Is alcohol or drug(s) ok to a baby or child?

:repost: I think alcohol should be on hold until the baby is a grown adult. (21 is a legal age for a person to own alcohol.) Illegal drugs? how was it brought up? I heard of crack babies but...
tekkmortal said:
:repost: I think alcohol should be on hold until the baby is a grown adult. (21 is a legal age for a person to own alcohol.) Illegal drugs? how was it brought up? I heard of crack babies but...

yes u heard right tekkmortal -- crack babies were born in the 80s during the height of the crack epidemic and today theyre having alot of challenges trying to learn new things and etc -- sad if u ask me -- those kids did NOT deserve to have a mother who was using during her pregnancy and those mothers should be automatically stripped of her rights as a mother in childrearing as shes already proven shes a UNfit mother to begin with starting with her pregnancy months!
Well, one of my husband's friend from the Boy's Scout (he know him from the Cub to Rovers) He was feeding his newborn baby - I would say about 6 weeks old - a baby bottle filled with Port, mixed with baby milk formula, as he was feeding him to soothe his constant crying, next day, he died from it as Doctor saying his has high level of alcohlic on him!! I found out it from TV News and Newspaper and could not believe its really HIM!!

Well he said he never intend to hurt him, he didnt know any better, its tragic accident which should never have happen! no excuse. Lucky he went away with behaviour good bond because his first baby died of SID and this was his second and last baby.
RedRum said:
Well, one of my husband's friend from the Boy's Scout (he know him from the Cub to Rovers) He was feeding his newborn baby - I would say about 6 weeks old - a baby bottle filled with Port, mixed with baby milk formula, as he was feeding him to soothe his constant crying, next day, he died from it as Doctor saying his has high level of alcohlic on him!! I found out it from TV News and Newspaper and could not believe its really HIM!!

Well he said he never intend to hurt him, he didnt know any better, its tragic accident which should never have happen! no excuse. Lucky he went away with behaviour good bond because his first baby died of SID and this was his second and last baby.

Oh dear....That's Horrible!! :tears:
"Well, one of my husband's friend from the Boy's Scout (he know him from the Cub to Rovers) He was feeding his newborn baby - I would say about 6 weeks old - a baby bottle filled with Port, mixed with baby milk formula, as he was feeding him to soothe his constant crying, next day, he died from it as Doctor saying his has high level of alcohlic on him!! I found out it from TV News and Newspaper and could not believe its really HIM!!

Well he said he never intend to hurt him, he didnt know any better, its tragic accident which should never have happen! no excuse. Lucky he went away with behaviour good bond because his first baby died of SID and this was his second and last baby."

tsk tsk tsk he should've restart middle school.
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Did you know that some Children medicine have little alcohol?? I am sure there are some medicine that have little or tiny percent of alcohol inside.

There are two different ways between alcohol-free and alcohol. For me, I rather medicine with alcohol cuz more fastest recovery and less pain.

I wonder how Europe and other countries handle with the children after giving kind of medicine that included little alcohol.

I do remmy I want taste Vanilla Flavor (made from Mexico) that included alcohol inside. My grandma told me mexican use Vanilla bottle for coughing relief in country of Mexico. I reckon that other countries do same thing in different ways.
If I want some alch. in medication, I would take my children to doctor to have RX done, or a list of names with medications...

Yes there is one cough syrup has alch. in it but the amount of dosage could be fatal so It's better have it done by the doctor and their decision of dosage. My son had one when He was small due of bronchistis and cold/cough at sametime.. I quit smokes now 1 year 9 months this is worth for my kids not to get sick.. My son hasn't had bronchistis for over 1 half years! Much "big difference" my daughter Rarely gets bronchistis.. but she get lots of Post Nasal Drip (part of allergy) to her throat get more sore throat nothing can be done except take a plain sudafeds.. that's all.. Nowdays They believe antibotic would NOT help very much on colds/flu and ear infection because they believe it will heal on it own.. and you could use over the counters for colds remedy and use vaporizer for these cough/stuffy nose/running nose etc etc..

BUT a PURE Alch. and PURE drugs. My answer is still a NO!

There was a story somewhere south US I can't remember but SOME of you may remember.. It might be in Florida.. but anyway this father gave his two children Nyquil, because they were sick. This story was heard thru news on national, and newspapers everywhere, I have no idea what happen after that if the father was jailed or not for how long ? but I did know that he was arrested because these two children died! I will try to find a link but it was Last year (begin of 2003)..

jesus...this topic is bought up again. *rme*

No, I will NOT give any drinks or drugs to my children til they are legal age of 21, period!

You know it don't matter how many amount of drink you give.....I mean think about this... how much you weight, how much you drink...for example, I drink 2 beer I'm already drunk due to my weight. Jesus. So imagine this that little child weighs 30lbs drink, let's say 1 can of beer, drank less didn't drink whole 1 can of beer and already drunk! Same goes with pregnancy, baby inside you...figure it out! This is absurd topic and I don't want to dicuss any further abt this. *Shrugs*
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deafdyke said:
What about soda? That has caffine.
I remember when I was little my uncles would give me sips of their beers. I can't remember how it tasted, but now I am not too fond of beer. I'm a Mike's girl

Well 8 oz. coffee have 3-4 times more caffinee than high caffinee soda like 12oz. Mountain Dew and chocolate. That is way lot more caffinee than regular soda. So it is big difference.
Well. Of course HELL NO! Never touch alcohol or drugs to little child especially baby. The younger/smaller they are, the easier chance they will die from it. Like for an example, mom who smokes during pregnant can KILL the baby and/or easily mess up the baby's body inside. When the person are big and older. It usually take them 40 years to die from smoking. Also other example, ONE SLAP on baby's face can KILL THE BABY!
Steel, for people to discuss about this issue. You could have read vamproyx's comment.

Alcohol and drug(s) may be participated in any kind of medicine. Some of kids will be required to have some medicine for some reasons but not for purpose that would harm them. Just a single alcohol or drugs like cocaine and etc --They are not good sign for kids to take.

Drugs/alcohols in a medicine for reasonable only.
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Steel....why, you ask? That's easy, Vampy wants to see how much y'all have grown up since this was locked! :laugh2:
eternity said:
Steel, for people to discuss about this issue. You could have read vamproyx's comment.

Alcohol and drug(s) may be participated in any kind of medicine. Some of kids will be required to have some medicine for some reasons but not for purpose that would harm them. Just a single alcohol or drugs like cocaine and etc --They are not good sign for kids.
Eternity...I have already know that alcholol can be a helpful drug but you think it would be helpful to fill in both alcohol and milk in one bottle to feed the young and then BAM! it's dead because too much alcohol has entered the baby's system, shutting down the nervous system and damning an unbelieveable amount of brain cells and nerve cells aboard. most alcohol can be very effective against the baby even if it's only a year old or whatever.

so, yes, some alcohol can be helpful when the baby is whisey, of course. But c'mon...if my baby was sick and has a flu, you think alcohol would be the solution for this? Tell me this when you read this.
some alcohol can be helpful when the baby is whisey, of course

It is not going to help baby's teeth by drink a whiskey because that whiskey is kind of strong --it has a bit more alcohol amount in it.

An alcohol (itself) --can kill their brain cells --even if baby has only few brain cells it can cause them to become a mental retard, fry brain, or baby would be dead. For adult -- you can see how they got drunk -- by drink that alcohol..
E, I think what Steel intended for the whiskey is just to wet a finger in whiskey and rub the baby's gums or teething areas......
Yea I know what Steel means by that but baby will resistin from taste it--maybe baby will end up by throwing up?