I have a question and would like some feedbacks

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Banjo said:
I agree with Dale, it's important that he be fair to all of his members. Which he is to begin with, I know he wouldn't intentionally offend people. But if he truly believes in something, he'll let you know even if it is the most offensive thing you've heard in your entire life.

But on the bright side, he let you speak your mind instead of restricting it.

Banjo, it happened before he owns forum. I did not join his forum because I am afraid of him and others who are alike him. I don't hang around people who are thinking above me.

Banjo, ur cool. :)
Dale said:
I suspect that I am the person Cheri is directing her post at - she's said virtually the same thing directly to me.

I have not named anyone in here and either a forum name. You know why I said it directly to you because, I am that kind of person to say it directing to that person's face instead of behind their back if I have some issues with that person. :)

In my defense, I do my best to allow free expression of any view, no matter how bizzarre, stupid, or morally enraging, so long as it's not a threat or verbal attack. (I guess I'm not supposed to give out my forum name, but I think y'all all know me, and my forum - if you don't, ask anyone else)

If you are allow free expression of any view how come you kept locking threads?

Also, I'll challenge anyone to show me when I've ever told someone they couldn't give their opinion.

I have never said it was you that said we couldn't give our opinion. It was one of your member.

I think the problem is that some folks seem to think that 'freedom of speech' means that they can speak their mind, and if you disagree, you need to 'respect their opinion' by not speaking out loud.

Everyone thinks his/her own view is the truth, but different people see things differently...we all became free to say what we want, without fear that somebody would hurt us for saying it. we have to accept other people’s right to say what they want, just as they have to respect our right to say what we want.

As for discouraging folks from 'googling' facts off the internet when discussing issues - GIVE ME A BREAK!
If you have a bona-fide FACT that can prove my opinion wrong, PLEASE share it with me! Letting someone wallow in their own stupidity is the greater offense!
It's true Dale, Maybe you haven't seen it lately. :P
jazzy said:
Banjo, it happened before he owns forum. I did not join his forum because I am afraid of him and others who are alike him. I don't hang around people who are thinking above me.

Banjo, ur cool. :)
Yes; they do think they are above people who think we do not know anything, and tell you otherwise like " You are misformed, You are misleaded" It goes on and on. It never ends until you end it. :P
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Well Dale,

First I'm going to tell you how I had felt when I was in your forum not too long ago, I feel jumped on, insulted, calling a bunch of so call names and not respecting my opinions!!! Speaking of being fair with members, I honestly didn't feel like I was being treated fairly....

Another thing that bugs me so much is how you seem to run your forum as an Adminstrator, for instance, when you have a problem with one or more members that are somewhat new, or you happen to dislike a particular member you find it convenient by having to say it right in the open forum like as to what actions you're considering to take such as banning them, suspending their account, embarassing or exposing it right in the public forum instead of using a pm which would show more consideration and professionalism on your part besides being courteous and respectful without ' shaming ' the particular member openly in your forum....Regardless whether or not you indicate that your forum is a place where we can agree AND disagree, still the way you handle it as an Adminstrator is uncalled for, why? If you're saying that certain members such as new ones or visitors, etc., by not being able to speak out loud when we disagree but obviously you allow your regular members whom they are able to speak out loud when it comes them disagreeing!!

Speaking of being fair, it's funni because you recently removed a well known member as a supermember and made another well known member one, why? because you happen to dislike particular member???? hmmmm...

When your regular members is allowed to speak out in reference to certain forums such as AllDeaf and allowing your members to call a bunch of no-nonsense name-calling or ridicously bashing toward a specific owner?...so don't tell me you're being fair, you have those members watching and holding your backside which I tend to view somewhat with such immaturity....Oh, you do have alot of favoritism going on in YOUR forum and that's a fact!

Lastly, now that I'm able to get this off my chest since I feel prohibited to say this in your forum and without your members jumping all over me by calling me a bunch of names, I feel relieved now that I am able to say it in here instead...

I apologize if this offends you but I am glad that I had this opportunity to disclose my feelings and my opinions!!

Have a good evening now! :)
Now, I am watching the clock and counting the minutes until Alex or one of the mods lock this thread because "crossing forums and intermingling problems from outside of the forum" are not allowed. Shame on you, Dale, for breaking the rules. I'll bet you didn't read the TOS when you signed up!

Buh-bye! :thumb:
Mod Note:

Issues relating to other forums have come up and gotten out of hand so... thread locked. :locked:
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