If you were being executed by injection

Originally posted by Fly Free
:laugh2: at the holes -- ive heard that many times LOL

but dang Wonderbum -- what if they CANNOT be rehabilitated qq what does ur country do to them then q get them castrated qq

Keep them in prison... if they get released into the community - there is supposed to be regular contact/checks on the offenders... lately our system has been failing itself with overworked corrections staff etc....

Even if they get their dicks cut off, pussies sewen up... this does not stop them from getting an operation overseas for a new member or another hole drilled...
Originally posted by WonderBum
Keep them in prison... if they get released into the community - there is supposed to be regular contact/checks on the offenders... lately our system has been failing itself with overworked corrections staff etc....

Even if they get their dicks cut off, pussies sewen up... this does not stop them from getting an operation overseas for a new member or another hole drilled...

uhmm interesting Wonderbum -- gracias for the info -- hope NZ comes up with a better system to keep them under control
Originally posted by Jack
What would you do?

If I was being executed by injection, I'd clean up my cell real neat. Then, when they came to get me, I'd say, "Injection? I thought you said 'inspection.'" They'd probably feel real bad, and maybe I could get out of it.

I prefer to boink someone before I get a deadly injection. Any volunteers?? LOL :cuddle: :3some: :69: :booty: :buttsex: :kiss: :lick:
Originally posted by Jack
What would you do?

If I was being executed by injection, I'd clean up my cell real neat. Then, when they came to get me, I'd say, "Injection? I thought you said 'inspection.'" They'd probably feel real bad, and maybe I could get out of it.

:rofl: This should go into Jokes/Funny Stories forum since it's so funny!!! :laugh2:

If it was me, I would make one more last love-making to my husband and would kiss my children a last good bye :kiss: before they take me away.

has NO ONE here ever heard of Jack Handey and his book "Deep Thoughts"?

people are responding as if YOU came up with all this random funny shit. i know better than that. dude, you're just blatantly ripping off Handey.

this goes to show:

1) the people here are either incredibly dumb or incredibly sheltered.

2) you are lame.

Originally posted by yoga4breakfast
has NO ONE here ever heard of Jack Handey and his book "Deep Thoughts"?

people are responding as if YOU came up with all this random funny shit. i know better than that. dude, you're just blatantly ripping off Handey.

this goes to show:

1) the people here are either incredibly dumb or incredibly sheltered.

2) you are lame.
Everyone already know Jack was fake. Now shut the fuck up.