I got my new Purple HA Today!

You mean little tones? Mine beep once when I turn the volume up or down, and play a little series of tones when I switch programs. I think that's pretty standard for digital aids, isn't it?

(That was in reference to you saying your HAs were "playing music.")

My new HA play music when I put them in my ears , the old HA made a feed back sound when you put them in your ear. I have no idea what song is playing ! My HA are clicking making a sound on their own. They should not be making any sounds while wearing them. I am wearing my old HA now. I go back Monday and will see what is going on with my new purple HA. I did notice some knotty yuppies laughing at me for wearing new purple HA and ear molds! I wanted to go up to the people and tell them I am wearing purple HA so people like them would not hit me with shopping carts!
Is it possible that the clicking sounds you are hearing really are something clicking in your environment? Some years ago when I switched hearing aids, I was sure there was something wrong with them because I kept hearing weird sounds - and then my husband told me it was the refrigerator! I hadn't heard that buzzing/humming noise from the fridge for so long I didn't recognize what it was.
My new HA play music when I put them in my ears , the old HA made a feed back sound when you put them in your ear. I have no idea what song is playing ! My HA are clicking making a sound on their own. They should not be making any sounds while wearing them. I am wearing my old HA now. I go back Monday and will see what is going on with my new purple HA. I did notice some knotty yuppies laughing at me for wearing new purple HA and ear molds! I wanted to go up to the people and tell them I am wearing purple HA so people like them would not hit me with shopping carts!

wow on their own? well I never had any of those problem with mine though :)
that's something I may need to watch out for but thanks for the info.