In the hospital

I'm praying for your speedy recovery. :hug:
Oh Dang Doug. Been there and done that last Dec. So I am feeling much better and feeling like I have a new lungs. I am sure you will be fine and going thru what I have been thru. rest well and speedy recovery. Dang lucky you got internet and the hospital I stay dont have that. Lousy hospital next time I am going where I want to go.
Doug, get well soon and praying for you.
Doug, get well man... and take it easy ok?? Ya will have this under control in no time... just relax and ya'll be back to your old self in no time!
Get well, Doug! I've had problems with asthma like symptoms in the past though it's mild compared to yours and I only have problems if I smoke, live with cats or there's a lot of pollen in spring time or if I have a really hard workout.

Hang in there! :)
Sorry that you're stuck in the hospital! Hope that you recover quickly and that you get out soon.
Although not personally afflicted, I have seen the effects of asthma. Get those lungs cleared up, and get out of hospital fast.
You better get well so that you can be your own self again. I hope your recovery will speed up soon even for a couple of days. I am praying for you. May the Creator watch over you. :fingersx: :)
Hope you feel better soon, Doug! Best Wishes!
Get well, Doug! And do take a long rest too. Take it easy.