If God Supposedly Hates Gays...

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Well I don't know where you extract the word 'hate' from.
Playing the victim.
The 'things' that are mentioned are all viewed equally.
In the same light as cheating on spouse......stealing......etc.....same basket and God don't 'disagree' with one any more than the other. Well maybe a little bit. But it ain't hate. The fearmongers and homophobic religious fanatics are the ones that come up with the term' hate'. Self-righteousness they use could be considered one of the 'things'. And using God's name in vain to pump up thier egos.
I am deaf. My friend, Jeffry is hearing. :giggle:

Then I misread/overlook in one of your first several posting "I never date a deaf or hard of hearing gay before... All my exes and guys that I dated before are hearing... I always want to try to date deaf or hard of hearing gay one day" Will somebody :whip: me!
Well again i was just thinking of the way ignorant straight usually christians throw it into glbt's faces yet they turn around and say to their other straight christian friends that god makes no mistakes and we are all created in his image. I kinda thought of this cause when i was on a church trip we got into a conversation about people of the glbt community and they were saying how it's a choice because god made us all straight and it's wrong yadee yadee yada. Than we started talking about people with disabilities which if you look are supposedly unclean people and they were saying how that was crap because god created us all equal and we are made in god's image and since god makes no mistakes they can't be unclean. Now my church doesn't know i'm bi. so i had to sit there and laugh quietly to myself and how they were sititng there contridicting themselves

Hey you.. you did not read Alex s announcement that religions is closed.... due to bashing and arguments...... you did not listen...
Hey you.. you did not read Alex s announcement that religions is closed.... due to bashing and arguments...... you did not listen...

Please don't blame on her because she's probably overlooked in this forum.

Vampy is mod and already answered without lock this thread.
Moderators, if this is too breaking the rule of this forum, please deleted this post. Thank you.

This is what I found while researching online about "God hate fag".

Please note - we are reluctant to even use the term "fag." We intend no offense or insult. We only use the word in response to the group which promotes the "God hates fags" concept.

Question: "Does God hate fags?"

Answer: There is a "ministry" / "church" in the United States that promotes the slogan "God hates fags!" This group pickets gay parades, gay bars, gay events, etc. This group has even picketed the funerals of gay people, shouting to the attendees that the gay person is now burning in Hell for being a "fag." On its website, this group has a counter which updates daily how long a certain gay person has supposedly been in Hell. Recently, the "God hates fags" group has begun protesting at military funerals, claiming that the soldier was killed because the USA is supporting the homosexual agenda. Does God really hate "fags"?

Proverbs 6:16-19 tells us, "There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers." Notice that homosexuality does not make this list. It would be more Biblical to promote phrases such as "God hates liars" and "God hates murderers." In fact, the Bible nowhere directly states that God hates homosexuals or homosexuality.

That does not mean that the Bible approves of homosexuality. The Bible consistently tells us that homosexuality is a sin (Genesis 19:1-13; Leviticus 18:22; Romans 1:26-27; 1 Corinthians 6:9). Homosexuality is described as an abomination. Romans 1:26-27 teaches explicitly that homosexuality is a result of a continual rebellion against God. When a person continues in disbelief, the Bible tells us that God “gives them over,” God allows them to experience their sinful desires and the resulting consequences. 1 Corinthians 6:9 proclaims that homosexuals will not inherit the kingdom of God. Homosexuality is immoral and unnatural. It is a perversion of the "natural order" and more importantly, God's view of sex.

With all that said, the Bible does not describe homosexuality as a “greater” sin that any other. All sin is offensive to God. Homosexuality is just one of the many things listed in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 that will keep a person from the kingdom of God. According to the Bible, God’s forgiveness is just as available to a homosexual as it is to an adulterer, idol worshipper, murderer, thief, etc. God also promises the strength for victory over sin, including homosexuality, to all those who will believe in Jesus Christ for their salvation (1 Corinthians 6:11; 2 Corinthians 5:17).

Does God hate homosexuals? No. Does God approve of homosexuality? Absolutely not. Can a person truly be a Christian and at the same time a practicing homosexual? No (1 Corinthians 6:9). The "God hates fags" ministry fails miserably in the message it proclaims. Ephesians 4:15 instructs us to "speak the truth...in love." 1 Peter 3:15 teaches us to proclaim the truth, but to do so with "gentleness and respect." We must uphold the truth of God's Word in proclaiming the sinfulness of homosexuality. However, we must uphold this truth in a loving, gentle, and respectful manner. We must warn homosexuals about the eternal dangers of continued rebellion against God. At the same time, our message should be focused on the forgiveness and freedom from sin that is available through the Lord Jesus Christ.

Does God hate fags?

My prespective is that.. If people became gay, bisexual, lesbian, or whatever just for lust or use for pornography or for money or whatever more than love is a sin. But if you became gay, lesbian, or bisexual for love, then it's not a sin. Love can't be sin you know..
Then I misread/overlook in one of your first several posting "I never date a deaf or hard of hearing gay before... All my exes and guys that I dated before are hearing... I always want to try to date deaf or hard of hearing gay one day" Will somebody :whip: me!

That's right. I am deaf and I never date a deaf or hard of hearing gay before. :whip:
It is annoying that many people are seen like they haven't been educated about this term, fags... Fags and faggots are hateful terms against homosexuality. It is just like N-word against African American or B-word against Mexicans. I wish people would stop using that term! :rl:
It is annoying that many people are seen like they haven't been educated about this term, fags... Fags and faggots are hateful terms against homosexuality. It is just like N-word against African American or B-word against Mexicans. I wish people would stop using that term! :rl:

Yep..we all need to STOP labeling people with negative insults.
It is annoying that many people are seen like they haven't been educated about this term, fags... Fags and faggots are hateful terms against homosexuality. It is just like N-word against African American or B-word against Mexicans. I wish people would stop using that term! :rl:

Yeah I agree, those labels have to be stopped.

But just correcting your mistake, the article I repost here, they are considering those people who say "God hate fags" are wrong. The only reason why they use "fag" is to promote those groups who post up "God hate fags" signs.
It is annoying that many people are seen like they haven't been educated about this term, fags... Fags and faggots are hateful terms against homosexuality. It is just like N-word against African American or B-word against Mexicans. I wish people would stop using that term! :rl:

Yup, I was pissed off if anyone call me an fag or faggot.

It does happened to few students at high school and several bible thumpers, such as church groups are called me an fag then I was just pissed off and want attack with them.
Yeah I agree, those labels have to be stopped.

But just correcting your mistake, the article I repost here, they are considering those people who say "God hate fags" are wrong. The only reason why they use "fag" is to promote those groups who post up "God hate fags" signs.

Remember about Fred Phelps? I'm really HATE HATE HATE him SOOOO MUCH. :mad:
Yupp he sucks alot!

He have NO respect to funeral home but 17 states are already banned on protest that near to funeral home, even 200-300 feet away from this place.

I had seen him that protest on next to funeral home when veteran was in.
He have NO respect to funeral home but 17 states are already banned on protest that near to funeral home, even 200-300 feet away from this place.

I had seen him that protest on next to funeral home when veteran was in.

Yeah it's very wrong for people to come to the funeral and telling how evil the death person was. It's very rude.
That's right. I am deaf and I never date a deaf or hard of hearing gay before. :whip:

FYI.... I married my late hearing husband....He was sooo wonderful to me.. he treated me like a queen.....I missed him very much.. we were married for 11 yrs before he passed away from lung cancer.. he died in my arm...
I'm christian myself, and even some saying Im not a christian bec I'm gay.
There are gay friendly churches out there you know. The Metropolition Life Community Church, Unitarians etc etc etc..........and I think in a hundred years, people like Fred Phelps will be thought of as crazy backwards assholes, just the way we think of KKK or pro segregationist Baptists.
Yeah I agree, those labels have to be stopped.

But just correcting your mistake, the article I repost here, they are considering those people who say "God hate fags" are wrong. The only reason why they use "fag" is to promote those groups who post up "God hate fags" signs.

I am not talking about you. I am talking about in the general that people still using that term.
Yup, I was pissed off if anyone call me an fag or faggot.

It does happened to few students at high school and several bible thumpers, such as church groups are called me an fag then I was just pissed off and want attack with them.

Yeah. Believe it or not, my 18 years old nerphew that we grew up together and very close as brothers since I became an uncle at age four. After he found out that I am gay, he is cool with that. I thought so until I saw his comment on his friend on myspace and he talked very negative about me being gay by called me "Faggot Uncle". I got really pissed off and I wrote him an email to tell him what I read and said Your Faggot Uncle, Joshua. He gulped. Our relationship damaged really bad since this incident. He hasn't apolopize for what he did yet. We don't get along anymore as we used to. I miss our old times... Too bad he changed so much since. He has alot of growing up to do. Sighs. :ugh3:
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