If your family is hearing do they sign?

All my family are hearing and only my eldest sister can sign a little bit. When I was little, my parents were told that they mustn't use sign language by the hearing professional and the deaf (oral) school cos it would make me more dependent on sign language than speech and hear. The sign language was forbidden during my time in the 60's era but I still use it at the residential Deaf school with my peers.
About my eldest sister, she was working at the residential Deaf school looking after the small deaf children and that's how she picked up some sign languages from the older children and me.
All my family are hearing and only my eldest sister can sign a little bit. When I was little, my parents were told that they mustn't use sign language by the hearing professional and the deaf (oral) school cos it would make me more dependent on sign language than speech and hear. The sign language was forbidden during my time in the 60's era but I still use it at the residential Deaf school with my peers.
About my eldest sister, she was working at the residential Deaf school looking after the small deaf children and that's how she picked up some sign languages from the older children and me.

I had no problem... my parents were deaf.. we all use ASL...
My family is hearing, but they do not sign. They did take some sign language classes when I was a little kid, but they never really used signs with me.
All through my family is hearing - so I speak with them. My sister did take ASL 1 thru 3 when she was at college, so she used that to speak privately with me.
I think in many cases, it IS poor parenting. Communication between parents and children is so important. Saying they don't have time is just an excuse.

BTW, my parents don't sign, ecause at the time I was growing up, I had enough hearing to get by with. It got worse later on though and it was too late then.
I think in many cases, it IS poor parenting. Communication between parents and children is so important. Saying they don't have time is just an excuse.


Yes I´m agree with you on this.
My parents were so intent on making sure I was doing my speech drills and threatening to sue school officals that signing wasn't at the top of Things That Our Child Needs To Do.
Ah, well.
We learn best from our peers, anyway. ;)
My brother-in-law's family is like this (he lost his hearing suddenly about 5 - 10 years ago). They seem to be unwilling to learn ASL. They say "he needs to learn to lip read". I think that's silly and short sighted. How about meeting in the middle? It's really hard to learn to lip read, and it's not that hard to learn enough ASL or SEE to be able to hold a conversation.
Now, I have a my children all of them deaf :deaf:! I feel worth for me communication with my children use ASL as feel wonderful better than I used grew up with my family speaking and voice without ASL as left me and my bro out their communication as that's time no ASL for me and my bro like dumb. As we learn late sign lang later age around 8 yrs old and my bro was very late 15 yrs old. Anyway My bro feel wonderful communication with their neices. Different view of relative and my family communication.. :stupid: :cool:
Nope, my family doesn't use sign language since I am hoh. To get the family gossip, I go to my mom for that. ;)
while i was growing up my parents are deaf but my grandparents, aunts uncles and couisns are hearing but they do sign in asl and i was lucky enuff to have family like them.. and always feel bad for my friends who are deaf but have hearing parents that refse learn asl and my family always welcome those kids to our home and commiutae with them thats why many kids that i grew up or my parents grew up with always love my family bec they willing to do stufffs with deaf people.
All my family are hearing too and my sisters and brother both signs but not my parents, but my step mom knows a few...
I dated Duncan for almost a year and sadly his mom and sister know very little sign and always depend on him to lipread. it was very sad because i could tell that sometime D thought he knew what they said but it turned out that he had misunderstood. Even when his mom and sister "attempted" to sign it was a little fingerspelling while expecting him to lipread. They said its to hard to learn sign. lazy.
I can hear and don't sign.I would love to learn how though.My 16 year old does though.His aunt is deaf,so he learned for her.
Speaking of "bad parents" I gotta agree with you, it shows completely ignorance. Refusal to accomodate them. Deaf can NOT accomodate hearing, but hearing CAN accomodate deaf, whats their problem?

I AGREE! My brother and I were both born deaf in a full hearing family. My parents put us in an oral program and I guess I did well but my brother didnt. He was sent to the deaf school where he learned ASL but at home, for some reason, he didnt sign and continued to use spoken English to the best of his ability. I was the only one who could understand him so I ended up interpreting for him to family members. Pretty sad huh? Finally I learned ASL while in college and that has tightened the bond between my brother and I. My mom is finally trying to learn sign language cuz she realized how much we were left out in family gatherings growing up but I guess it is too late cuz my brother and I are in our 30s. Yea, I tried my hardest to understand what everyone was saying but no matter how skilled of a lipreader I was, I just could not keep up with the pace of the conversations so I would just give up and isolate myself. Same thing happened in middle school and high school being in a mainstreamed program. Yes, I got a great education but I paid a heavy sacrifice for it...my self-esteem.

DEAF CANNNNNNNOOOTTTT accodomate to the HEARING needs BUT HEARING CAN accodomate to DEAF needs!!!! Wake up people..STOP trying to "fix" deaf people and accept ASL as a language...drive me nuts when hearing people think deaf who can lipread and speak well can be fully immersed in everything. What a joke!!!

DEAF CANNNNNNNOOOTTTT accodomate to the HEARING needs BUT HEARING CAN accodomate to DEAF needs!!!! Wake up people..STOP trying to "fix" deaf people and accept ASL as a language...drive me nuts when hearing people think deaf who can lipread and speak well can be fully immersed in everything. What a joke!!!

I totally agree on this as a hearie who is very empathetic to the deaf population. I used the word empathetic which means fellow feeling not sympathetic which means feel sorry for. I feel for what deaf people go through and think it is an atrocity to not learn and use ASL if your children are deaf. That is their language. If you want them to mainstream into the hearing world, then also teach oral but as a supplementary. Total communication is the best. ASL Rocks!!!! robbielyn
exacty like my mom ! but she can sign very little like english not ASL but mostly said I dont know ! blah same what you said :) even my 2nd sister who is bitchy refused tell me what they said she is snob! .

one of my cousin can fingerspelling but not all of them that is all

my youngest sister only too fast fingerspelling which I couldnt understand lol but use my voice to talk lol :lol:

my 3rd sister not sign at all just small like mom wants you, no yes, something like that. And rest of all my family are not using ASL so we use our voice to talk so I can understand :) if not understand then use pen and paper to write it down :)

Oh yeah I forgot to add that when I dont understand what my mom's sign lanauages then she get frustarsd (sp) and gave it up and tell my 2nd sister to explianed to her then my 2nd sister explianed to me it was clear what she said cause my 2nd sister is mix english and ASL that I can understand her but not even my mom :-S but sometime I understand from my mom :)
i am grown up with my mom,when i was 4 month age so my dad gone. Fine with me! my mom and my aunt do DGS sign. they did mean it is important for me. both of them knew about me, i need to right communication sign without misunterstood and problem of solution, too. that why? but my mom was interpreter at the school for the Deaf. If deaf parents with deaf child go in the school. there come hearing parents with deaf child. too. how could that understand everything together to communicate for deaf parents? that make my mom the interpreter for deaf parents.
I cannot for the life of me understand how someone can have a deaf kid and NOT KNOW ANY sign language. ???? Sheesh, as if it isn't already hard enough to talk to a teenager who can hear you.:pissed: