It's official!!


New Member
Dec 20, 2003
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Well well, as most of you already know that I proposed to my dear sweet ^Angel^ here in Alldeaf a couple months I made it 'official' last night (Dec. 23rd) and here is how it went:

For some time, I had been going through so many ideas of how to present the engagement ring to ^Angel^, believe me, I wore myself out and quite literally clung to the edge of being insane with Christmas rapidly approaching and no particular plan in place, that is, having one that I felt would be really unique and different...sure, thought about jumping out of a plane and meeting her down on the ground somewhere and having the 'ring' in my hand...yeah right...ya know--tooo cold!! ( :lol: )

Anyhow, earlier this week, as I was driving about attending to last minute shopping for Christmas, an idea came to mind and the more I thought of it, the more I sure like I called ^Angel^'s mom (step-mom) and told her that I had a plan in the works and after she wanted to know what my plans were and what it pertains to...I told her that I was going to present ^Angel^ the engagement ring on Friday night...suddenly she goes, "Oh my God!"...and then I asked her if she was ok and sitting down-- :lol:, she indicated that she was sitting down and wanted to hear more of the plan, I had told her that I would like to have the 'family' be a part of this and she sure was thrilled and honored to be a part of this....Then later, somehow, something else came up and I had to move the 'date' to Sunday night on Christmas Day. Then after having it set up to proceed with doing the presentation/proposal Sunday night...on Friday afternoon, something else came up that conflicted with having the plan on Sunday night, her boys would be going over to their dad's place on Sunday and staying here until, once more, I hurriedly called ^Angel^'s mom once again and asked if they were able to go ahead with the plan Friday night instead (last night)...and once getting the go-ahead from them, contacted the other members of the 'family', Cheri and their 'hearing-sister', and also getting the 'nod' for going along with doing the plan last night instead of on Sunday night. Heck, I had sweat beads rolling down my forehead, my heart a-pumping JUST trying to get this all together!! Whew!

Here is how it went:

After explaining to the two oldest boys what to do and when to such things...(all week, they have kept the 'secret' very well, ^Angel^ had no idea that they were up to something! They did a fabulous job of not giving away any hints--), last night, after making a suggestion to my dear ^Angel^ of taking the whole family out and drive around to look at the Christmas lights and explaining that was something I wanted the family to do--at first, ^Angel^ was reluctant to go as she stated that she was starting to have a sore throat, my heart kind of dropped several notches and hanging about where my feet was--I didn't say anything at first and let it slide for a short time, later I brought it up again and since I had told one of the boys to come out and ask when are we going to see the 'lights' at a 8:10 p.m., once ^Angel^ had seen one of the boys asking that and then I told her to go ahead and get changed for the colder weather outside...sure enough, she got up and did so...boy, I sure was relieved and glad all was going well!

Then we all got in the car and I took us down several streets looking and admiring the Christmas lights--gee, we all were fascinated with one house, it had lights ALL over, the whole front yard and even the whole backyard as well, I mean, the lights adorned the roof, the 'sides' of the house from top to bottom! Of course, it was beautiful to see, yet ^Angel^ and I looked at each other, nodding, "yep, gonna be a big huge electric bill!" :lol: The oldest son had his brand new cell phone with him and I told him to call and see if the others were at where I wanted them to be and head down to the place I had in mind for the official proposal to take place...once they were, I drove to the downtown area of the city we live next to and where it had all the Christmas lights up at...after parking the car in front of the small park, we all got out and the boys knew to stay behind us and I took ^Angel^'s hand and leaded us around the lights down to where the 'stable/manger' was located. (Throughout all this time, of course, I was nervous, yet very much anxious to propose and present the engagement ring to ^Angel^) Once we got there, while the boys kind of stood back a little, I pointed out to ^Angel^, "What's that?"...I was pointing at a small sign that I had made, that was propped up next to an Angel figurine that was poised at the site. She shook her head and I went up by the Angel figurine and picked up the sign and brought it up close to her which read: "For a sweet Angel" and beneath that, her real name, beneath that, "Merry Christmas!!" and she just kind of stared at that and asked, how did that get there and then I went back to the angel and reach down to get a small bag and brought it around up to her...and handed her the bag, she looked inside and looked at me, not really knowing what to say, but reaching in the bag and pulling out a small gift wrapped box, as she tried so hard to take the wrapping off, bits by little bits, I could see that she was nervous and at the same time, eager to see what it was, once she had the small box opened revealing the diamond engagement ring and immediately I got down on one knee and asked her: "Will you marry me?" She eagerly nodded and saw the engagement ring and said it was so beautiful and we hugged--kissed (ya know, the smoochin' bit :D )...then I nudged her to turn around and as she did, the whole family came up and she was sooo shocked and thrilled to see them all!! Looks like Cheri-tootsie-sis was the FIRST one to reach us! I thought that was cute, wondering at the same time, did sis run?!... :) Then everyone just jumped right in looking at the engagement ring that I had put on her finger, then congratulating us, hugging, etc.

I'll tell y'all, what a night! I'm just sooo happy and relieved at the same time that this went perfectly well and now she has a beautiful diamond ring to remind her of how truly I love and adore her, committed to spend my life with....^Angel^, I love you very much!! :hug: :ily:

Ok ok, as I've said before, stay tune: Next, is the wedding! :D
:aw: Thats sooo romantic of you did that with ^Angel^! :D I wish you guys good luck in the future! ;) :hug: Congrats!!!!!! :D Merry Christmas to you guys!
that was SO sweet RR congrats on this!! u shld have the other one engagement thread resticky so others can refresh thier minds!

congrats to BOTH of you!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on your REAL engagement! Good luck with your future! :D :applause:
Pass me a kleenex - lovely to hear your news - congrats!!
Aww Congratulations! Cheri--You have baggged the most romantic guy! You are so lucky! RR --- you had the guts... proud of what you have just done.

Congrats again! :aw:

Ohhh, it's was soo romantic, I wasn't even expecting that last night, but it was a perfect moment and I was soo nervous too trying to open the box and hoping it was a ring, and sure it was!!! :D ....And also I was sure surprise to see my whole family there, Ohhh it was a nice feelings, I had the best Christmas EVER...!!!

I love you so much RR, Thank you for making me really happy!! :ily: :hug: :cuddle:

I will post the picture of the ring after I get the film developed! :aw:
Awwwww that make me big smile :) .. Congarts RR and ^Angel^ .. make invite us to your wedding lol lol just kidding :lol:
Thank you so much! :aw:

Of course we will invite you girl :hug:
Ohhhhhhhh Good Grief!!!! I got my keyboard all wet from tearing to see a wonderful romance proposal!! I better get off line and starting drying my keyboard.

Congradulation!!!! :hug: Angel and RR.
Awsome, Congratulations, Angel and RR.. Hope you both have a great life in your future and many happiness!!!
awwww.... sweet... the story give me goosebump (keep in mind i get goosebump then i hear something romantic, or inspiring or something like that as well as other stuff (pretty senitive of me hehe))
Tamara, *poke your shoulder* Yes, Indeed pass me kneelex too...

Wha... beautiful RR's story about you and planned went well for his propsal..

Melts my hearts goes out for both of you guys... CONGRATS!!!

Oh yes, pretty please show us your engagement ring!
/me *running* giving big hugs to Angel's around the arms.... "Congrats to you beauitful the moments"
/me *shaking hands* RoadRunner's hand and delgiated beauitful your plans went well beauitfully and congrats to you.... *hugs*

Wha.. a huge wonderful news the moments!
Awwww that was so sweet. Hey Tamara and GalaxyAngel, pass me the Kleenex.

Congratulations, RR and ^Angel^, I am so happy for both of you.
I have a short attention span. Any chance someone could summarize RoadRunner's message? :ugh2: