If a hearing person wanted to be your friend

yea thats probally very true, i think the most influential thing im my life that has helped me through hard times has been music, i dont know what life would be without it. Although i know the deaf can feel it kind of in the sence that i feel in physically too right?

I will look into churches however i work every sunday but will make an honest effort to learn as much as i can
How come you would want them to be deaf? Please dont take this wrong but if i had to choose to lose a sence i would pick sight before hearing. But i think it would be harder to live blind than deaf? Or is that just me?

I do both at once. It's fun!!
be careful which church to go to... research their religious beliefs. "Marantha"-- sounds like it is one of those church that talk about 2nd coming of Christ so more likely you hear alot preaching on sins. I am not sure if you feel comfortable about that or not.
How come you would want them to be deaf? Please dont take this wrong but if i had to choose to lose a sence i would pick sight before hearing. But i think it would be harder to live blind than deaf? Or is that just me?

I would choose hearing because it seems easier since the blind can not read print or drive, but honestly, it may be just because I have more experience with the deaf than the blind. Also, there is technology to allow the deaf to hear spoken language.
how's your ASL skill?
wait you do both what at once? close your eyes?

No I meant I am termed deafblind. There are quite a few of us here. It's a good idea for you not to dwell on how hard either one is.

That is going to be an obstacle to your making friends. :)
oh ok. How come asl is the 3rd most spoken language but i only know of one deaf person. Do most deaf not go to places where most the people are hearing?

Also are interpreters free for the deaf?
oh ok. How come asl is the 3rd most spoken language but i only know of one deaf person. Do most deaf not go to places where most the people are hearing?

Also are interpreters free for the deaf?

There are only around 500,000 ASL users in the US.
oh ok. How come asl is the 3rd most spoken language but i only know of one deaf person. Do most deaf not go to places where most the people are hearing?

Also are interpreters free for the deaf?

Its not free. Usually the businesses/government pay for it. The deaf person doesnt. Usually.
Now new hearing kid, note that Faire Jour is hearing. Her kid is deaf and FJ loves us, but watch the deaf guys rip her to shreds.

That is what happens invariably to hearing people who attempt to befriend the deaf.