Hug Bank: Leave a Hug/Take a Hug

I need a few! Letter from the IRS today! :-o They say I owe them money from 2008! I don't believe it! My beautiful daughter will take a look through my bookkeeping to see if she can find the problem.

Please send lots of virtual hugs my way today. :ty::ty:

As it turns out, my former employer from 2008 FAILED to send me my W2's. I do have unreported income for that year. (I was so sick that year, I failed to notice it was missing!) YIKES! I actually DO owe the IRS $2248 in back taxes!! Kissing this year's tax return goodbye! I guess I'll just turn around and send it right back to them. :Ohno:
As it turns out, my former employer from 2008 FAILED to send me my W2's. I do have unreported income for that year. (I was so sick that year, I failed to notice it was missing!) YIKES! I actually DO owe the IRS $2248 in back taxes!! Kissing this year's tax return goodbye! I guess I'll just turn around and send it right back to them. :Ohno:

Just curious....Is that taxes only or penalties and interest as well? There may be several options for reducing that amount.
As it turns out, my former employer from 2008 FAILED to send me my W2's. I do have unreported income for that year. (I was so sick that year, I failed to notice it was missing!) YIKES! I actually DO owe the IRS $2248 in back taxes!! Kissing this year's tax return goodbye! I guess I'll just turn around and send it right back to them. :Ohno:

So sorry to hear about this!! :hug:
needs to take some hugs, theres a bug going around our household, the youngest had it yesterday and still ill, my sister has it today and I think I'm getting it :( headache, sore throat, stomache. So I take 2/3 hugs :)
Lot of love in our house this week, so here's a deposit.

75 :hug:

45 :grouphug:
Thanks, Kristina. I'll take a couple of your hugs. I need them today because of painful, miserable cramps. I'm feeling sorry for myself. :(
Just curious....Is that taxes only or penalties and interest as well? There may be several options for reducing that amount.

I think there are penalties and interest as well. My daughter is great (accounting major) at this and she'll work to reduce it. She's the accountant for a group of computer IT guys (geeks!) so she does this sort of thing for a living. She'll figure me out, I'm sure.

Thank you for all the encouragement and support. It is nerve-wracking to owe the IRS! Especially if you've spent your entire life trying to be one of the good guys! I'm feeling anxious and nervous, but it will be okay. It will all be okay... (maybe I just need to keep telling myself this!) :D
I'm feeling better today so I'm depositing hugs! :hug: x 100

Hope that everyone is having a peaceful day! If you need a hug, please take one. :D
Wirelessly posted (Sidekick LX: Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 4.6; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)

:grouphug: for anybody from me! ;)

PS- There are two threads for hugging that was created by dreama. :)
I'm feeling better today so I'm depositing hugs! :hug: x 100

Hope that everyone is having a peaceful day! If you need a hug, please take one. :D

Well, I'll take it, thanks! :D

I don't like hugs, actually, I'll sound weird :( but I don't like to be touch by anybody unless I want it, it's pretty awkward for me, but reading this thread made me feel like I want a hug. Now I sound like a freak :run: freak :run:

But, you people are great, so I'll leave x1000 hugs :)

I am making a deposit. :)
:grouphug: X 100

I do need one :) I am under pressure, just called the Certification Medical Assistant, they said, I need to apply NOW! Take the exam in Sept after, I graduate. I have final exam on Wed and today, we have to turn in all our lab work, essay and CPT and drug list.
I do need one :) I am under pressure, just called the Certification Medical Assistant, they said, I need to apply NOW! Take the exam in Sept after, I graduate. I have final exam on Wed and today, we have to turn in all our lab work, essay and CPT and drug list.

I think you need a few!!!!!!!!!!:D
Hugging back to SallyLou, MoniDew and Oceanblue7!!! ...And of course, everyone else on this forum! :D

Next week, I will go to the hospital for testing, that I am worried about. :Ohno: