How to stop get e.mails

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:rofl: @ this thread
ha ha ha Roadierunner and Vampyie.
to stop get e-mail, take a long walk outside until little blonde girl mess your computer.
7:47 P.m.

Nope!! Still get it!!! I guess vampie and Runnie forward e.mails to me :squint:


pls .. continue fix it! :fingersx:
Did you go to User CP and change the settings there?

Also, the emails that you're getting... are they related to posts before or after the "No Emails" was established?
Hi Vampie...

Ghost hunter and other programs good!! anyway Now look my time 12:53 a.m. and check my e.mail box and got 14 e.mails from alldeaf

last time e.mail from alldeaf
3/5/2008 11:52:33 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Did you go to User CP and change the settings there?

Yes I did !! :dunno2: umm...

Also, the emails that you're getting... are they related to posts before or after the "No Emails" was established?

Do you want me change from not subscribe to No mail notification ? ok I am do it now.. so see what happen tomorrow a.m. ok

Hi Good morning Vampie, Runnie and Mods... :wave:

I guess you need to holler your Dada Alexie help to fix this because its still problem :giggle:

I got 7 e.mails from alldeaf .. last 3/6/2008 7:20:35 A.M. Eastern Standard Time :hmm:

J\k about funny> Dada ;)
Good Afternoon Vampie, Runnie and Mods !

I got 31 e.mails from alldeaf :eek: last e.mail >3/6/2008 2:00:56 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

I am sure that Your Dada Alexie did not hear your holler as well :dunno2: .. So guess you need to make noise and bangs so Alexie will generously help you :fingersx:
Still get e.mails from alldeaf!!

got 16 e.mails from alldeaf and last e.mail>3/6/2008 7:16:10 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

Now... Phillips >
It looks like you didn't disable the email option in your User CP :(
JClarkie ... I did tried with not subscribe and No mail notification ??:confused:


Do you consider if okay with you that I am send private email to you and give you my password and you access my User cp and fix it? :dunno2:
got e.mails and last> 3/6/2008 8:13:47 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
Did you ever try and remove your email address from your User CP? :hmm:
Jeez.. Me not know what is it !! LOL contact details??? :confused:

Forgive me of my australian english. Just try and remove your email address off from the User CP and see what happens with no email address included, is that clear now?
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