I think I want to stop using my voice. Opinions?

Voice off at many public places. It is easier. If they dont hear me speak, they dont expect me to hear. Odd, eh? It does not make me cool or any deafer. It just makes things easier. Like E Q Lisa said, use it wisely. (btw Lisa, that advice was worth more than 2 cents lol)

Too true !

I've found it easier in some situations to not use my voice. I've found that if I do use my voice people automatically respond by voice. THAT can be a bad or annoying thing.

Often I will turn off voice when I am tired, or specifically need people to understand that I can't hear them. This also leaves me the option of shocking them snotless if for some reason, they are acting like a complete idiot.

It's up to the OP to decide when to voice and when not to, that might be determined by a little experimentation on their part. Try not vocing in certain situation and see if you are more comfortable with the results. Then, do what's best for you.

I go voice off by choice in most places, especially at school. It is just easier for the same reason someone else stated, if you don't speak no one expects you to hear.
Is our voice a medium to transfer ideas which we call"words"? Written serves the same purpose as does sign communication ASL et al. If one stops using their voice -written or signed ( if other party knows) is left. How does this affect one "social life"?

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