I'm not a Christian anymore

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You should THANK God for givin' the doctors/scientists some skills to save people's life. God gave doctors/scientists good hands to perform skillfully.

If, God/Jesus is NOT the doctor - then, there will be no doctors anywhere. :)

Yes true, God/Jesus is my doctor. When I was at near death from my own illness at two years old, my doctor could not saved me and told my mother to prepare to let me go since the dr gave up hope for me. My mother could not bear to see me in so much pain and asked God to take me home. I was with Him then He send me back here to my body with golden light swirling around and into my body. That is how I got healed, no doctor could saved me since he lost about 6 kids at the same time except for me.
Yes true, God/Jesus is my doctor. When I was at near death from my own illness at two years old, my doctor could not saved me and told my mother to prepare to let me go since the dr gave up hope for me. My mother could not bear to see me in so much pain and asked God to take me home. I was with Him then He send me back here to my body with golden light swirling around and into my body. That is how I got healed, no doctor could saved me since he lost about 6 kids at the same time except for me.

Aw that's a wonderful testimony ! I knew that God/Jesus is the true doctor... only if, people have their faith in Him with all of their heart, mind and soul. Show Him their love and make Him their nbr # 1 prority in their lives. It will work - only in His Time. :)

Thanks for sharin' your wonderful testimony, Jazzy ! :hug:
LOL I meant I don't go around shoveling my bible....I'm so terrible with words

Forgive me...:Oops:
shoveling? you mean shoving

shoveling means to use a tool to dig up something like dirt.

shove means to push.

I never use the word "shovel" :D
I would like to mention that Jesus himself thought that the religions in his day were a big fraud too. Notice what he said to the religious leaders in Matthew chapter 23. He even called them hypocrites and offspring of vipers (poisonous snakes). Jesus even said that in the future people would honor God with their lips but their heart would not be in it. Notice Matthew 15:8,9. So, you notice that some people do not follow Jesus and his teachings. That is very smart of you to notice. The Bible itself is very intesting and can help us understand many things. You said you do not believe Jesus was real. Of course the Bible talks alot about him but did you know that people who dig in the earth have found old ruins that talk about Jesus being there a long time ago? It is interesting that even our dating system is based on Jesus. If you would like to learn more, I teach the Bible free and even have some parts of the Bible in ASL on DVD. I think it would encourage you to learn more from the Bible and then you would understand some of the things that are upsetting you. Please contact me if you would like to learn more. It is free!
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