I am not get it !

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Nov 3, 2005
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If you allow thing that gay/lesbian forum , why not bring the religious back on

i know will be a battle but i am get tried of chistian people hide here and not share what they have learn ? or love the sinner but hate their sin and someone close out last year ?

please can we talk the bible issue , thank you
i FRANKLY don"t understand . i know it ODD !

but we need to talk about it to spread the Gospel !

the bible is very old but it had fulfill already what the bible was told !
Because religion is a very sticky issue and I'd rather not have a forum relating to religion on here. I'd like for AD to be friendly.
As long as each god gets their own section, don't want anyone left out.
and leaving the reilgion threads locked has made a mess for the moderators to deal with - it's too much.
if you don't like it, too bad - deal with it. Nothing the moderators/owner can do about it.
As recent joiner here I can see that this forum has enough "problems between the "cultural vs vocal deaf" without adding a "theological overlay" to the "deaf issues." Personally I do have definite theological thinking. Pertinent to "deafness"- I don't think so.
As J Clark says- enough ongoing problems in the restricted discussion as it now.!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
I can understand what the OP is saying - he wants the religious forums opened up so that other threads which get stained with the overflow from religious discussions (which could otherwise be contained in a "Religion" forum which anyone who didn't want to see topics about religion could simply avoid reading, akin to the "Penisarium" and adult topics) would be able to avoid having religion brought up in the first place.

In that case, moderators could be far more strict about bringing up religion elsewhere, and simply moving anything where it threatened to rear its head into the religion subforum.

Naturally, if Alex doesn't want the topic of religion ever coming up or being discussed, then that's also his prerogative as owner of the site.
Religion threads

to me it does left me out

I think I get what your saying deafironchef, why don't you use the blog section say how you feel, and then others will read it and you can spread your thoughts that way...smile..Midnight♥♥♥
Because religion is a very sticky issue and I'd rather not have a forum relating to religion on here. I'd like for AD to be friendly.

Totally agree..smile..friendly is nice...Peace to you..Midnight♥♥♥
I would like more discussions on religious topics related to deafness. But, I do not own this site, so not much I can do. A suggestion is to start a religous deaf forum?
As recent joiner here I can see that this forum has enough "problems between the "cultural vs vocal deaf" without adding a "theological overlay" to the "deaf issues." Personally I do have definite theological thinking. Pertinent to "deafness"- I don't think so.
As J Clark says- enough ongoing problems in the restricted discussion as it now.!

Implanted A B Harmony activated Aug/07
Don't be such a whimp.
I would like more discussions on religious topics related to deafness. But, I do not own this site, so not much I can do. A suggestion is to start a religous deaf forum?

That's about all you can do - it's not your site and so you don't get to make the rules. You can either leave and try to make your own site, or try to convince the owners of this one to change their rules.
I think it would give people something to argue about besides politics and cochlear implants.

It could make it more friendly.
Wirelessly posted

Well, I would certainly have fun with that, but I'm not sure it would necessarily make anything more friendly, lol.
I can understand what the OP is saying - he wants the religious forums opened up so that other threads which get stained with the overflow from religious discussions (which could otherwise be contained in a "Religion" forum which anyone who didn't want to see topics about religion could simply avoid reading, akin to the "Penisarium" and adult topics) would be able to avoid having religion brought up in the first place.

In that case, moderators could be far more strict about bringing up religion elsewhere, and simply moving anything where it threatened to rear its head into the religion subforum.

Naturally, if Alex doesn't want the topic of religion ever coming up or being discussed, then that's also his prerogative as owner of the site.

You should have seen some of the "disagreements" that resulted.:P
Wirelessly posted

jillio said:
I can understand what the OP is saying - he wants the religious forums opened up so that other threads which get stained with the overflow from religious discussions (which could otherwise be contained in a "Religion" forum which anyone who didn't want to see topics about religion could simply avoid reading, akin to the "Penisarium" and adult topics) would be able to avoid having religion brought up in the first place.

In that case, moderators could be far more strict about bringing up religion elsewhere, and simply moving anything where it threatened to rear its head into the religion subforum.

Naturally, if Alex doesn't want the topic of religion ever coming up or being discussed, then that's also his prerogative as owner of the site.

You should have seen some of the "disagreements" that resulted.:P

I can imagine. Many people hold their religious beliefs as central to who they are, as an individual, and are incapable of rationally or reasonably handling *any* criticisms of it, since there's almost no difference to them between criticizing their beliefs and criticizing them as an individual.
Alex's playground, his rules. End of the discussion.
Wirelessly posted

I can imagine. Many people hold their religious beliefs as central to who they are, as an individual, and are incapable of rationally or reasonably handling *any* criticisms of it, since there's almost no difference to them between criticizing their beliefs and criticizing them as an individual.

Not only that, they are very critical and intolerant of those who subscribe to any other doctrine...or no doctrine at all.
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