In the mood...

Originally posted by hacker
and, what your fav color condom?

hates condom. But I never really try many different ones. (thinking ISNT THAT SO PERSONAL QUESTION. :laugh2: )
*screaming so hard enough that the world can hear including deafies* NYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! thats where I want my next trip to be! DAMNIT!
danny, baby's father still owe me that trip. My mom still owe me going to figure skating show to watch for my some birthday present... I was like maybe around 14 ....15 years old. *Look at stepfather* HIS FAULT! he was being an ass and my mom never got to chance. :(
ask me ask me ask me anythingggg.... i want to answer some craps...ugh i'm so bored outta my mind.

U know.. I think jack made wasteful threads to make good ones to go on 2nd page..what u think?