People that know me, know that I have an insane fear of frogs and toads. It doesn’t matter, which one, I am scared of both of them. Let me tell you, I am scared to death of them. To other’s it’s hilarious, even tease me about it. Fun and games, I don’t mind being picked on about it, until someone daring enough brings a REAL frog near me. Of course I lose all control, things get knocked down, I bump into things trying to get away, and screaming my bloody murder screams. My screams can be heard from far away, and this always ends in other’s laughing.
Tonight, I go outside, get some fresh air like I do every night. I sit in my lawn chair, pet the cats, and enjoy the quiet. While giving my animals attention, one of my cats darted out towards the yard and catches something. Usually it’s mouse or something like that. I was not alarmed but I did want to see her prize from her hunting skills. As I started towards her, she dropped what was in her mouth. Curiosity got the better of me and I looked down to find it. Out hops a frog! I scream and jump away, my cat goes after the frog again. I guess my motherly instincts kicked in, because the next thing I realize, I am trying to save the frog from a horrible death. I tried to scare my cat away from the frog, so it could get away. It must have misunderstood me because it hopped right towards me. With that, I jumped back, hit the side door of my car, and almost knocked myself out. I screamed so loud that even my own ears rang. In the end, the frog gets away, but even thinking about this ordeal makes my heart race. I wonder if the neighbors think I am crazy for screaming at the ground. Hmm. Oh wait, I am crazy. lol