I got a crack screen on my phone...

What if she is still in closet? What if she never knew until fool around with pussy and man! fall in love fast? Can't predict so don't assume!

Nah, cuz if she's bi, she would have plenty of lesbian lovers over there and she would talk about them everywhere in this forum.
What if she is still in closet? What if she never knew until fool around with pussy and man! fall in love fast? Can't predict so don't assume!
Why don't you ask her if she would ever fall in love with a woman? I predict that she will say "HELL NO".
#1 she is young
#2 feelings CAN change over time. Meaning your, and everybody else feelings will change as they get older.
#3 No, I won't ask her, she is way too young for me and too immature so her answer may not be as reliable.
#4 Lastly, I have seen those who realize or discovered their sexual preference at later age so it is not predictable as you might think.

Why don't you ask her if she would ever fall in love with a woman? I predict that she will say "HELL NO".
People had posted here how sad it's when a young person commit suicide after being bullied or being made fun of a lot online. I am NOT saying the OP is thinking of this , but after reading this thread I deleted my comment as I do not want to part of this bullying . I feel we need to start thinking if what we're about post here will push a person one step closer to doing something. We do not really know everything about each person here. I know how hurtful a thread like this would had been my niece that has Asperger's .
I am NOT saying the OP has Asperger's . I am saying I do not everything about her and I feel that I have to start thinking how my words effect a young person .


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Where is Wakey? I think she's still at NHS hospital.
My apology for making fun of you, but I hope you have common sense and just grow up. That's all.
you could also respect your mothers hard earned money spent on daughter who say dont care what her mum thinks then maybe your mother should get you cheap phone untill you show just a little gratatude
Wirelessly posted

Some of you are making fun of me and bullying me. :/

Hey, that's ONLINE.

There are many sense of humors and you should learn that, so don't get offended easily.

Some AD members made fun of me, so I know they were messing with me - sense of humor so no need to be overreaction.

Get a real and you need find a job, seriously so ask us for money, isn't going happen, also don't try to scam us like "hey, I need money to replace the cracked screen".

If you want me to pay the repair for your cracked phone so go clean our house - ALL ROOMS, including bathroom and kitchen, mowing the yard, treat the weeds and long lists of chore.

Everything isn't always free, sorry.
Graduation from high school at 16 years old is bad idea and UK should increase the graduation age to 18, like in North America.