"I admit" Part 10

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LakeTahoe said:
I admit that I say THANKS! :thumb:

I admit you are very welcome! hehe :giggle:
LakeTahoe said:
I admit that I say HECK no! It is still August and wait till Sept 21, then it'll be FALL!

i admit you are wrong fall will not start till Sept 23.. I checked with calendar, :P LOL..

YES YES LETS DO AUTUMN DANCE.. WHOOOO hooo.. hehe.. i love fall! my fav season! :D :P hehe..

I admit its time for me to go bed! so good nite to all! :)
i admit that i am jealous moody tonight geez

i admit that i bought v for vendetta speical edition discs dvd tonght
I admit that I enjoyed the laugh tonight!

I admit that it is WAY past my bed time! So good night!!!
LakeTahoe said:
I admit that I enjoyed the laugh tonight!

I admit that it is WAY past my bed time! So good night!!!
i admit that i say aww come one and more laugh!
I must admit it's been a long time since I last post in this thread, just wanted to say Hello to ALL the ladies and gentlemen in here.... :angel:
^Angel^ said:
I must admit it's been a long time since I last post in this thread, just wanted to say Hello to ALL the ladies and gentlemen in here.... :angel:
i admit that i say hello to u back! :hug:
^Angel^ said:
I must admit it's been a long time since I last post in this thread, just wanted to say Hello to ALL the ladies and gentlemen in here.... :angel:

I admit that we have a newbie that just participated in this thread...ohhhh! Wait a minute!! She has been busy fluffing her wings and polishing her golden halo for quite some time now...anyhow, good to see you back in here..but then again, you might go off again and start fluffin' my feathers up! :D

^Angel^ said:
I must admit it's been a long time since I last post in this thread, just wanted to say Hello to ALL the ladies and gentlemen in here.... :angel:
I admit that it was so good to see you back in here today :hug:

I must admit that I love RR's new avatar!! :)
I admit it's nice to have a different avatar for a change.... ;)

Although, I'm the sort of guy that'll just stick with one or two, not changing anything for such a long time...but then again...who knows? I might change it from time to time. :D

Anyhow, thanks, I'm glad that you liked my new avatar! ;)
I admit Im going to watch a movie.....

I admit Im soo excited to get a new couch and tables! Its beauitful!!!!!

I admit the pool is very warm tonite!!!
I admit that I'm gonna go snow skiing soon.
~SG~ said:
I admit that I'm gonna go snow skiing soon.

I admit that it's definitely not hot where you're at, compared to what it is here...*fanning myself dreaming of a beachfront party, and frolicking in the water, getting sand between toesies and and....* :D
I admit that I brought a dvd movie of "House of Waxs" and watched it earlier. :Ohno: I also admit that I brought other dvd movies to take with me on a road trip. :whistle: Angel might wondering,.... "What movies did you buy?"
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