"I admit" Part 10

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LuciaDisturbed said:
I admit that I hope you get VP fixed very soon cause I would like to chat with you one day on VP! :)

I admit that I hope vp will be work by soon so we could meet on the VP and getting know each other ;)
i admit that i thank sweetheart for made that avatar for me!!!!!!!!!!! *FLATTERED*
i admit that i am drool over that avatar right now lmao
I admit that I pretty much like that avatar too ^^ good work, sweetheart lol
I admit that finally I'm home from wor since 1130pm overtime *thud*

I admit that I'm abt go bed so g'nite mwah!
I admit I had been busy with my partner all day

I admit I paid my bills today.

I admit I am fatigued right now.
i admit i was relaxing n watching tv tonite and fell asleep.. i admit i just woke up recently to take my medicine and went online.. opps.. soon i will go bed.. hehe.. :D
I admit that I am sooooo thrilled that I finally able to leave my 3rd shift postition this morning!!! Getting ready for next position on 2nd shift!!! I hate 3rd shift!
I admit that I would love to chat with ya but your VP is down. DARRRRRRRRRN IT! I hate that when it happen!

Sweetheart said:
I admit that, we will try to getting the VP to work again OR having someone from VP to come here to fix. I hope it will be work soon again!
I admit that I miss my baby! But we need a break though. :) He is happy boy to be with grandma and grandpa!
I admit that I started cleaning! GOSH too much stuff to TOSS out! So it is time for us to clean! :giggle: SO it'll be MUCH less messy after I clean everything out and easier to clean daily. :thumb: And a lot easier without my son follow me every where!
I admit I'm little dispointment w/Owner that they wanted delay post pone til Sept 29th due their house building isn't finished... ((sigh)) Where we gonna live one month sept? due we are free rent a month and try our best contact w/landlord again to have pay rent this month and next month free rent... *sigh*
So Huge changed... *mumbling*
Awwwwwww that's bummer, I admit that! UGH! I hate when it happen. At least it is really nice of owner let you know though.
i admit that i am soo happy that my bf is with me.. i miss him dear... but he is in bed and sleep... :giggle:
I admit that I can feel frustrated for GA. I know it is not easy going thru but I am sure then will get better once you move to your new home. :hug:
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