I want to start making movies

Your Welcome I made mine about 5 or 6 years ago. But where I made it at that website is no longer available. Where did you make yours at??

Thanks I'm still just learn how to do things with animated text.
Not sure if this thread is continuing... but Alex - you may want to read this.

I am currently deaf myself, and from Australia.. I have studied Communication and New Media for a year in 2006 but left the course due to a lot of pressure.

Panasonic HVX200 - Is the best professional camera you can buy - the other is not enough but Panasonic has it all.

The film editor softwares - like the other members mentioning there is plenty of editors everywhere, yes there is. But first, about imovie, that is the basic film editor for Mac OS computers only, which I have these at home, they are excellent for basic movies, like home films for example. It can add subtitles, and other effects. But if you want the film to be more advanced.... FinalCutPro is the best one, but let me tell you some one who has mentioned about the express, I believe that express is just something "small" but FinalCutPro is the one for you, Alex. It has everything you can ask for.

But for PC's - there is a good film editor, but believe me, I can not remember the name of it (due to the sake of it) oh wait.. it is Adobe Premiere but you know you need a DVD burner and a USB slots for the camera to be plugged into. Let me tell you, PC has its own windows film editor - that is - VERY basic one, similar to imovie but very boring one, I use it sometimes as I don't have any advanced software to install just yet.

Making films is hard work - It needs an director, producer, and many more but there is plenty of options while making a massive film. For myself, I have made a 15 minute short film, which took me 3 months to put it together with triple polishing when I was in year 12 - it has given me the best fat "A" grade I have ever had in my life - it is the best memory I can remember. :D

While, currently I am working full time with the government - my course is on hold, and I plan to get back to it and earn that Advanced Diploma of Communication and New Media.

If you, Alex, yes, you - have any questions within the shooting of the scenes and other things, don't be afraid to send me a PM, and I am more than happy to discuss with you and you all other members!

Enjoy stealing Steve Spielberg's director chair - you may have to spend your whole life sitting on it for 5 minutes with excellent brainstorming :D

Good luck.