to match him in biblical knowledge, as I've also been in the ministry.
Heath said:
Biblical prophecy says that women will take the world stage and rebel against God in the End Times. God clearly manadates that men are to be in a position of authority at all times. You will notice satan says " I will be the most high and ascend to the throne of Heaven " then in the spiritual world mirrors the world leadership system. God said to pray for the world leaders, people in authority and government officals. Pray for those in leadership positions.


Book, chapter and verse. You need to provide it, not your pastor, or you owe these people here an apology for your ignorance.
pek1 said:

Book, chapter and verse. You need to provide it, not your pastor, or you owe these people here an apology for your ignorance.

Hey Heath the Amish Boy,
Care to challenge Peter's comments? Where did you get the :spam: info?
pek1 said:
Whoa!! :shock: Book, chapter and verse, Heath. My Bible says, "In the last days, your sons and daughters will prophesy..." I don't see that as rebellion by anyone, do you? How well do you read and know your Bible, Heath? Let's keep it in context and not by what your pastor says. Remember, I am able to match him in biblical knowledge, as I've also been in the ministry.

You are from a very liberal apostate church that does not teach the right things to suit your left wing radical agenda.

1 Timothy 2:12 (King James Version)

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

1 Timothy 2:14 (King James Version)

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
Mookie said:
Hey Heath the Amish Boy,
Care to challenge Peter's comments? Where did you get the :spam: info?

I am challenging Pete's comments and for one, I am not Amish. I don't even resemble an Amish man. I live maybe 800 miles away from the Amish community. I am born in Texas and about as Texan as you can get.
Heath said:
Of course my mom is a woman. The primary reason my mom does not like the organization is that they murder babies. They allow murderous abortion.

This I do know is that the feminists viciously attacks any good law abiding woman who loves God and The Truth.


You're doing more damage than I ever could and damaging the Gospel's sake.

I know of absolutely no organization that murders babies. I do know of several organizations that educate people for sexual reasons. Would you rather have AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases without learning about them? Also, to be a feminist, for a woman, is to say that she has a head on her shoulders, can think for herself (can your mommy do that?), handle the household affairs (paying the bills, grocery shopping, making the food, laundry), bringing home a paycheck...et al. I find your comments extremely bigoted and sexist, not even Biblical. A woman does not deserve to get her head kicked in by a man, but, according to you, she does. I hope your mom isn't beat up by her husband, Heath.

By the way, I have driven the ladies bus at Hyles-Anderson College and every one of them can out-preach the guys! How do I know? I've heard them preach and none of the guys can hold a candle to them. :thumb:
pek1 said:

You're doing more damage than I ever could and damaging the Gospel's sake.

I know of absolutely no organization that murders babies. I do know of several organizations that educate people for sexual reasons. Would you rather have AIDS or sexually transmitted diseases without learning about them? Also, to be a feminist, for a woman, is to say that she has a head on her shoulders, can think for herself (can your mommy do that?), handle the household affairs (paying the bills, grocery shopping, making the food, laundry), bringing home a paycheck...et al. I find your comments extremely bigoted and sexist, not even Biblical. A woman does not deserve to get her head kicked in by a man, but, according to you, she does. I hope your mom isn't beat up by her husband, Heath.

You are jumping to conclusions. You are denying that the very radical and evil organization N.O.W. does not murder babies. Being a feminist is not Biblical. A man provides for the woman and that is very Biblical !!!! I never said a woman deserves to get her head kicked in by a man. You said that. My dad never hit my mom for starters so you are really jumping to conclusions right here !!!!!!
Heath said:
You are from a very liberal apostate church that does not teach the right things to suit your left wing radical agenda.

1 Timothy 2:12 (King James Version)

But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

1 Timothy 2:14 (King James Version)

And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Would you like to prove that or get a lawsuit slapped against you? You need to look at the surrounding Scripture verses, as you are taking them all out of context.

You know, Judas Iscariot committed suicide. Some people would pinpoint a Scripture verse for themselves for a particular day. What would you say if they landed on the one that says, "go do likewise?"
Heath said:
You are jumping to conclusions. You are denying that the very radical and evil organization N.O.W. does not murder babies. Being a feminist is not Biblical. A man provides for the woman and that is very Biblical !!!! I never said a woman deserves to get her head kicked in by a man. You said that. My dad never hit my mom for starters so you are really jumping to conclusions right here !!!!!!

No. I said, prove that NOW does that. I want to see those corpses.
pek1 said:
Would you like to prove that or get a lawsuit slapped against you? You need to look at the surrounding Scripture verses, as you are taking them all out of context.

You know, Judas Iscariot committed suicide. Some people would pinpoint a Scripture verse for themselves for a particular day. What would you say if they landed on the one that says, "go do likewise?"

What does this have to do with this discussion and this is :topic: It is clear to me you are looking for a lawsuit. These days, can't even have a good debate without some bloodthristy liberal evil minded lawsuit being slammed. Is that why you are here in AllDeaf looking for a bloodthristy evil liberal minded lawsuit. Well you are not gonna have have it. This conversation ends right now. You are put on ignore.
pek1 said:
No. I said, prove that NOW does that. I want to see those corpses.

See #14 on their own website then now you are put on ignore because you are digusting, not only did you lie right in front of me you said NOW does not support abortion. NOW does support abortion. I praise God and my mom for making the right decision to say no to abortion. You would have " in effect murdered me when I was born !!!! " Thank God I was not born to evil hating parents who support abortion. I was born to good loving parents who do not support abortion.

Heath said:
What does this have to do with this discussion and this is :topic: It is clear to me you are looking for a lawsuit. These days, can't even have a good debate without some bloodthristy liberal evil minded lawsuit being slammed. Is that why you are here in AllDeaf looking for a bloodthristy evil liberal minded lawsuit. Well you are not gonna have have it. This conversation ends right now. You are put on ignore.

:roll: :lol:

Grow up, Heath.
Why Does NOW Support China's Forced Abortion Policy?

Tuesday, February 05, 2002
By Wendy McElroy

Congress recently appropriated $34 million for the United Nations Population Fund, the organization that provides family planning services, such as birth control and abortion, to developing nations.

Among these nations is China, a nation whose "family plan" is a one-couple, one-child policy that coerces women to abort pregnancies that are not state sanctioned. The horror stories of women being subjected to forced abortions and involuntary sterilization under communist China are too numerous to be dismissed.

That may be why President Bush is contemplating exercising his presidential prerogative, under the Kemp-Kasten Amendment, to block foreign funding that supports coerced abortion or involuntary sterilization. The amendment gives the president the sole discretion to stop such funding, and both President Reagan and the first President Bush used the amendment to block monies to the UNFPA due to its involvement with China.

But the president's actions have sparked an outcry from the National Organization for Women and many feminist voices, which want America to support the UNFPA. But this position ignores the plight of Chinese women and funnels American tax dollars into supporting China's policy. On this matter, NOW has ceased to be pro-choice: It has become de facto pro-abortion.

And after years of applauding President Clinton for opening the money spigot to UNFPA on the grounds that the organization was not directly involved in forced abortions, NOW is crying "foul!"

Yet the actual foul may have occurred in Congress when it approved the funding of family policies in China. It cannot claim to have acted out of ignorance. U.S. Rep. Chris Smith, R-N.J., held a well-publicized press conference to highlight the brutality of Chinese family policy.

Last year, witnesses from China told the U.S. Senate Committee on Human Rights about the brutal and unsanitary coerced abortions in China and how pregnant women fled into hiding.

"Once I found a woman who was nine-months pregnant, but did not have a birth-allowed certificate. According to the policy, she was forced to undergo an abortion surgery," Gao Xiaoduan, former family planning officer with the Chinese government, testified in tears before the U.S. House of Representatives. The baby was born alive, its lips sucking, its limbs stretching, Xiaoduan said. "A physician injected poison into its skull, and the child died, and it was thrown into the trash can."

News stories of one-child atrocities abound. For example, a recent account in the Telegraph reported on Huaiji county — an area targeted for more than 20,000 abortions and sterilizations. "Medical" personnel with portable ultrasound equipment are expected to travel through the region, testing women, and forcing abortions on those with "unofficial" pregnancies.

Organizations like the D.C.-based think tank, Cato Institute, have spoken out consistently in protest. Cato includes the one-child policy on a short list of the greatest genocides of the 20th century.

So, USFPA funding passed Congress not due to ignorance of the facts but probably due to political pressure. In the forefront of support for the bill were so-called pro-choice congresswomen like Reps. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., Cynthia McKinney, D-Ga., and Connie Morella, R-Md. "Feminist" organizations like NOW and the Feminist Majority lobbied hard to preserve this Clinton legacy.

The "pro-choice" voices were so determined that they seemed willing to ignore the systematic brutalization of women. After all, the UNFPA has long exported a liberal, NOW-styled reproductive agenda to the Third World.

How do "pro-choice" advocates justify supporting a forced abortion policy? They tend to make one of three arguments.

First, they deny China forces women to abort. During her keynote speech at the 1990 NOW National Convention, then-President Molly Yard boldly claimed that the Chinese government only encouraged women to abort extra children, using education not force. (The policy had been implemented in the early '80s.)

Second, NOW states that forced abortions are not performed in regions where the UNFPA operates and the agency has no direct involvement. The actual charge against the UNFPA is complicity, however, not direct participation. For example, if the UNFPA buys the ultrasound equipment for Huaiji county, it would be supporting forced abortions without performing them. Moreover, it is difficult to believe assurances that the UNFPA will operate only in regions where abortions are voluntary: The one-child policy recently became national law, which will be implemented this September.

It is not clear how NOW regards the stories from brutalized Chinese women. NOW's Web site and its other information sources seem strangely silent on this matter. There are extensive discussions of atrocities against women, such as the Taliban's treatment of women, but discussion of China seems to focus on the role of the UNFPA. For example, a December 2001 NOW Legislative Update speaks of "the mistaken impression that UNFPA performs abortions in China." It skips over the anguish of Chinese women and the fact that the one-child policy is an inherent denial of reproductive freedom.

The third argument for UNFPA funding involves a prime mission of the agency — to "stabilize" world population. Thus, in an infamous 1989 appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Molly Yard described the one-child policy as "among the most intelligent in the world ..." Pro-abortion zealots seem to support not only the UNFPA funding but also the one-child policy itself. In doing so, they are betraying both women and reproductive "choice." If this is not the case, then now is the time for them to speak out clearly. Unless NOW campaigns as vigorously against China's one-child policy as it did against the Taliban's treatment of women, it should abandon the rhetoric of reproductive "freedom."

In a Dec. 12 speech to the National Press Club, NOW President Kim Gandy pleaded passionately to preserve reproductive choice for her daughters. Why do Chinese daughters deserve less?


You're letting your ignorance get the best of you.

Did you know that abortions were done when Christ walked the earth? Did you know that it was performed way before then? Countries do it for family planning, wanting one sex of child over the other. Are you aware of the party that was residing in the White House in 1973 when Roe vl Wade legalized abortions?

What about them, Heath? What about them? You, nor I, can dictate what deems to be morality, in the United States. What about the young woman who becomes pregnant and her body can't carry the baby? Then what? Oh well, so what? What about the woman who comes home and gets beat up by a parent "for getting pregnant" or a boyfriend or other friends? Look at the entire picture, Heath. The speech, "Well, then you shouldn't have had sex" is beside the point and can't be used.
Mookie said:
Hey Heath the Amish Boy,
Care to challenge Peter's comments? Where did you get the :spam: info?


What Heath doesn't understand that for every Scripture verse he can find and shove into a woman's face, there are MORE Scripture verses aimed at men than for the women. For example, did you know that the Bible commands the man to love his wife, but nowhere does it command the woman to love her husband? It also doesn't command the woman to bend over and kiss the man's ass (can I speak that plain to you?), do his laundry, cook, clean and pick up his undeez...
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