I Need Huge Advice Please!!!

I agree. Bringing your personal arguments on a public form is not a very mature way to solve relationship problems. :nono:

Ok, I didn't choose to bring the argument here! All I did was ask for advice to get me through this relationship and even though there was great advice It didn't work which is really unfortunate. Randy didn't want it to end and i guess i kinda just sprang it on we were fighting alot and it just wasn't going to get better. So I never wanted to bring the argument in here but pretty much it isn't that big of an arguement actually there is no argument we are over that's it
Ok, I didn't choose to bring the argument here! All I did was ask for advice to get me through this relationship and even though there was great advice It didn't work which is really unfortunate. Randy didn't want it to end and i guess i kinda just sprang it on we were fighting alot and it just wasn't going to get better. So I never wanted to bring the argument in here but pretty much it isn't that big of an arguement actually there is no argument we are over that's it

OH no no..I wasnt talking about u..I was referring to Elainas_man. U did nothing wrong..he made it personal by posting all these posts. :)
:roll: first of all.. lil_country_ gal didn't do anything wrong she did was right thing to do is leave him unless I don't know the whole story but yeah dating and relationship is much different but u just have to have effort to trust yourself and him too :) otherwise than that.. I wish u all the best in your life lil_country_gal.. :thumb:
In my opinion lying is a natural part of human society. It is an essential part of any relationship whether it is personal or professional. How many of you have never told a lie? Just remember not all lies are sinister. I can’t imagine talking to friends or family with out lying to some degree!!
Leave her alone. She's done with you, it's over. Please leave her alone.

He has every right to have his voice to be heard, there's two sides to every story not one side.

I don't get some of you taking one side to another? Let's not forget there two sides to every story, so when is anyone going to listen to the other side instead of one side only? That's what happens when rumors float around when people listen to one side only, and it sometimes intend to be lies.
Lil Country Gal,

I read in another post...couldnt find it but u said u are 16 years old. U mentioned that u got engaged. Correct me if I am wrong.

If u are 16, why are u in a rush to get engaged? There is so much more out there for u to explore and discover before getting married. Marriage is a lot of work. Speaking from experience, grab the opportunity to be young and carefree before getting married.
As some of you know i'm engaged to my fiance Randy, and I love him more than anything. He's been so amazing to me saddly i've not been so great. I'm not going to lie i've messed up alot in our relationship. I mean this is all so new to me. such a huge relationship. but i love it now. Although now our relationship is on the rocks. He found out alot of the stuff i've messed up on mainly lieing. Now most of you are sitting here going well ur screwed you messed up yes i know. But i wanna do everything in my power to make this right and get my relationship with him back. I need your guys help please. Randy is everything to me and i can't imagine life with out him. thanks for reading please no judgment i know i screwed up.

Lie is one of most dangerous and deadly sin within relationship, I was there before, once you lie again and again can ruin the trustworthy, it happened to me before. I learned expensive lesson in past, best thing to get ur relationship back on track is to sit down and discuss your flaws with your loved one and confess this you got deadly habit this affects the relationship and what you need to get done is to ask your loved one to help you out. I urge you have your support close or best friend to be on your side it did work out for me. Most important you pour out your list of lies this are not true and would like to get it strength by telling the truth based on what was lied before.
Lil Country Gal,

I read in another post...couldnt find it but u said u are 16 years old. U mentioned that u got engaged. Correct me if I am wrong.

If u are 16, why are u in a rush to get engaged? There is so much more out there for u to explore and discover before getting married. Marriage is a lot of work. Speaking from experience, grab the opportunity to be young and carefree before getting married.

See i realized that what your saying is exactly right to late. I figured out there was more i hadn't figured out alot about my life. And lots of things i hadn't experienced yet. But i found that how now. And i'm really happy he went and is going to go ask his ex out and they get along amazing they are on the same level both in college. They will do great. So I don't know everythings working out i guess. I'm happy he's happy from what i can tell.
Hey Just sit down and discuss and see how it goes well with u 2. :)
There's no discussion It's over even if everything changed and He and i did want to get backtogether i don't think it would ever work. So this thread is really over because there's nothing more to say
Everyone has messed up at sometime. Go to him and tell him you are sorry and would like a second chance because you love him so much and Want a relationship with him above anything else. Then leave it up to him. May have gone to far but doesn't hurt to try.
At 18 everything is black and white so much of the time. I am sorry about your problems. Tell him you don't really know why you lied to him. Trust is something you have to develop and keep over time. The trust the two of you are talking about is young trust. I have been married for many years and both of you need to slow down and realize that REAL trust takes time.
I think for him to react so strongly he has something to hide to. That comes from experience.
Lil Country Gal, you're still young and there is plenty of time ahead of you...learn from this relationship and move on. There are plenty of male fishes in the sea and it would be good idea for you to experience different things in life and date around when you're ready to meet men but no need to rush it.

Enjoy your youth while you can because life will get hard and complicated enough when you get older. Im glad that I had a chance to have fun and being single for a long time before I settled down--don't have to look back and say damn, I wished I had more fun when young....
Lil Country Gal, you're still young and there is plenty of time ahead of you...learn from this relationship and move on. There are plenty of male fishes in the sea and it would be good idea for you to experience different things in life and date around when you're ready to meet men but no need to rush it.

Enjoy your youth while you can because life will get hard and complicated enough when you get older. Im glad that I had a chance to have fun and being single for a long time before I settled down--don't have to look back and say damn, I wished I had more fun when young....

I agree...I started dating my first hubby at 17 years old, married at 21 years old (yikes!!) and divorced when I was 28 years old. So, during the 4 years after my divorce, I "turned" back the clock and let myself be carefree and had fun without any serious relationships. Played around a bit..after 4 years, I felt statisfied and was ready to settle down again. Now, I am married to my 2nd hubby and I dont have that urge to party or whatever like I did in my first marriage. I am so glad I got the chance to be wild. Why did I marry at 21?...:crazy:
And smiley to answer your thing. yes he's around my age he's 18. And i wanna straighten up because i really don't wanna lose him. If i did i don't know what i'd do. and i do realize that if i do screw up again there is almost no chance of him forgiving me.

Ohhhh... Young puppies!!!