I Apologize - for my "harsh feelings."

Is that funny for us to be forced to speak while they do not really understand us while we have speech impairment?
No one is forcing you to do anything. If you choose not to speak, then don't. The hearing world will survive without you.
and to this day, every thought I have occurs in written form, and everything anybody says to me, turns into written language in my head
Not so weird......that happens to me too. Maybe it's b/c I speechread and so got the hang of visualizing speech early on. (not aided til 3)

Eve, SM is speaking in generalities. I know exactly what she means.... There are SOME good pro-oral folks out there, who acknowledge that oralism shouldn't be audist.....but many oralists are kind of "don't expose the kids to ASL and they'll just magically blend in to society" thinking. Our society IS very audist, even today. Go and read some of the stuff that Auditory-Verbal puts out....
You are right about some deaf oraist are good but they do still have deaf voices that they cannot avoid it at all. However some oralist are the worst off because they believe what the speech therapist told them a big lie about How good their speech are. I feel bad for them after all many people are scared away from them or behind deafies' back to make fun of their speech or harsh voices like an animal that is not normal voice like Hearing people s voices because of their harsh voices or horrible speech that oralist didnt know the truth. Jeez! Thats very dishonest from the professional.

Also there are some hearing people do not understand me while other hearing people understand me. Thats what I am very puzzled about that. I dont give a fuck about my speech anymore as well as I used to feel good about it until I found out the truth. That's why I am very against oral method only and will speak it out the truth as always.

Of course Latened Deaf are having a very good speech because they were hearing in the past. So what s the point to cover up the truth? :doh: Eve

Thank you very much for saying it aloud, DeafDyke. ;)

Thank you!
Heya it's all cool.
I've had problems I wear a Clarion BTE
Facts about me.

1. I speak perfect english
2.write perfect english
3. Lip reads really well
4. Deaf from birth
but again I'm not tryin to show off or anything. I still get treat oddly.

I mean we are normal in every aspect except for our hearing parts.

I wanna show CI users or deaf people to keep their heads up.
I thought my life was over but it wasnt I've done over 10 years of speech trainning and listening trainning. most hearing people dont know what usually goes on in our world Lets show em that we are equal.
Of course Latened Deaf are having a very good speech because they were hearing in the past. So what s the point to cover up the truth? Eve
No one is covering anything up as far as I am concerned. My husband is prelingually deaf and oral. He fits in fine in the hearing world. Of course, he doesn't expect everyone else to cater to him, either.
deafdyke said:
Not so weird......that happens to me too. Maybe it's b/c I speechread and so got the hang of visualizing speech early on. (not aided til 3)

Speechread = lipreading or something else? Sorry, a little behind on my terminology. ;)

Anyway, I guess when you consider the first time I actually GOT most key linguistic concepts was when I saw them in writing, it's no wonder. Probably not true of the majority of hearing types, but I guess that certain learning differences can lead to that effect.
1. I speak perfect english
2.write perfect english

:sure: Well, I have to disagree when you say that you speak perfect english. Hearing people do not even speak perfect english because in todays world most people use common slang. You may speak well compared to most people, but perfect english is hardly used by anyone hearing or deaf.


Thank you! ;)
Of course, he doesn't expect everyone else to cater to him, either.

:slap: It is not about catering to one persons needs, it is about having a mutual respect between two or more people that communicate using different languages. You should be open to give a little if you expect to get a little. It is common courtesy to adapt for the sole purpose of good communication!

Oh, I couldnt agree more about common courtesy. Unfortunately, many deafies tend to expect everyone else to learn ASL, when they aren't willing to meet half way by learning to speak and lip-read. Nothing "mutual" in that.

p.s. kindly keep your hands to yourself. im not that kind of girl. :greddy:
Sweetmind said:
:sure: Well, I have to disagree when you say that you speak perfect english. Hearing people do not even speak perfect english because in todays world most people use common slang. You may speak well compared to most people, but perfect english is hardly used by anyone hearing or deaf.


Thank you! ;)

You're entitled to disagree. However, whether or not someone is speaking perfect English (bet you didn't know that it's capitalized!) is certainly not for you to determine.

I believe that hearing AND deaf are BOTH capable of adopting exceptional English and language skills. It's just a matter of obtaining and maintaining a proper education and the desire to speak/write properly. NO one is perfect, that's for sure, but I know some deaf folks whose English skills have surpassed those of "normal hearing folks."

As for the slang, people have a choice as to whether or not they want to use it. It just makes them LOOK unintelligent, even though that may not necessarily be the case. Over the 'net, it's just easier to shorten words and not worry about capitalization and grammar.

Keep in mind, though - most of the communications you have are more than likely over the Internet and through communicating via ASL. So, NO, of course you're not going to see "perfect" English. :roll:
Malfoyish said:
You're entitled to disagree. However, whether or not someone is speaking perfect English (bet you didn't know that it's capitalized!) is certainly not for you to determine.

I believe that hearing AND deaf are BOTH capable of adopting exceptional English and language skills. It's just a matter of obtaining and maintaining a proper education and the desire to speak/write properly. NO one is perfect, that's for sure, but I know some deaf folks whose English skills have surpassed those of "normal hearing folks."

As for the slang, people have a choice as to whether or not they want to use it. It just makes them LOOK unintelligent, even though that may not necessarily be the case. Over the 'net, it's just easier to shorten words and not worry about capitalization and grammar.

Keep in mind, though - most of the communications you have are more than likely over the Internet and through communicating via ASL. So, NO, of course you're not going to see "perfect" English. :roll:

I disagree with the entitlement to disagree in this case when the person doesn't know the poster from Adam!

Malfy, if this signals your return on a more regular basis, I'm glad. If not, I'm taking you out to the wood-shed! lol
looks like this could turn into a gang activity, malfy.....better stick around, the punishment may not be worth it lol ;) *wondering if the woodshed is large enough to hold all of us*