Ironies you have experienced...

You know speaking of the gym, one irony I see is that the guys and girls do the exercising to look more attractive and therefore healthier. But what do they do with all that health? They get wasted drinking and having unprotected sex. Jersey Shore is a perfect example.
That would be more appropriate for the CTA rails, which, by the way, I stopped riding because of armed robberies and all that. I'll take the Metra any day than get my ass kicked and get robbed.
Mark, just put "irony" on the same list as "sarcasm"--you need to know what they mean and see more examples of them before you can practice them.

Not your fault; it's part of your education that was probably neglected. But you can still learn.
You know speaking of the gym, one irony I see is that the guys and girls do the exercising to look more attractive and therefore healthier. But what do they do with all that health? They get wasted drinking and having unprotected sex. Jersey Shore is a perfect example.

Yes, then I see them at the age of 25 - 30 in the hospital with severe liver cirrhosis and in need of kidney transplants or daily dialysis. Oh, what a pleasant world all that daily "fun" got them into. :roll: I love when they act all shocked about it too... "OMG WHAT?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Me: "Oh, you mean all the binge drinking you were doing almost every night for those years? You didn't think that was going to have any sort of repercussion? Here they are! Congratulations!" :roll: You can tell them to you're blue in the face when they're 21 and they don't care when they have a small trip to the ER for alcohol poisoning. You warn them... You TELL THEM... you need to chill out, slow it down... this isn't going to be pretty, your kidneys and liver are in pretty bad shape... do they listen?! NoOooOoOOooOoOoooooo! What do I know!? So, you see them in a year or so back with the cirrhosis or in need or transplants or dialysis and they act shocked.... I TOLD YOU LAST YEAR DON'T ACT SHOCKED! :mad: :roll: *sigh* What a vicious, vicious, stupid, stupid, vicious, stupid cycle.... :roll: *facepalm* What is it they yell? YOLO! LOL! NOT!
Yes, then I see them at the age of 25 - 30 in the hospital with severe liver cirrhosis and in need of kidney transplants or daily dialysis. Oh, what a pleasant world all that daily "fun" got them into. :roll: I love when they act all shocked about it too... "OMG WHAT?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?!"

:laugh2: You can't help but laugh at that. It's their own undoing and all you can do is hope they learned. What's even more disturbing is that some came from a family of alcoholics and you would think that by growing up in such an unhealthy environment that they would try to avoid that but nope they repeat the cycle even after seeing their family die due to drinking. :roll:

This reminds me of those bad drivers who somehow just keep getting into accidents like there's some kind of higher power that routes collisions to them. But if you look at the way they drive well it's obvious WHY they keep getting into accidents. Some tailgate with only a foot buffer zone, some run red lights, some speed way too fast, it's like come on, how do you not make the connection between your driving and accidents?
Ah I got it, well that's sort of ironic. What I mean by ironic is in the following:

irony - definition and examples - figures of speech
Examples of Irony
Irony - Definition and Examples | Literary Devices

So in your train example, a better example of irony would be that you wanted to board on the last train so that would be the least crowded and thus safer. But you end up getting surrounded by gang members.

"I thought ironic meant 'made up entirely of iron.'" - Arthur Spooner in King of Queens
:laugh2: You can't help but laugh at that. It's their own undoing and all you can do is hope they learned. What's even more disturbing is that some came from a family of alcoholics and you would think that by growing up in such an unhealthy environment that they would try to avoid that but nope they repeat the cycle even after seeing their family die due to drinking. :roll:

You make it sound like it is their fault. Alcoholism is a DISEASE recognized by the AMA and an extremely insidious one. What do they do, use will power? Doesn't work.
I think Alanis Morrisette's "isn't it Ironic" kinda ruined everyone's idea if irony. A lot of what people see as irony is really results if Murphy's Law. I wonder if there's a word or another phrase for that.

Like every time I win money some unforeseen thing happens that I have to spend money on. Example a fees years ago the same day my tax return was automatically deposited into my bank account my fridge died and we had to buy a new one. I have sooooo many examples like that. But it isn't irony, it's Murphy's law in action.
I once had a woman with pink CI come to buy a bike from me. As it turned out, I had few green, red, and blue bikes. I had only one pink bike. She wanted the pink bike. She tried to bargain. I would have nothing with that. Pink CI, pink bike....I think customers have to be more discreet when shopping.

For some reason this cracks me up!! :lol: Did the lady end up with the pink bike? Or did you run her off for being too pink?
Or was she so hopelessly pink that it was a feeble ploy on her part to bargain? She could have pounded you down a few bucks on a green one?
Its really ironic that I have seen people driving 4x4 or AWD above the speed limit on slickly slippery icy roads! Even those with no 4x4 or whatever...
I think Alanis Morrisette's "isn't it Ironic" kinda ruined everyone's idea if irony. A lot of what people see as irony is really results if Murphy's Law. I wonder if there's a word or another phrase for that.

Like every time I win money some unforeseen thing happens that I have to spend money on. Example a fees years ago the same day my tax return was automatically deposited into my bank account my fridge died and we had to buy a new one. I have sooooo many examples like that. But it isn't irony, it's Murphy's law in action.

Jinxed? LOL That ought to be my middle name!
I being older look at Jess like she is beautiful princess. So it is easy for me to go the next step and its Jinxess Jessie. :P
No I am not. I was like everyone in, innocent. It is past tense...but yeah I dated a cop once....
I'm still not getting the irony. Do you hate cops or what?