Interested about Gallaudet

I wanted to do the Deaf studies, I find it interesting but though I am deaf too.. might be more worth the experience.. how long did your studies take?

Thanks, mate

2 and half years...the program is a 60 credit program as opposed to a 30 credit program as most graduate programs are. As a result, I get paid more money for graduating with a MA plus 30 credits instead of just a MA. can be short depending on if u take summer classes like I did. I went full time thru Fall, Spring and each Summer session cuz I didnt have the luxury to take my time with my studies as I was a single mother at the time. :)
I wanted to do the Deaf studies, I find it interesting but though I am deaf too.. might be more worth the experience.. how long did your studies take?

Thanks, mate

The Deaf studies program is different from the Deaf Education program
I think it's great that you're wanting to go to Gallaudet. It seems like you're kind of having a hard time trying to obtain information regarding of financial aid for international students.

I have a suggestion - I am sure there are several deaf people from Australia that went to Gallaudet. I was thinking, Why don't you ask one of them where they got their financial aid from and how were they able to get it? That is if you know any one of them that had went to Gallaudet. It might help since they are/were international students. Sometime it helps to get more information from those who already has had the experience. It's worth a try. ;)

Good Luck with your endeavors. ;)
I think it's great that you're wanting to go to Gallaudet. It seems like you're kind of having a hard time trying to obtain information regarding of financial aid for international students.

Thank you Jolie.

I have a suggestion - I am sure there are several deaf people from Australia that went to Gallaudet. I was thinking, Why don't you ask one of them where they got their financial aid from and how were they able to get it? That is if you know any one of them that had went to Gallaudet. It might help since they are/were international students. Sometime it helps to get more information from those who already has had the experience. It's worth a try. ;)

Good Luck with your endeavors. ;)

Jolie, thank you for your suggestion, but I did try - I have a married couple who both are family friend of mine, both went to gallaudet and I asked them, the husband is an american - known as Kyle Miers - he went there and loved it but the VR sponosered his studies but his wife, went there for a year - her parents paid for it.
Thank you, LakeTahoe. Lets get this topic back on track, as I am still interested!! I love the way ASL works between my language, but I am lucky enough to know some very well at the least, gets me in conversation. But for my real aim, to get a diploma or whatever from G.U, make new friends, learn their culture and the best thing I would ever want to return back to Australia as a role model!

I would suggest pulling the Gally website up, and clicking your way totheir finanacial aid office. From there you can send an email directly to them and I'm sure they would be happy to answer any questions you might have.
Sunshine1, thank you for these excellent information you have just provided, I am really tempted.. but G.U is an excellent University too... but RIT when I just visited the site, seems really nice too but in N.Y? I have a family friend who lives in D.C.

About the scholarship you just mentioend about high school grades etc - really, I graduated from grade 12 in Australia two years ago. I am currently working for the government at the moment, but still I would love to go to the States and experience for a year or two, plus I am unsure what major course I'd like to study, as there is so many varies of courses I would like to study but mainly deaf studies woould be very impressive, but I also, needed to undertake ASL classes, to improve my ASL, I only commuinicate in AUSLAN (Australia Sign Language) and I teach my students to learn AUSLAN too. But ASL and their culture has pulled my interest and the G.U too.

But, is there any scholarship that could offer for international Students, like myself?

Once again, thanks Sunshine1

Another suggestion after reading this posting--is it possible, since you are working for the govt. that they would be willing to do a tuition reimbursement of some sort whereby they would pay your tuition and you would agree tocome back to Australia and use your knowledge to set up programs for the deaf?
Another suggestion after reading this posting--is it possible, since you are working for the govt. that they would be willing to do a tuition reimbursement of some sort whereby they would pay your tuition and you would agree to come back to Australia and use your knowledge to set up programs for the deaf?

Sounds interesting.. what kind of programs would it be for the deaf?
According to the outstanding results from the members of AD with their suggestions/Ideas, all of yours execpt Deafilmedia (What a joke!) have been grateful to help... provide information as they can, I thank you very much for this.

I have been thinking today, is it possible, if I plan like 3 months or so holiday (on short term VISA) and visit galluadet and seek to work there and undertake a short course, like for example ASL learning course? I am keen to improve my ASL, as currently I know some that could start a conversation or two! :D

Like short time to experience my time in the states and make friends while I am on holiday.

What do you reckon, farewell65?
Sounds interesting.. what kind of programs would it be for the deaf?

It would depend on what is needed in your area, but perhaps some sort of an early intervention program for parents and children based on a bi-bi approach, or revision of educational practices. I know that in Sweden, as soon as a child is diagnosed, sign language classes are offered to all parents and their educational system is very attuned to the sign language needs of deaf students. Or perhaps something in the area of vocational cousnseling or mental health services specifically aimed at the linguistic differences of deaf signers.
It would depend on what is needed in your area, but perhaps some sort of an early intervention program for parents and children based on a bi-bi approach, or revision of educational practices. I know that in Sweden, as soon as a child is diagnosed, sign language classes are offered to all parents and their educational system is very attuned to the sign language needs of deaf students. Or perhaps something in the area of vocational cousnseling or mental health services specifically aimed at the linguistic differences of deaf signers.

Hmm, that's interesting - we needed some of these for Australia also, I could think of some deaf meida advertising as I have studied media - I cuold help with the multimedia for the deaf in Australia.....I could do some deaf studies at G.U.
Hmm, that's interesting - we needed some of these for Australia also, I could think of some deaf meida advertising as I have studied media - I cuold help with the multimedia for the deaf in Australia.....I could do some deaf studies at G.U.

Did you get a scholarship when you were a senior year of high school?

Now, you are working for the government. It is a risk that you leave your job and move to a college like Gallaudet. Will you able to get your job back after you finish your school?

Many American people cannot afford to leave their job and study at college. One reason is that the bank look up their record to see how many years they have been working so that they are able to get a loan from their bank to buy a house for example. The banks have no feelings for them. Many people are being trapped which is very common nowadays.
Did you get a scholarship when you were a senior year of high school?

Now, you are working for the government. It is a risk that you leave your job and move to a college like Gallaudet. Will you able to get your job back after you finish your school?

Many American people cannot afford to leave their job and study at college. One reason is that the bank look up their record to see how many years they have been working so that they are able to get a loan from their bank to buy a house for example. The banks have no feelings for them. Many people are being trapped which is very common nowadays.

That is what I am concerned about but I have decided, I want to keep the Job I have today - but I am planning to take about 2 or 3 weeks holiday leave to fly to Washington D.C! I hopefully will start saving money from mid september until late next year, where I will be hopeful to head out to the states for the first time in 10 years. But to my curiousity - I'd love to meet a few deaf people when I am in town.... and improve with my ASL with the other people.... does Washington D.C have Starbucks coffee shop there????
That is what I am concerned about but I have decided, I want to keep the Job I have today - but I am planning to take about 2 or 3 weeks holiday leave to fly to Washington D.C! I hopefully will start saving money from mid september until late next year, where I will be hopeful to head out to the states for the first time in 10 years. But to my curiousity - I'd love to meet a few deaf people when I am in town.... and improve with my ASL with the other people.... does Washington D.C have Starbucks coffee shop there????

I am very sorry that we do not have a Starbuck coffee shop in the U.S. :whistle: ;) :giggle:
I am very sorry that we do not have a Starbuck coffee shop in the U.S. :whistle: ;) :giggle:

LMAO :laugh2: - You are joking, for sure! The U.S definitely have Starbucks! Becuase it is an american breed coffee shop where they have franchised to Australia! I bet it is everywhere in the States!!!! :nana: