If there was a magic pill that cure deafness...

Not really. Form follows function. This from a first "glance" kind of thing. Unless the hearing are around the deaf and most are not, they simply make the observation if one can speak well then the person can hear. I don't see why this is considered in poor taste...it is very logical. They are simply going from they have seen from experience with most if not all people who speak can hear. Everybody makes assumptions about situations because it makes life easier. Every now and then, people make mistakes and I hardly think that justifies the "negative" comments. Nobody is perfect. Bottomline, allow these people some slack as they will eventually figure it out.

I have been in situations that some have mentioned about being able to speak but not hear (my HA or now CI would be out for whatever reason). It is funny trying to let them know that I can't hear at the moment but speak very clearly to them. Typically, I get a second glance as they aren't sure what the deal is because it doesn't make sense to them. I make sure that I convey that I mean what I say and keep a quiet demeanor and usually they are fine with that. Often I can "carry on" enough of a conversation that takes care of whatever they were asking in the first place.

I'm sorry, I'll try to clarify what I meant. What I was saying was in refrence to people who give you a really hard time after you've explained it to them.
shel90 said:
I was talking about the teachers who wouldnt believe me that I couldnt understand what they were saying half of the time and they were supposed to be the adults instead of yelling at me like that. Of course, that is gonna make me feel negative about them cuz I got into trouble for something I couldnt help. If they had been more understanding or bothered to learn a little more about deafness, this wouldnt have been a problem for me.

Ahhh, different situation here. Not very nice or understanding.

morbid-mongoose said:
I'm sorry, I'll try to clarify what I meant. What I was saying was in refrence to people who give you a really hard time after you've explained it to them.

After they were told?!?. I have never really run into this kind of thing and believe me it would get my bile up too!

Sounds like for the both of you that smackitus (medical condition that makes one want to smack some people around ;) ) was urgently needed to straightened all this out.
Ahhh, different situation here. Not very nice or understanding.

After they were told?!?. I have never really run into this kind of thing and believe me it would get my bile up too!

Sounds like for the both of you that smackitus (medical condition that makes one want to smack some people around ;) ) was urgently needed to straightened all this out.

Right now, I dont really have a problem with hearing people believing me when I tell them I am deaf. Only problem is the constant questions about how I have good speech skills. I answer them nicely cuz not their fault for not having the knowledge. However, I did encounter one lady who had the guts to say "What are u deaf people doing to improve yourselves?" I was like "huh?" That one still puzzles me..hmmmm
I'd knock people over to get ahold of that. I feel your pain.

Being HoH, I've experienced the same thing. A teacher even made me cry once accusing me of making my hearing problem up and giving me a needlessly hard time. :(

I used to experience that too. I suppose some people just find it easier not to believe. I've even got that reaction from some of my teachers. My french teacher even said 'if you are that deaf why are you studying french' as if being deaf meant an inabilty to learn foreign languages. I'm half french anyway.
Right now, I dont really have a problem with hearing people believing me when I tell them I am deaf. Only problem is the constant questions about how I have good speech skills. I answer them nicely cuz not their fault for not having the knowledge. However, I did encounter one lady who had the guts to say "What are u deaf people doing to improve yourselves?" I was like "huh?" That one still puzzles me..hmmmm

Youre serious right? I can understand someone who's completely ignorant to ask questions like - how did you accquire speech skills? But to ask "What are you deaf people doing to improve yourselves?" is way out in left field. I likely would have replied - What are you hearing people doing to improve yourselves? Next time you see the lady ask her that and see what response you get.
I remember having this discussion years ago here in AllDeaf. The question was Matrix-related... "If I had two pills... red that makes you hearing and blue that does nothing... which would you take?"

Anyway, my answer is... I don't know. I would have to give it a lot of thought.

I've already learned to accept the fact that I am deaf. However, if I did take the pill and made myself hearing... I wouldn't change the way I am. I would still respect and act the same in deaf society. Of course, I would still consider myself "deaf" in a way since I still have a lot to learn before hearing like a hearing person. I would have to learn how to recognize things more. I would still ask for interpreters. Etc...

That's a very good point, vampy. Being deaf isn't just about whether or not you can hear sounds--it is a part of everything about you.
Youre serious right? I can understand someone who's completely ignorant to ask questions like - how did you accquire speech skills? But to ask "What are you deaf people doing to improve yourselves?" is way out in left field. I likely would have replied - What are you hearing people doing to improve yourselves? Next time you see the lady ask her that and see what response you get.

exactly! And also tell them that you are fine just as you are.
I prob would take the pill if was available maybe, but most likely I prob won't cause I am a chicken!!
I prob would take the pill if was available maybe, but most likely I prob won't cause I am a chicken!!

I second that...I do admit, I am curious to see what it is like to be hearing but I am afraid that I may not like it cuz being deaf is all I know...
I used to experience that too. I suppose some people just find it easier not to believe. I've even got that reaction from some of my teachers. My french teacher even said 'if you are that deaf why are you studying french' as if being deaf meant an inabilty to learn foreign languages. I'm half french anyway.

Teachers like that have no business in an educational system!
Ahhh, different situation here. Not very nice or understanding.

After they were told?!?. I have never really run into this kind of thing and believe me it would get my bile up too!

Sounds like for the both of you that smackitus (medical condition that makes one want to smack some people around ;) ) was urgently needed to straightened all this out.

I encountered the same thing with my son. I had teachers tell me that could hear more than he pretended he could because he could speech read extremely well, and because, when someone approached him from behind, he would feel them and turn around to see who it was. Idiots!
I second that...I do admit, I am curious to see what it is like to be hearing but I am afraid that I may not like it cuz being deaf is all I know...

Its not all it's buillt up to be! ;)
Its not all it's buillt up to be! ;)

Put another way "its not all what its cracked up to be". While there is lots of truth to this, all things being equal I much rather be hearing. I do know what I would be missing if I couldn't hear and there is no comparison between the two worlds.
Me taking that pill? They probably charge me alot of money for one little pill. How about selling them a pill that will enable them to sign and make sure that the price is extremely expensive. :)
I just don't understand why they don't sign, seeing that it is much much easier for them to sign than my learning to speak.
Me taking that pill? They probably charge me alot of money for one little pill. How about selling them a pill that will enable them to sign and make sure that the price is extremely expensive. :)
I just don't understand why they don't sign, seeing that it is much much easier for them to sign than my learning to speak.

Agreed with u...so much easier to sign than to speak and read lips/listening

Why not have BOTH for all deaf children so they can have a good balance between the both? But no...too many people dont want that anyway. It is too bad cuz it would make life a lot easier for many of us.
Me taking that pill? They probably charge me alot of money for one little pill. How about selling them a pill that will enable them to sign and make sure that the price is extremely expensive. :)
I just don't understand why they don't sign, seeing that it is much much easier for them to sign than my learning to speak.

:gpost::gpost::gpost: I have always said that it is easier for hearing parents to learn sign than it is for their deaf child to learn speech. I don't understand why that is such a difficult concept for people to get.
I encountered the same thing with my son. I had teachers tell me that could hear more than he pretended he could because he could speech read extremely well, and because, when someone approached him from behind, he would feel them and turn around to see who it was. Idiots!

I had so much trouble with one of the gym teachers last year over the same sort of thing. He was claiming I was bullsh*ting all of it when I asked to leave class one day when my tinnitus was exceptionally loud. He totally didn't believe me when I told him I had hearing loss. I'd have the same thing with people coming up to me and feeling the vibrations, and then when they called roll, I knew when to say "here" by paying careful attention to the people a couple of names in front of me. I still don't get why he thought someone would fake having hearing loss. That just seems like such a weird thing to make up. :dunno2:
I had so much trouble with one of the gym teachers last year over the same sort of thing. He was claiming I was bullsh*ting all of it when I asked to leave class one day when my tinnitus was exceptionally loud. He totally didn't believe me when I told him I had hearing loss. I'd have the same thing with people coming up to me and feeling the vibrations, and then when they called roll, I knew when to say "here" by paying careful attention to the people a couple of names in front of me. I still don't get why he thought someone would fake having hearing loss. That just seems like such a weird thing to make up. :dunno2:

People just don't stop to think sometimes. Deaf people use all sorts of coping mechanisms and adapt to being able to get the most information from their worlds in the way they can. Hearies rely so much ontheir auditory sense, that they don't understand the same information can be received in any number of ways. Like knowing where your name falls on the roll and watching for those cues, or being attuned to someone walking up behind you without ever having tohear their footsteps. But it really pisses me off when they use their ignorance to make accusations that someone else is faking just because they are too ignorant to understand or lazy to take the time to learn about deafness. I've said it before, and will say it as long as I live--those kind of teachers have no business in the educational system. They reinforce the idea that ignorance and intolerace are acceptable.
No doubt about it, I would take that pill. I've only been deaf for a few months, and I've learned alot in that time, but I would go back to full hearing in a heartbeat.

When people's reaction to hearing that I'm now deaf is "Oh, I'm sorry", my response is often "Don't be sorry - I'm not". I value the experiences I've had since I became deaf, and the lessons I have learned about different perspectives and abilities. It still surprises and pleases me to find just how friendly and accomodating people can be. In fact, I often say to friends and coworkers that I would recommend deafness for anyone - as long as it was reversible after a month or so. So I'm also in favor of the second "fantasy pill" to cause deafness, but for the opposite reason from Shel and others.