I Am A Cop


New Member
Oct 19, 2003
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I found this elsewhere, so I guess this can make you think about how cops do help you. -- Nancy (mods: if this isn't the appropriate place to put it, please put this in the correct thread. Thanks!
Well, Mr. Citizen, it seems you've figured me out. I fit neatly into the category where you've placed me. I'm stereotyped, standardized, characterized, classified, grouped, and always typical. Unfortunately, the reverse is true. I can never figure you out.

From birth, you teach your children that I'm the bogeyman, then you're shocked when they identify/associate with my traditional enemy... the criminal! You accuse me of coddling criminals..until I catch your kids doing wrong.

You may take an hour for lunch and several coffee breaks each day, but point me out as a loafer for having one cup. You pride yourself on your manners, but think nothing of disrupting my meals with your troubles.

You raise Cain with the guy who cuts you off in traffic, but let me catch you doing the same thing and I'm picking on you. You know all the traffic laws...but you've never gotten a single ticket you deserve. You shout "FOUL" if you observe me driving fast to a call, but raise the roof if I take more than ten seconds to respond to your complaint.

You call it part of my job if someone strikes me, but call it police brutality if I strike back. You wouldn't think of telling your dentist how to pull a tooth or your doctor how to take out an appendix, yet you are always willing to give me pointers on the law. You talk to me in a manner that would get you a bloody nose from anyone else, but expect me to take it without batting an eye.

You yell that something's got to be done to fight crime, but you can't be bothered to get involved. You have no use for me at all, but of course it's OK if I change a flat for your wife, deliver your child in the back of the patrol car, or perhaps save your son's life with mouth to mouth breathing, or work many hours overtime looking for your lost daughter.

So Mr. Citizen, you can stand there on your soapbox and rant and rave about the way I do my work, calling me every name in the book, but never stop to think that your property, family, or maybe even your life depends on me or one of my buddies. Yes, Mr. Citizen, it's me the cop!

(The author of this article was Trooper Mitchell Brown of the Virginia State Police. He was killed in the line of duty two months after writing the article.)
Now anything cops do im gonna ask you to explan it. I have a lot of bad experances with cops, The last one the deputy gave me a ticket for having my brights on i didnt know it.He wouldnt even give me a warning. Well he called me by my first name instead of sir,Commented about my hearing aid. And that was very unprofessional and I felt offended.I went to sheriff dept and i wanted to complain to the sheriff about the deputy and the ticket. The Deputy supervisor wouldnt let me see the sheriff. AS a former employee of regal cinemas when a customer complains and want to see the manager im required to allow the customer to see the manager i dont say well hes very busy and is something i can help you with? Thats the treatment the deputy supervisor gave me. You know why he did it? He was protecting his fellow deputies from getting fired. Youre a cop you know these things its no secret in fact i know you wouldnt dare give your fellow off duty officers a ticket for speeding or a run thought a red light or stop sign. Its all the power of the badge. I know all about the code of honor too. So back to my problem here. So i went to sheriffs mother at the bowling alley and tell her i wanna see her son. She said "i got nothing to do with how my son does his job youll have to take it up to the sheriff dept"" I told her i tried that they wouldnt let me see him."" I cant help you dear"" So i took another idea i called rodney black who was running against sheriff mascara in the election i told him my complaint.He promised me if he got elected he would fire that deputy He told me this on the phone""" When i get sworn in i want you come in my office and tell me who did this to you and ill take action against the deputy""" I even protested with a sign holding up the highway says this""" ARE YOUR DEPUTIES TREATING YOU WITH RESPECT? ..(other side).. VOTE FOR RODNEY BLACK for SHERIFF!!!""" Well sheriff mascara won, because these old bats read the papers and will belive anything the press tells em.. Like this statement from the reporter...St Lucie County is the safest county of all florida! Now stop and think about it?? Why would they say that?? Now think about it? You really belive .St Lucie County is the safest county of all florida? The only reason the press does it cause they know old bats will belive anything the press tells em and they dont even know the corruption and unprofessonalism of the sheriff dept is. I seen deputies break the laws every day! So i took another step.I e-mailed a state reprentive in tallahasse and told em how the deputy was rude towards me.And i got a response he said "I will investigate this futher" Now what that means is theres a trap the state is setting for sheriff mascara. Any un nessary volations the state will take action right on the spot. And i havent seen deputies ran though red lights or park in fire lanes. I guess they know one mistake its on local news here and it will spread to CNN,MSNBC and FOX news channel and when it does im gonna laugh my head off and im gonna laugh at the deputy when i see him. Remember how the guy pissed off dirty harry in sudden impact. When the judge let the criminal go he said this to dirty harry"""" Ha Ha Ha ,,You flunked up!!! Better luck next time fool!!!""Thats what im gonna say to the deputy when the state gets them on a volation'' And he better keep his cool too.
I wouldn't say that if I were you, Ravensteve. But, just remember cops risk their lives every single day, They know that they might not come home one day, How would their daughters and sons feel, knowing that one day, their father nor mother would not come home, It's scary even for those cops whom have families of their own. Stop being a cop-hater it's getting old and boring.

If you need something, The cops always there for you, And yes there are times they have bad days, and take it out on the wrong person, But who doesn't have bad days? We all do. If we don't have cops anymore the whole world is gotta fall apart. So give cops a break here, They aren't all that bad.

In fact I agree with this Virginia State Police Officer, Mitchell Brown. He makes perfect sense and he is so correct. :thumb:
Cheri.. I could care less what happens to them.If thery really feel that way then stop acting like they have a chip on the shoulders and help people instead of giving me a $115 ticket wasnt unnessary. Why should i care about what happens to them if that deputy didnt care and give me $115 along wasting my time attending traffic school?
Most of the time I have had good experiences with police officiers. I remember when I was speeding one time, and a police car was coming on other side of road. Well, he pulled me over, but I was very courteous to him and admitted that I knew I was speeding and apologised. He let me off with a warning slip. My driving record was been pretty good with no tickets for almost 10 years.

I remember one time I was moving my stuff to my apartment, and a policeman pulled me over. I smiled and was puzzled why I was pulled over. He just explained that it was a routine thing, and because I pulled over immediately for him, it proved that I was not stealing anything. He was just doing his job.

I remember also one time when I was driving through an unfamiliar town off a busy road and then was pulled over by the cop. It turns out that I was speeding 45 on 30, so I simply apologised to him and said I did not know it, and did not notice any speed limit signs. He let me off.

The only bad experience I had was in New York (Niagara Falls) when a police officier wouldnt believe that I was deaf. That is why it is important for my driver's licence to have the "DEAF" on it to prove that I really am deaf.
Thanks for posting a great article.

Steve...I still don't know why I bother even responding to you, but then again, I have no idea why you were even allowed to return to AD. I guess you cried enough and got your way.

Its funny that you could care less what happens to officers. You truly to do have mental issues if you believe a cop (or anybody for that matter) should die because you got a $115 ticket when you actually deserved to get one. Just yesterday, I went to this officer's funeral Why don't you send a letter to his wife and kids saying that you are glad he's dead....tell them how you really feel. Heck, maybe even if his mom is alive, you can stalk her at her work and tell her how you feel about her son....it seems its what you do best. Then again we are talking about the same person who was excited when my sister committed suicide. RavenSteves idea of the ultimate revenge.

You want to know why some cops have chips on their shoulders? It because of dealing with people just like you. Its the end of the world for you break the law and get caught, but then you cry and complain that crime is alledgedly up in your county. You base your knowledge on some huge media conspiracy that the FBI, CIA and the president are in on. Its funny that you make this claim a second time, but never addressed the stats of crime trends in Florida. Heres a news flash for you....the media didn't make those stats up. Yeah...it means nothing to you, though. You are just happy and content feeling that the world is out to get you.

Its funny you say cops aren't doing their jobs, but have a hissy fit that puts a toddler to shame when you are the one getting caught.

When you spoke with the shift supervisor, did you ask him why you weren't allowed to go straight to the top? Its because people like you will waste his time. 'I was breaking the law and I got caught..but it isn't fair. The world is out to get me so I didn't deserve this ticket. I know every day before your shift starts, there is a poster of me that says if an officer sees me, they are to write me a ticket'. I'm suprised you even got to the shift supervisor with your gibberish. What did the supervisor say to you when you told him you were stalking the deputies mother? Did he have a comment or did you conveniently leave that out of the story?

You can bitch and moan all you want, but your local sheriff should be commended for having the patience to deal with a bozo like you.

All Hail Sheriff KEN J. MASCARA


A note to the mods, why was this guy even let back into AD? He threatened moderators and other members with bodily harm (including me). Banning him was the best thing you could have done and yet he was allowed to return? It wasn't long ago, there was talk about cancelling ADCaucus because people were in fear to go...and their fears were realized when he started threatening people. So...can anyone explain (private or public) why he was allowed to return?
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FYI Stevo, my sister and her second husband were/are commissioned Rangers with the US National Park Service. NPS Rangers are some of the most erudite people it has ever been my pleasure to know. They don’t get killed in the line of duty very often (about one every ten years), but when it happens I feel the deepest form of sadness imaginable.
Nancy said:
I found this elsewhere, so I guess this can make you think about how cops do help you. -- Nancy (mods: if this isn't the appropriate place to put it, please put this in the correct thread. Thanks!
Well, Mr. Citizen, it seems you've figured me out. I fit neatly into the category where you've placed me. I'm stereotyped, standardized, characterized, classified, grouped, and always typical. Unfortunately, the reverse is true. I can never figure you out.

From birth, you teach your children that I'm the bogeyman, then you're shocked when they identify/associate with my traditional enemy... the criminal! You accuse me of coddling criminals..until I catch your kids doing wrong.

You may take an hour for lunch and several coffee breaks each day, but point me out as a loafer for having one cup. You pride yourself on your manners, but think nothing of disrupting my meals with your troubles.

You raise Cain with the guy who cuts you off in traffic, but let me catch you doing the same thing and I'm picking on you. You know all the traffic laws...but you've never gotten a single ticket you deserve. You shout "FOUL" if you observe me driving fast to a call, but raise the roof if I take more than ten seconds to respond to your complaint.

You call it part of my job if someone strikes me, but call it police brutality if I strike back. You wouldn't think of telling your dentist how to pull a tooth or your doctor how to take out an appendix, yet you are always willing to give me pointers on the law. You talk to me in a manner that would get you a bloody nose from anyone else, but expect me to take it without batting an eye.

You yell that something's got to be done to fight crime, but you can't be bothered to get involved. You have no use for me at all, but of course it's OK if I change a flat for your wife, deliver your child in the back of the patrol car, or perhaps save your son's life with mouth to mouth breathing, or work many hours overtime looking for your lost daughter.

So Mr. Citizen, you can stand there on your soapbox and rant and rave about the way I do my work, calling me every name in the book, but never stop to think that your property, family, or maybe even your life depends on me or one of my buddies. Yes, Mr. Citizen, it's me the cop!

(The author of this article was Trooper Mitchell Brown of the Virginia State Police. He was killed in the line of duty two months after writing the article.)

WOW - Great Story! I admit that I never was crazy about cops..until I read this post...wow! My perspective about cops have changed now. BUT..What I dont understand is why does bad cops sell drugs or do drugs with themselves? Why do they pay prostitutes to have sex with? I guess because they are bad cops...I know there are good cops out there. We should be thankful that they bust their lives to save our lives!

Nancy, I am little confused about this post....can you tell me who is "Mr. Citizen"?? Is Mr Citizen involved in this AD? And was Trooper Mitchell Brown also involved in this AD? And what makes you post this posting? Just curious..thanks!
Taylor said:
Thanks for posting a great article.

Steve...I still don't know why I bother even responding to you, but then again, I have no idea why you were even allowed to return to AD. I guess you cried enough and got your way.

Its funny that you could care less what happens to officers. You truly to do have mental issues if you believe a cop (or anybody for that matter) should die because you got a $115 ticket when you actually deserved to get one. Just yesterday, I went to this officer's funeral Why don't you send a letter to his wife and kids saying that you are glad he's dead....tell them how you really feel. Heck, maybe even if his mom is alive, you can stalk her at her work and tell her how you feel about her son....it seems its what you do best. Then again we are talking about the same person who was excited when my sister committed suicide. RavenSteves idea of the ultimate revenge.

You want to know why some cops have chips on their shoulders? It because of dealing with people just like you. Its the end of the world for you break the law and get caught, but then you cry and complain that crime is alledgedly up in your county. You base your knowledge on some huge media conspiracy that the FBI, CIA and the president are in on. Its funny that you make this claim a second time, but never addressed the stats of crime trends in Florida. Heres a news flash for you....the media didn't make those stats up. Yeah...it means nothing to you, though. You are just happy and content feeling that the world is out to get you.

Its funny you say cops aren't doing their jobs, but have a hissy fit that puts a toddler to shame when you are the one getting caught.

When you spoke with the shift supervisor, did you ask him why you weren't allowed to go straight to the top? Its because people like you will waste his time. 'I was breaking the law and I got caught..but it isn't fair. The world is out to get me so I didn't deserve this ticket. I know every day before your shift starts, there is a poster of me that says if an officer sees me, they are to write me a ticket'. I'm suprised you even got to the shift supervisor with your gibberish. What did the supervisor say to you when you told him you were stalking the deputies mother? Did he have a comment or did you conveniently leave that out of the story?

You can bitch and moan all you want, but your local sheriff should be commended for having the patience to deal with a bozo like you.

All Hail Sheriff KEN J. MASCARA


A note to the mods, why was this guy even let back into AD? He threatened moderators and other members with bodily harm (including me). Banning him was the best thing you could have done and yet he was allowed to return? It wasn't long ago, there was talk about cancelling ADCaucus because people were in fear to go...and their fears were realized when he started threatening people. So...can anyone explain (private or public) why he was allowed to return?

Taylor, Are you a cop? And how can you prove it if Steve wrote this quote below?


Taylor, I understand your frustration with Steve. It is not your place to tell the Mods to banned Steve. It is their decision to make. I dont know the whole story but here is my opinion...give Steve chances because he is immature and let him learn to grow up by us teaching him how to stop acting his childish behavior. How will he learn if we dont encourage and help him? I dont know his background but I truly believe that he is yearning to have a family like us.
ravensteve1961 said:
Now anything cops do im gonna ask you to explan it. I have a lot of bad experances with cops, The last one the deputy gave me a ticket for having my brights on i didnt know it.He wouldnt even give me a warning. Well he called me by my first name instead of sir,Commented about my hearing aid. And that was very unprofessional and I felt offended.I went to sheriff dept and i wanted to complain to the sheriff about the deputy and the ticket. The Deputy supervisor wouldnt let me see the sheriff. AS a former employee of regal cinemas when a customer complains and want to see the manager im required to allow the customer to see the manager i dont say well hes very busy and is something i can help you with? Thats the treatment the deputy supervisor gave me. You know why he did it? He was protecting his fellow deputies from getting fired. Youre a cop you know these things its no secret in fact i know you wouldnt dare give your fellow off duty officers a ticket for speeding or a run thought a red light or stop sign. Its all the power of the badge. I know all about the code of honor too. So back to my problem here. So i went to sheriffs mother at the bowling alley and tell her i wanna see her son. She said "i got nothing to do with how my son does his job youll have to take it up to the sheriff dept"" I told her i tried that they wouldnt let me see him."" I cant help you dear"" So i took another idea i called rodney black who was running against sheriff mascara in the election i told him my complaint.He promised me if he got elected he would fire that deputy He told me this on the phone""" When i get sworn in i want you come in my office and tell me who did this to you and ill take action against the deputy""" I even protested with a sign holding up the highway says this""" ARE YOUR DEPUTIES TREATING YOU WITH RESPECT? ..(other side).. VOTE FOR RODNEY BLACK for SHERIFF!!!""" Well sheriff mascara won, because these old bats read the papers and will belive anything the press tells em.. Like this statement from the reporter...St Lucie County is the safest county of all florida! Now stop and think about it?? Why would they say that?? Now think about it? You really belive .St Lucie County is the safest county of all florida? The only reason the press does it cause they know old bats will belive anything the press tells em and they dont even know the corruption and unprofessonalism of the sheriff dept is. I seen deputies break the laws every day! So i took another step.I e-mailed a state reprentive in tallahasse and told em how the deputy was rude towards me.And i got a response he said "I will investigate this futher" Now what that means is theres a trap the state is setting for sheriff mascara. Any un nessary volations the state will take action right on the spot. And i havent seen deputies ran though red lights or park in fire lanes. I guess they know one mistake its on local news here and it will spread to CNN,MSNBC and FOX news channel and when it does im gonna laugh my head off and im gonna laugh at the deputy when i see him. Remember how the guy pissed off dirty harry in sudden impact. When the judge let the criminal go he said this to dirty harry"""" Ha Ha Ha ,,You flunked up!!! Better luck next time fool!!!""Thats what im gonna say to the deputy when the state gets them on a volation'' And he better keep his cool too.

OK. Steve, Listen carefully. I dont know you personally or your background either. However, when I was reading your post about your situation. I read that you are immature and troublemaker. Do you think it's fair to Sheriff's mom that you nagged her about you wanting to see her son at the bowling?? That was very selfish of you to do this. It was totally unprofessional behavior for you to do this. I am not trying to drag you down to make you feeling bad about yourself. I am here to help you to understand that it was not appropriate for you to do this. Perhaps these small town people are sick of you for being troublemaker. I believe perhaps your reputation is being labeled as deaf troublemaker. Do you think it is fair to deaf community in your area where you live that you labeled yourself as deaf troublemaker towards the cops and hearing community? It makes deaf community look bad...that is my personal opinion. Bez deaf is a small world.

Steve, I recommend you to go apology to Sheriff's mother for your behavior and tell her it was unprofessional thing for you to do. Im sure she will understand. And when you mentioned that cops tell you their boss is busy and what can they do for you...that is professional...they are not avoiding you...they are doing their job.

I hope I did not offend you and hope that I am helping you to realized what you have been doing. :)
whilist i been reading this thread without replying, let me be the first to say this, too many cops are fallen heroes yes HEROES its the fact that poeple needs to relize thier doing thier job and they should be commended sure we're gonna get piss if we get a ticket, hell i got a ticket for speeding in the 35 mph zone i was going nearly 50 mph as i was in a rush to get my dad to the airport, but it was a lesson learn for me cuz the next day 3 poeple died at the very intercescion*sp* that i was pulled over at, two of them were mere children and a mother, the sole surviving sister of the mother ( thier sisters just so we can be clear on that) were rammed into during a high speed chase, and sadly three died and two survived, a baby who's aunt is now taking care of that child all for the speeding factors. and this made me relize life is very precious and there is no need to speed. if my dad's late on his flight he could pay another 15 bucks to take the next flight home. this will prevent any more mishap, the other time i ran a stop sign and relized it right in front of a cop and u know what i did? i pulled over real fast cuz i kenw what i did was wrong and was let go for that i was telling him i was lost and was looking for the county building so i can re registar my truck ( i have since traded it in) but consider this i broke the law and im not going to waste taxpayers money and try and worm my way out of this. he said my face was priceless cuz he knew i knew what i did was wrong. So i owned up to my responisblity.
it's cops like these who knows who s breakign the law, and u know what i commend them, consider the fact that the MD State Police and state troopers in MD had to bust thier azzes during the october snipers and i was driving thru these locations and i miss being killed by mere 4 hours, someone upthere was watching over me, and the killings they did created alot of problems. now they both are in prison because the cops did thier jobs. and take the fact that these cops are there to save lives and help others in need. to bring the fugitives to justices. and most of all to take care of poeple.

So ravensteve, u really need to rethink your anger cuz its these kind of BS u created and the threat u made to taylor was indeed uncalled for.

however... these kinds of talks and harrassment u made to the cops mom and others thier gonna raise a red alert now and watch your every move. and that's not my problem. u need to respect the jobs that these cops have done and let it go. u need to accept that thier doing thier job and stop whining abt the 115 bucks on the ticket you go just go to court fight it there and they could reduce it. real simple!
Taylor said:
A note to the mods, why was this guy even let back into AD? He threatened moderators and other members with bodily harm (including me). Banning him was the best thing you could have done and yet he was allowed to return? It wasn't long ago, there was talk about cancelling ADCaucus because people were in fear to go...and their fears were realized when he started threatening people. So...can anyone explain (private or public) why he was allowed to return?

Forgive me for going off the topic here Nancy but I would like to say something here if I may please....

Umm Taylor, I understand you're very upset and frustrated about why Ravensteve is back from being banned because of a threatened PM he made toward a moderator, YOU or any one else here in AD....I don't know Alex personally but I can tell you from seeing the kind of person he really is, he is a forgiving and fair man, he might have unbanned Ravensteve cause he thinks RS may deserves a chance like everyone else do no matter what the member had done or how many rules that member had broken...It may not be what we want or see but I have highly respect for Alex and I believe no matter what the decision was, I know he is doing what he felt was right and fair....

In the past, I've been threatened, bullied, personal attacked and getting hate emails and PMs from some members here in AD, who doesn't like me for whatever reason...I'm still getting attacked and bullied in the open forum from time to time by a few members who are still at it even if it had already been started in a different forum , chat or here in AD, but the point is, it's happened in the past, it's time to move on by forgiving and forgetting those we hurt or those who hurt us....I'm not going to change myself into someone I don't want to become, I'm very happy with my life, and I have no hate in my bones and I am trying hard to get along with everyone here, but sometimes we will have members who are hard to get along, but all we can do is ignore them instead of getting all upset and asking why this member isn't banned, I know I rather to see a few banned but that not place to make that decision, so I leave that up to the mods and Alex, and whatever they do, I trust them all....

That's all I wanted to say...I hope I didn't make anyone upset by my post here but all I'm doing to being very honest and I thought it would be the time to step in and speak up....Thanks for listening :aw:
coloravalanche said:
Taylor, Are you a cop? And how can you prove it if Steve wrote this quote below?

Taylor, I understand your frustration with Steve. It is not your place to tell the Mods to banned Steve. It is their decision to make. I dont know the whole story but here is my opinion...give Steve chances because he is immature and let him learn to grow up by us teaching him how to stop acting his childish behavior. How will he learn if we dont encourage and help him? I dont know his background but I truly believe that he is yearning to have a family like us.

To answer your questions, yes I am a cop. In regards to the quote I have in my signature...what proof do you want? That message was sent to me inquiring about Vampy (a mod here at AD). That message wasn't directed at me...its him asking me to get information on a moderator so he can cause him bodily harm.

If you read back to some older post (pre-ban), you'll see many were threatened. He publicly (in this forum) posted about stalking the receptionist at his doctors office...wanted to cut off her fingers because she made him deaf. Threatened me as well only because I'm a cop and nothing more. Him and I don't know each other....then he became irate that his local police were looking into the threats of him cutting off her fingers.
Days after my sister committed suicide, he started a nice thread about it here, being his usual friendly self. Then made comments about me while I was at her funeral and couldn't defend myself. Fortunately, the mods were polite enough to remove that thread.

I deal with people like Steve very regularly.....and on the job or even in most of my personal life, I don't let it get under my skin. The difference here is I come to AD for my 'down' time. I have friends here...have met several people and am forming friendships all the time with members. Some members I have grown quite close to since I've joined here. Very soon, I *may* be traveling cross country to go meet somebody that I've grown very close to (as far as on-line stuff goes).

So, if we were on the street and he wanted to call me names and make pig noises (or whatever 50 something people that act like first graders do), I could care less. But its a different story when they come into my personal life, just as has happened here. I've made several attempts in the past to a 'truce' and he has refused. In fact, he gets his rocks off on that because then he knows he is getting under my skin...and decides to take it one step further (thats how it escalated him talking about my sister days after her death).

As for the mods here, I've never second guessed their judgement and have never disrepected them or Alex. I am, however, curious why somebody could threaten physical harm to members and mods and not be banned for it.
Taylor said:
To answer your questions, yes I am a cop. In regards to the quote I have in my signature...what proof do you want? That message was sent to me inquiring about Vampy (a mod here at AD). That message wasn't directed at me...its him asking me to get information on a moderator so he can cause him bodily harm.

If you read back to some older post (pre-ban), you'll see many were threatened. He publicly (in this forum) posted about stalking the receptionist at his doctors office...wanted to cut off her fingers because she made him deaf. Threatened me as well only because I'm a cop and nothing more. Him and I don't know each other....then he became irate that his local police were looking into the threats of him cutting off her fingers.
Days after my sister committed suicide, he started a nice thread about it here, being his usual friendly self. Then made comments about me while I was at her funeral and couldn't defend myself. Fortunately, the mods were polite enough to remove that thread.

I deal with people like Steve very regularly.....and on the job or even in most of my personal life, I don't let it get under my skin. The difference here is I come to AD for my 'down' time. I have friends here...have met several people and am forming friendships all the time with members. Some members I have grown quite close to since I've joined here. Very soon, I *may* be traveling cross country to go meet somebody that I've grown very close to (as far as on-line stuff goes).

So, if we were on the street and he wanted to call me names and make pig noises (or whatever 50 something people that act like first graders do), I could care less. But its a different story when they come into my personal life, just as has happened here. I've made several attempts in the past to a 'truce' and he has refused. In fact, he gets his rocks off on that because then he knows he is getting under my skin...and decides to take it one step further (thats how it escalated him talking about my sister days after her death).

As for the mods here, I've never second guessed their judgement and have never disrepected them or Alex. I am, however, curious why somebody could threaten physical harm to members and mods and not be banned for it.

Taylor, Thank you for explaining your point here. I appreciate it. Wow! I have no knowledge about what is all going on with Steve. Why would he want to cut off the receptionist's finger? She didn't cause him deafness. She is a secretary! :crazy:

Anyway, Taylor, Are you hearing? If so, What makes you so interesting in our deaf forum? That is so unusual for a hearing cop who is very interesting in our deaf forum! Since there are many hearies arent really interesting in our world...Im talking about those who doesnt learn or know how to sign. I'm proud of you! :D
coloravalanche said:
Nancy, I am little confused about this post....can you tell me who is "Mr. Citizen"?? Is Mr Citizen involved in this AD? And was Trooper Mitchell Brown also involved in this AD? And what makes you post this posting? Just curious..thanks!

I found this article on the Internet written by Trooper Brown (not a member of AD)....I guess he meant "Mr. Citizen" as anyone in the world. I just thought it was a good article to share since it tells us that cops are out there to help us if we have any problems. :)

I read the "anger" note that RavenSteven had typed to Taylor....this guy needs anger management courses before someone calls the police on his threats to kill. :ugh:
I was angry at vampy because he banned me because i used profanity. At the sametime i PM roadrunner cause some member used profanity here at AD. Roadrunner said using profanity is not against the rules here at AD. So i called someone an AS***LE and Vampy banned me for it. So i keep on e-mailing alex to let me back. I cannot comment on vampy cause he might ban me again..I also feel vampy is kinda picking on me here. So i asked alex to keep us seperate. I feel vampy is right sometimes,, but he didnt know the situation when i PM roadrunner about someone used profanity in my post. So when roadrunner told me its not against the rules to use profanity here on AD i figure i can express my feeling calling someone an AS***LE. So i have no more hard feelings towards vampy. All is forgiven and forgotten by me. So nothing person vampy you just got to find out why i called someone an AS***LE here.
raven, They are saying that you can use profanity as long it not INSULT to anyone in here. That is simple...
raven.... one advice and i STRONGLY suggest u to take my advice SERIOUSLY. no more threats. learn to respect others.

i admit i myself am very very afraid of cops cuz of my personal experience and im not going to share it out here no way. but you see... i also understands that cops are here to keep streets safe as much as possible. That means cops are here to enforce the laws whether if we like it or not. its simply is for our safety.

2nd thing... you noticed i stopped talking to u or pming to u? do u know why? because you scared shit out of me with your threats and suddenly i dont feel comfortable trying to be your friend. i dont want to hang out with a wannabe murderer. so if u want to hang out here and have people be nice to u... be nice to them too. dont use targets for your anger to take out at. That includes any cops, any mods, any les, any gay, any other politic that is different than you, basicially anybody who is not perfect to u... which means....... everybody. (btw ur not perfect either :) )

(this is my last attempt to voice any opinions for raven here)
Taylor said:
A note to the mods, why was this guy even let back into AD? He threatened moderators and other members with bodily harm (including me). Banning him was the best thing you could have done and yet he was allowed to return? It wasn't long ago, there was talk about cancelling ADCaucus because people were in fear to go...and their fears were realized when he started threatening people. So... can anyone explain why he was allowed to return?

i would like to know too.. and i am sure many people want to know too as they asked the same thing too .. i am not naming names ... and fyi.. some people have left AD cuz of this.. we have lost respect for the mods because of this .. cuz we feel that the mods dont abide their rules/policies cuz it is NOT CONSIST (sp?) or care about us..(sigh)

>>> he BROKE THE RULES... he did MORE THAN BASHING SUCH AS THREATENING ... that should have been TAKEN SERIOUSLY... NOT LIGHTLY! PERIOD! so therefore... the rules/policy is a BIG JOKE!!! :ugh:

i mean some people get reported, yelled at, etc for being bashed, or whatsoever... but thats NOTHING COMPARED TO THIS.... SHEESH!!! :ugh: