I Got Arrested

you got arrested for lewd conduct

Indecent exposure and shooting at the street lights!

Arrest me! (taz me!)...
Rocking out loudly on the streets *first one was for Jiro* ha

What did I get arrested for?
You got arrested for giving a bad blow job at the hair salon!

me?.......(looking foward to a free meal in jail! bologna sandwich and a cookie)
panhandling on street

Arrested at the county fair for selling your Jiro special sunglasses :shock:

Arrested for?
For ignoring the slow deaf residence and speed over 90 mphs and get away from the cop but caught. :(

What did I get arrested for?
Frisky Feline, you got arrested for sing in a public place while attired in a swimsuit.

What's about me?
RR got arrested for owning 200 cats in her home included porch with nice screen along backyard.

me? mew?
you got arrested for clawing up Alex's couch!

What did I get arrested for?
Oceanblue7, you got arrested for talked to Jiro! By warning, don't buy Jiro's Special Edition Sunglasses...
You got arrested for drumming too loud :lol:

How about my, what, 4th or 5th arrest by now? :lol:
You got arrested for being a chicken in a cat suit :lol:

What is my arrest?