Iran's Sleeper Cells will awake in America if attacked.

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Wakeup call for sleeping fiends

This is Being discussed on FOX NEWS.But we have the upper hand.If Iran warns america of being attacked by the US Military they will awake the sleeper cells and attack us.But heres what Bush should do.Warn IRAN Back if you attack us in ANY WAY we will launch 3 100 megaton nuclear warheads on IRAN. IRAN is in a NO WIN Situation! Thats 6 million iranians dead on Impact.We might have 4,000 people dead because of sleeper cells but iran will have 6 million dead on their hands.So ask yourself this question,,Will it be worth it IRAN?

Get a grip on reality. Nothing is so simple as that. What you are proposing is called "overkill". There is no way we could justify such a response to the rest of the world. It always has to be a measured response. Why do you think Iran plays its crazy game? It is because they know that fact. Iran has to do something really, really stupid to get nuked with a one or a couple of missiles, let along all of our missiles (besides it is stupid for us to use them all when we need them for other possible enemies too!). They may be somewhat irrational due to their Shiite version of Islam but they are not imbeciles. Soooo, the game keeps playing on...
Well would it be justified if JFK did Launch Nukes at Russia if Russia did cross that Blockade and decide were gonna send missles to cuba anyway?
That is a very interesting question and worth pondering a bit. The event "The Cuban Missile Crisis" was the probably the most intense "poker" game ever played in world history. It all hinged on who would fold first. Still, I say we were at the advantage over the Soviets as it was our home "territory" so to speak. It might have been different if it were in a area more neutral.

Now, to answer your question...I have my doubts if it would ever escalated to that point. We both had the capacity for Mutually Assured destruction and I don't think either side really wanted to go there (it would have been a nuclear winter for sure). I really don't know even with Cuba, if it were ever to be justified. Millions upon millions would have been killed and not just between us two countries...
Buckdodgers said:
Well would it be justified if JFK did Launch Nukes at Russia if Russia did cross that Blockade and decide were gonna send missles to cuba anyway?

What is it about you, Buck, that makes you SO preoccupied with world annihilation????

Like the person above said, it's NOT that simple. It's never been that simple, and it never will be that simple.

You can't just threaten someone that way. First of all, you have to be willing to do as you say. We are, but if we do as you suggest, we'll have alot of countries we'll have to answer to. You forget about a little thing called allies. We have ours, and Iran has theirs. If we attack them, their allies will attack us, and something called a world war could begin.

I'm not suggesting this would happen, but hypothetically it could. We don't want to have to answer for our actions in any way. We would rather have a just cause to bomb a country. Just because one country is being stupid doesn't give us the right to be a bully.

This is NOT a "My weenie is bigger than yours", type of game. We're not going to go around bombing people just because we can. It doesn't work that way.
Yeah it does! Any President could and decide to grab that football anytime he wants.Theres a Military personell beside the president with the metal case with Nuclear Launch Codes.At Any time if he decides to he can grab it and boom!!! That Country is gone.We need a very tough president who had enough with arabs and terrorism.And then they will learn a lesson.
Now, now Buck...don't go all unhinged on us.

Ask any former President about that responsibility and they will tell that is the hardest aspect of their jobs. I'm quite sure they were very glad to hand that over to the next president. To be labeled as the one who let them loose for most likely the wrong reasons is daunting to say the least.

Give it a rest and stop spraining your brain over this stuff.
Thats rather moronic, you think we should go and kill a bunch of innocent people because their government is a fuck up. Thats like if france decided, fuck it, we hate bush, hes been nothing but a fuck up the american goverment has pissed us off so were just going to go kill 6 million of their citizens.

thats totally irrational.
Buckdodgers said:
Yeah it does! Any President could and decide to grab that football anytime he wants.Theres a Military personell beside the president with the metal case with Nuclear Launch Codes.At Any time if he decides to he can grab it and boom!!! That Country is gone.We need a very tough president who had enough with arabs and terrorism.And then they will learn a lesson.

I can not believe that you just equated all arab people to being terrorists.
And the fear of terrorism is just beyond idoitic..... First of all the chances that you'd get killed by Tom Clancy type terrorists is very low. It's MORE likely that you'd get killed by domestic terror groups, like the extreme anti-abortion groups who bomb Planned Parenthood etc.....
Sorry, I disagree with you there. How soon you forget about the close calls we had in the last couple of years...

We are just starting to see the tip of the iceburg. What if they didn't get that latest batch of conspirialists both in Canada and US? Eventually, they will start making "statements" is just a matter of time and we can't catch them all.

I'm sure you will change your tune when that happens...
Your Mom said:
Thats rather moronic, you think we should go and kill a bunch of innocent people because their government is a fuck up. Thats like if france decided, fuck it, we hate bush, hes been nothing but a fuck up the american goverment has pissed us off so were just going to go kill 6 million of their citizens.

thats totally irrational.
WHAT CHOICE DO WE HAVE? Iran has already threaten us with terrorist attacks if we order military action against them to take out nuclear sites.That Crazy Radical guy in iran is just like Adolph Hitler.He says stuff like Israel will be wiped off the map.And Look at Al Quedas #2 man who also uses threats against americans.I agree 100% with Israel Actions they taken against lebanon.And they dont Tolerate whats going on in gaza nether.We need to make those arab dictators think about the consequences if they choose take on america.You saw what happend in IRAQ. We gave the People a chance to remove saddam from power,,, well they were afraid to so we took matters into our own hands.Look at Iranians theyre scared to overthrow their current goverment.So we need to remove him ourselves.
Buckdodgers said:
WHAT CHOICE DO WE HAVE? Iran has already threaten us with terrorist attacks if we order military action against them to take out nuclear sites.That Crazy Radical guy in iran is just like Adolph Hitler.He says stuff like Israel will be wiped off the map.And Look at Al Quedas #2 man who also uses threats against americans.I agree 100% with Israel Actions they taken against lebanon.And they dont Tolerate whats going on in gaza nether.We need to make those arab dictators think about the consequences if they choose take on america.

We have? You're acting as though the president is going to send out some sort of poll and ask our opinion on what he should do.

Thats like saying because someone threatens to hit you, you go and hit them first. Thats just stooping to their level, I agree that something has to be done but killing 6 million innocent people is stupid.
Your Mom said:
We have? You're acting as though the president is going to send out some sort of poll and ask our opinion on what he should do.

Thats like saying because someone threatens to hit you, you go and hit them first. Thats just stooping to their level, I agree that something has to be done but killing 6 million innocent people is stupid.
No thats not what im saying...When they threat THREAT BACK!! Let them know the the consequences will be if they attack america.And if they Kill 4,000 people again like they did on 9-11 this will be the the consequences!
Buckdodgers said:
No thats not what im saying...When they threat THREAT BACK!! Let them know the the consequences will be if they attack america.And if they Kill 4,000 people again like they did on 9-11 this will be the the consequences!

Yes we can threaten back, but what do you really think would happen if we went and killed 6 million innocent people? Or are you just suggesting that we should lie, and tell them that we plan to kill 6 million of their people. You dont think that would just piss them off more? Not only would it piss iran off, it would piss the world off that we would even make such a vile and disgusting threat.

Yeah smart idea, why dont we lie, tell iran we will kill 6 million innocent people, and then have the whole world hate us a little bit more, you dont think that it might just blow up in our faces?
Buckdodgers said:
No thats not what im saying...When they threat THREAT BACK!! Let them know the the consequences will be if they attack america.And if they Kill 4,000 people again like they did on 9-11 this will be the the consequences!

You're threatening to sprain your brain again...

Steve, take a deep breath... And LISTEN for a second...

You CAN'T make threats UNLESS you're willing to back up those threats. Do you really think the United States wants to risk a nuclear war? They don't, and they're NOT going to do ANYTHING, if that is what it means.

A President has to act responsibly, and threatening a country with nuclear war is NOT being responsible; especially when you don't know what sort of itchy trigger finger the other guy may have!

Let me say this. I am NOT a pacifist. I believe that there are just reasons for declaring war. However, I don't believe declaring war on people for the hell of it, is the way to get things done. That's why we have diplomacy. Diplomacy should be tried first. If diplomacy isn't working and a country is being a butt-head, and the ONLY way to deal with them is by force, then, yes declare war and kick their ass! But, DO IT ONLY after you've tried other things first!

War should be the last resort. Not the first option.

No thats not what im saying...When they threat THREAT BACK!! Let them know the the consequences will be if they attack america.And if they Kill 4,000 people again like they did on 9-11 this will be the the consequences!

Dont you have any idea what a nuclear bomb does? It kills 2 million people on impact within 25-50 mile radus.If we Strike Tehran the Iran president would be dead.The General wouild be dead and the Whole goverment would be dead.And Hezbollah would go out of business cause Iran government is dead. Now what will Iran do about it when their president and government officals are all dead?
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