Iran's Sleeper Cells will awake in America if attacked.

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We Almost came to Nuclear War when JFK had the Cuban Missle crises
Actually Buckdodgers, nobody wants a nuclear war. I know the nuclear payload does not look that too powerful , that is because it is a test payload but if it was the real thing then it would be 10,000 x more powerful than the atomic bomb. I recently talked with a U.S. Air Force serviceman who told me you take that film and magnify it by 10,000 x even beyond that, 10,000 x is just not gonna cut it. He said it would probably be more like 6 to 8 states blown off the map of the USA if there was a real Soviet missile launched at us here in the USA. He said that the Hollywood movies that have a nuclear blast and fallout theme to the movie usually shows one city destroyed, that is it. In real life, it would be 6 to 8 states really easily so you can see the Islamic Republic of Iran may be crazy but they are not that stupid. I think it is more of Iran playing their cards smartly to deal the right cards so that Israel will have to stop some of the activities that they have been doing against Lebanon and Palestine as well as another Arabic countries to buy Iran some more time which would make sense but do I trust Iran's henchmen with the nuclear missiles. No, because in the Iran Revolutionary Guard as well as Iranian regular army , air force and another specialized units have Al Qaeda and another terroristic elements infilitrating the Iranian military ranks and they can be very close to the nuclear missiles in fact, there may be one of the guys walking back and forth with a rifle standing guard at the entrance to the nuclear missiles and the terrorists can hijack the Iranian army into a nuclear standoff or even worse, a nuclear war when the Iranian army in their right mind are only using the nuclear missiles as their playing card but the terrorists have a even more dangerous purpose pointing the nuclear missiles towards Israel and the USA when the Iranian military was not the one doing that at all which would make for a very tense situation that would increase really intense which will do nobody any good including the terrorists no good but of course, the terrorists will not know it is not doing them any good because they don't think like the rest of normal people so really I think Iran may start something they never meant to start in the first place even though they wanted electricity for their people but it does not help that the Iranian leader said those things about Israel and now he has islamic terrorists amongst the Iranian military ranks which really does not help the situation at all. It really is a lose-lose situation for all that are involved or are concerned about the situation itself.
Remember,,Deterrance! Ask the US Service about Deterrance.The US Military would have to take orders from the commander in chief if IRAN wipes israel off the map.When IRAN dies this then the US has no choice but to launch nukes at IRAN cause Israel is our allie.Its like when we Blast North Korea then China will launch nukes at us.Its called Deterrance!
You mean china would luanch a few nukes at the west coast of the US while the US can land about 1000 of them all over their nation.
China is not yet in a position to strong arm the US with nukes. Maybe in another decade or so.
Yea, then trust me, gas price will shot up to 100+ bux a gallon! Are you willing to take that hit? Trust me! This will happen because this idea is gonna wipe out alot of oil reserves, are you stupid? Iran is sitting on world largest oil reserve! You need real brain surgery!

You need to look at your logic thinking because your logic thinking is really like frankstein!

Yeah it does! Any President could and decide to grab that football anytime he wants.Theres a Military personell beside the president with the metal case with Nuclear Launch Codes.At Any time if he decides to he can grab it and boom!!! That Country is gone.We need a very tough president who had enough with arabs and terrorism.And then they will learn a lesson.
This proves what? NOBODY have the GUTS to press that red button! They both knew that they both will get wiped out in less than 5 minutes and everything will just be black and white! Worth it? I don't think so, so JFK and Brezhnev too!

We Almost came to Nuclear War when JFK had the Cuban Missle crises
Yea, then trust me, gas price will shot up to 100+ bux a gallon! Are you willing to take that hit? Trust me! This will happen because this idea is gonna wipe out alot of oil reserves, are you stupid? Iran is sitting on world largest oil reserve! You need real brain surgery!

You need to look at your logic thinking because your logic thinking is really like frankstein!

Er...a correction here... It is the Saudis that have the largest oil reserves. The Iranians have the 2nd largest I believe. :whistle:
Why are we focusing so much on Ahmenjadi anyway? He's only a figurehead. The mullahs have all the power, he has all the words.
Nukes are not the answer.
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