intelligent people more prone to use drugs - here's why ...

True that....and on 2nd thought, Drugs can/will/do ruin Families....Many hard-core Addicts can't stop, no matter how many trips to Rehab.....Families can't deal with them. Children are scarred for life....

Very sad saga there....Been thru it with 2 family members. And no matter how "strong minded" some people like to brag that they are...once the drug gets their claws into you....then the drugs are in control.....

I don't allow drugs of any kind, marijuana my home....It's their choice to do drugs, but on their own dime, their own place but not in my space!..No matter the preachings of "Moderation is the Key"....So be it.

Coming from a family of alcoholics, I understand what addiction is from seeing it first hand, but I wouldn't have it back as being illegal either. In a truly free society, people should be able to do what they want in regards to their own lives and their own bodies.

I can even understand not wanting weed in your home, because nobody wants someone smoking inside, but realistically, you can become addicted to anything, some things harder than others. Ever met someone who wanted to stop drinking soda or coffee but couldn't do it?

I hope you ban caffeine in your house too, it's a drug and can easily become an addiction. Oh, and processed white sugar, gotta ban that, it's addictive too.

My point is, where do we draw the line on addictions and banning things? I smoke weed because it helps my anxiety and it's enjoyable, but I haven't smoked it in months and I'm not overwhelmed by a drive to have it.

Two of my favourite people became addicted to heroin and they're both dead now. As with the prohibition era, alcohol was unsafe and unregulated, it could kill you or even cause you to go blind and supported criminal organisations by supplying them with money and power.

If people want it, let them have it, but have it regulated so it isn't a danger to them like it was for Andy Wood. It was unregulated and pure, so he ODed and died.

When one product is harder to obtain, people will look for other ways and it may not be better.

Ugh, me and my ranting I'm out. :lol:

Post scriptum:

lol.. Thread reminded me of Star Trek Deep Space Nine
Nah...I haven't banned coffee or white sugar in my home....Moderation is the Key, or common sense. So are Sodas.....feel some of that "craving" is all in the head....grabbing a few glasses of water does help that!....But realistically, seems some people absolutely can't help themselves and over indulge....that's the problem and makes it a daily problem....Knowing yourself and your limitations should be mandatory in your thoughts and actions. Get real...and ask yourself..."do I really need this?"....grab a glass of water and get busy with something else....take a walk or a run....and if the problem is your environment...home/friends....then make it a point to change that.
I think sad story of Peaches Geldof puts drugs into perspective,she was one very intelligent wealthy girl dead at 25 leaving two young children..
I think sad story of Peaches Geldof puts drugs into perspective,she was one very intelligent wealthy girl dead at 25 leaving two young children..

There you go!....My own 3 adopted boys were the offsprings of 2 addicted parents...heroin, marijuana and crack.....You have no idea what a struggle it was for them....even myself....That was the major reason I would not allow any drugs/alcohol in my home.

My feelings are also...if you want to do drugs, even alcohol and become addicted...then remain "childless" and not have children....Do the damage to yourself...and leave the Kids out of it....The damage to your parents/family/friends is bad enough...bringing children into that hellhole is so tragic.
I not a drinker thank awful watching young people walking down street boozed up..
how were the children effected was it withdrawing as babies,i seen babies doing that make my heart bleed.
my opinions with crack heads getting pregnant is tempory sterilization see if they can clean up if not then permanent long before your boys were ok?
There's nothing intelligent about drug abuse. These articles are about as stupid as those asking whether or not animals have feelings. It should be kind of obvious....and just makes me question the writer's intelligence.

I not a drinker thank awful watching young people walking down street boozed up..
how were the children effected was it withdrawing as babies,i seen babies doing that make my heart bleed.
my opinions with crack heads getting pregnant is tempory sterilization see if they can clean up if not then permanent long before your boys were ok?

I've seen Crack babies in's horrible!!!....Alcohol babies are too. A picture that's hard to erase...

My boys will always carry the effects of what their Parents did, no doubt about it....Their anger issues were really bad....One of my boys said not too long ago..."They have ruined this family!"...and a lot of other words I won't quote here.....Believe the alcohol and drug issues they experienced will follow them all during their adulthood....
Satistic can be used so many ways next week it be other way around.World mourning one very rich intelligent woman who see her mother die of drugs.Peaches had no mother cos of drugs no lessons learned
It is true that intelligent people are prone to try drugs, but the smart ones don't continue it after a while.
ironic that many renowned doctors and brilliant minds smoke cigarettes despite of health warnings

I concur. This is why this article is pointless. Sure, it has some pointers which sounds convincing. But, in any dimensions - addiction are there right front of us. It cripples us. We all have an addiction whatever it may be in any form. It doesn't matter how intelligent one can be regardless of the addiction using drugs, cigarettes, caffiene, alcohol, etc.
Yes, well some of us intelligent people have jobs that drug test... monthly. By urine, blood and hair.... so, the use of drugs is kind of out.... :roll: Not that I really think I would use them anyway... The thought of going to jail and losing my job because I can't go in and all of those fines, fees and crap steer me pretty clear of the whole drug thing all in itself...
20 grams or less thats about 3/4oz, you will get maximum fine of $1k, and no jail time and just misdemeanor record, greater than 20 gram, its felony in your state. Sucks! Here in NY its 8 OZ = 224 grams or greater its felony, 26 gram to 223 gram its misdemeanor with 6 month jail time I think, less than that first offense $100 fine, and no jail time, and NO record of any kind. More and more state have decriminalize marijuana laws already. Recently Washington, DC where Molly Sach was busted, just signed into law decriminalize once again busted for small stash, I am not sure how much, the fine will be 25 dollars, no jail time, no record of any kind. Its pretty much like getting ticket for ignoring safety signs.

Legalization is INEVITABLE and will happen.

As of right now, there is trial going on in Colorado where a employer fired a "Star" employee where he outperform everybody in his team and has serious disability (Worse than mine) and use medical marijuana and was fired due to positive urine drug test, I applaud that he never used pot while work and employer shouldn't fire him just because he smoke joint at home mind his own business and to relieve pain. The verdict could impact easily, because employer would not be able to prove that his performance have been impaired by cannabis where government claimed that cannabis will negatively impact employment performance (As written in law book).

Yes, well some of us intelligent people have jobs that drug test... monthly. By urine, blood and hair.... so, the use of drugs is kind of out.... :roll: Not that I really think I would use them anyway... The thought of going to jail and losing my job because I can't go in and all of those fines, fees and crap steer me pretty clear of the whole drug thing all in itself...
20 grams or less thats about 3/4oz, you will get maximum fine of $1k, and no jail time and just misdemeanor record, greater than 20 gram, its felony in your state. Sucks! Here in NY its 8 OZ = 224 grams or greater its felony, 26 gram to 223 gram its misdemeanor with 6 month jail time I think, less than that first offense $100 fine, and no jail time, and NO record of any kind. More and more state have decriminalize marijuana laws already. Recently Washington, DC where Molly Sach was busted, just signed into law decriminalize once again busted for small stash, I am not sure how much, the fine will be 25 dollars, no jail time, no record of any kind. Its pretty much like getting ticket for ignoring safety signs.

Legalization is INEVITABLE and will happen.

As of right now, there is trial going on in Colorado where a employer fired a "Star" employee where he outperform everybody in his team and has serious disability (Worse than mine) and use medical marijuana and was fired due to positive urine drug test, I applaud that he never used pot while work and employer shouldn't fire him just because he smoke joint at home mind his own business and to relieve pain. The verdict could impact easily, because employer would not be able to prove that his performance have been impaired by cannabis where government claimed that cannabis will negatively impact employment performance (As written in law book).

I know for me personally, I know I can't operate.. Well, I can, but not safely operate anything big and dangerous like a car or a motorcycle when I'm high, but when I'm intoxicated from alcohol, I feel I could, but still l know better. If I have weed and know I might have to do something, I won't smoke it until I know I have nothing to do.

In some states, including the state I'm in right now, I qualify for medical marijuana, but in Virginia, only cancer and glaucoma get it. I'd rather smoke this than take pills that my counselor suggested for my problems, I've seen what pills (pharmaceuticals) do to a person after seeing the pills the VA makes my father take when weed would likely be a better medicine for him. I'm no doctor, but a nice indica would help him a lot and when I get back there, I'll let him know that.

Most people, intelligent or not do drugs daily without thinking about it, from caffeine to processed white sugar.

I digress as usual because I feel strongly about it, but yeah, it is inevitable for weed to be legalised, it's a stupid prohibition just like the previous prohibition.

In Virginia I think first offense if caught in possession of 1/2 ounce, you get a maximum penalty up to 30 days in jail and $500 fine as it currently stands. I have wondered about getting a medical marijuana card in Nevada or California, if I could use it at a Virginia dispensary.
I tried dope couple of times and made me so ill worse panic attacks of my life I did not feel real,if you in terrible terminal pain I could understand otherwise for me no...not sure I have right to tell others what they should do...we all on a road to calvery in our own way just don't take others on your personel road....
Crack/meph dealers should be hung by their nuts they responsible for peoples misery and hell
Does 420 count for anything? Anyway yes I had seen that happen to few people that is rare but they don't stay addicted no just want feel effects of drugs I guess :)

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I tried dope couple of times and made me so ill worse panic attacks of my life I did not feel real,if you in terrible terminal pain I could understand otherwise for me no...not sure I have right to tell others what they should do...we all on a road to calvery in our own way just don't take others on your personel road....
Crack/meph dealers should be hung by their nuts they responsible for peoples misery and hell

It depends on the strain, I had a satvia once, made me have a horrible panic attack, worst in my life. I found out the reason I feel sick when smoking is because I'm not inhaling it right, I'm apparently swallowing the smoke and the stomach doesn't like

Not sure about that, but I won't touch that hard crap, no thanks. I do like how weed happens to turn my knee pains into a weird, almost good feeling pulse and when my neck and back hurt, it feels like I' being massaged perfectly. My mood improves after I'm done smoking and sobered up the next day.

Bad thing about weed is a lot of strains make you super I agree though, it's not for everyone and it's a personal choice, but it isn't a bad thing, it's illegality is asinine and I'm all about civil disobedience.

When a person smoking a bud eats someone's face like the bath salt people or dies from organ failure from an overdose, then I'll quit, but it's benefits outweigh any negatives. The only negatives being risk factor if caught, not being able to operate a car or motorcycle and munchies.

Oh, and not all dealers are men, the one I met at a friend's place was a woman.. Just saying. :giggle:
Why not from same the town grummer?
Too much heat from the fuzz down uh......
(Scratches head)
It depends on the strain, I had a satvia once, made me have a horrible panic attack, worst in my life. I found out the reason I feel sick when smoking is because I'm not inhaling it right, I'm apparently swallowing the smoke and the stomach doesn't like

Not sure about that, but I won't touch that hard crap, no thanks. I do like how weed happens to turn my knee pains into a weird, almost good feeling pulse and when my neck and back hurt, it feels like I' being massaged perfectly. My mood improves after I'm done smoking and sobered up the next day.

Bad thing about weed is a lot of strains make you super I agree though, it's not for everyone and it's a personal choice, but it isn't a bad thing, it's illegality is asinine and I'm all about civil disobedience.

When a person smoking a bud eats someone's face like the bath salt people or dies from organ failure from an overdose, then I'll quit, but it's benefits outweigh any negatives. The only negatives being risk factor if caught, not being able to operate a car or motorcycle and munchies.

Oh, and not all dealers are men, the one I met at a friend's place was a woman.. Just saying. :giggle:

Have you tried eating it, cooking it in a nice oil, baking it into a cookie or brownie? Ect
Eating it is the best for pain relief .
I'll burn a fatty for you, Canuck bud called pucky