How old is Earth? Evolution?

Daft said:
If the Big Bang theory is true (which I highly suspect is), I do believe it was done by God and not within any "24 hour" time frame. The entire Creation process took billions of years - which theologians would agree with.
If God is God, why would it require Him billions of years to create something? If He is powerful enough to create the universe, He is powerful enough to do it quickly.

Maybe some theologians agree with the billions of years theory, but not all do.
Yes, God create everything up to 7th day. It's 24 hours a day but calendar is 10 months, not 12 months.
God is all powerful and doesn't have to work in your schedule. He does things in his time - not yours.

It's funny how some people will pick and choose which parts of Scripture they believe. Scripture says that a thousand years to God is like a day, but some people convienently like to pretend that part doesn't exist at the beginning of Scripture.

They still don't understand it's a book of Faith and think its a book of magic.

And its not "some" theologians, but almost all. The majority of Christianity rejects the Creationism theory. Only a small, but vocal, miniority accept it.
RedFox said:
Where did the quark-gluon plasma come from? They are still working on that by accelerating particles to even higher energies and it could be a good idea to watch for very high energy cosmic ray particles from space that collide with air molecules, making showers of particles we can detect...

Before baryogenesis happened, they say that the universe increased in size very quickly for various reasons ...

They say that once they get down to small enough scales, they won't be able to go down any further because they'd reach the smallest possible units of space and time allowed by quantum mechanics. ..

To understand what's going on at those scales would require a theory of quantum gravity that does not exist yet unless you count superstring theories that people are working on. ..

Where did those strings or whatever particles are made of come from to make a Big Bang? ... The idea is that our universe is contained by a thing called a brane that is moving though higher dimensions. Other branes could be moving around in those higher dimensions and affect our brane. Some people say that if branes hit each other, they would have Big Bangs...

Where do those branes and higher dimensions come from? It could go on forever, but could there be anything at a top level that everything got created in or by? Some people could say that the brane stuff is what made everything. Others could say that a god did it. People could say that god made the brane stuff and made a Big Bang by causing branes to collide.

But we could ask what made the god and what made the maker of the god and go on forever.
In other words, the scientists don't know how creation of the universe began. They have some theories (unproven) but they don't know. Each time that they think they resolve one question, the next one pops up. What was the catalyst behind that level of creation, then the next, then the next, etc.? The truth is, one Designer and Creator did it all.

God is eternal, without beginning or end. God was not "created".

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen. 1:1)
God was already in existance to create the heaven and earth.

God is "the King eternal" (I Tim. 1:17), which is time eternally past and future.

It's best to stick to things we have evidence for. They've thought of ways of testing the ideas of branes and higher dimensions and are doing it now. If we get evidence for the brane idea, we could say that it's possible that the branes had always existed and had always been colliding to make Big Bangs.
Even the branes would need creation. Someone would need to create the branes.

Why not put in a god? We could use Occam's razor, which says "Do not multiply entities unless necessary." It means that we should make the least number of assumptions possible. It's also imporant for hypothesises to make testable predictions.
There is no need to "put in a god." The God already told us what happened. His is the original story. It is the evolutionists who want to "multiply entities". The six days of Creation requires "the least number of assumptions possible." The theory of evolution is chock full of assumptions.

Creation was a unique one-time event, so there are no "testable predictions" possible except by God. God has predicted the end of the current world and the beginning of the new world to come, so I guess He is one ahead of the scientists on that one, too. :)

Nobody had shown me such evidence or a way to collect such evidence for such a god yet. So for now, the brane comoslogy is one of the possible ideas for what may be at the top level in scale and what caused the Big Bang that made our universe, without any assumptions about gods.
Honestly, until you accept the spiritual aspect of creation, you truly can't understand the evidence. Without the Holy Spirit to give you understanding of God's Word, it will not make full sense to you. Suppose you had a science book in front of you that was written in a language that you didn't know. Some of the words might look familiar, and you could maybe guess some of the phrases. But really, you can't understand the text content until someone translates it for you. Well, the Holy Spirit is the "translator" for the Holy Bible. Yes, non-believers can "read" and "study" the Bible, but they will never have full understanding of the words until the presence of the Holy Spirit gives illumination of the meaning.

A person blind from birth can say, "Nobody has shown me evidence that various colors exist." The colors do exist; but that person just can't see them.
Theologians have already stated there is no conflict in the theories of evolution and the Biblical story of Creation.

Evolution is a set of theories about the physical creation of the Earth.

The Bible's Creation spiritual story about God's relationship with man. It tells of his spiritual downfall and contains a hidden prophesy of his salvation.
Daft said:
God is all powerful and doesn't have to work in your schedule. He does things in his time - not yours.
That's right.

It's funny how some people will pick and choose which parts of Scripture they believe.
That's right.

Scripture says that a thousand years to God is like a day, but some people convienently like to pretend that part doesn't exist at the beginning of Scripture.
Also, "some people" ignore the fact that Scripture does not say that every reference to "day" in the Bible means a thousand years.

"Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work: But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God..." (Exodus 20:8) God didn't tell the people to work 6,000 years and then rest 1,000 years.

Jesus was resurrected after three days, not 3,000 years.

Often, the Bible describes a day and a night; that is a very specific time period.

They still don't understand it's a book of Faith and think its a book of magic.
I don't know who "they" are, but I don't believe in magic. I believe in the will and providence of God.

And its not "some" theologians, but almost all. The majority of Christianity rejects the Creationism theory. Only a small, but vocal, miniority accept it.
It depends on your definition of "Christianity" and "theologian". I am sure within the liberal religions those are lots of people. The theologians and scholars that I trust believe in Creation. The born-again Christians with whom I worship and fellowship believe in Creation.

But since when do just "numbers" make right? The Bible says that the right way is narrow, and the wrong way is broad. True believers have always been in the minority of the world's population.
And do you worship on the Sabbath - the seventh day - or on Sunday - the first day?
Daft said:
Theologians have already stated there is no conflict in the theories of evolution and the Biblical story of Creation.
I don't know which "theologians" stated that but it is incorrect. It is totally at conflict.

Evolution is a set of theories about the physical creation of the Earth.
That's right, they are theories.

The Bible's Creation spiritual story about God's relationship with man.
And that relationship is Creator and Savior of man.

It tells of his spiritual downfall and contains a hidden prophesy of his salvation.
What is the "hidden" prophesy? Or is it so hidden that you haven't found it yet?
The hidden prophesy was discovered hundreds of years ago by St Augustine.
Daft said:
And do you worship on the Sabbath - the seventh day - or on Sunday - the first day?
The first day, to honor our Lord's resurrection.
"The first day, to honor our Lord's resurrection." - And where does Scripture allow you to do this? It specifically states on the seventh day, the Sabbath. It does not say on the first day.


Here is a cut and paste of a dialog someone and I had one the hidden prophesies of the Creation.

Gensis 2:21-22 So the LORD God cast a deep sleep on the Man, and while he was asleep he took out one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh. The LORD God then built up into a woman the rib that he had taken from the man.

So a bride came out of the 1st man's side....but only after he was unconcious. Who was the Bride of Christ? The Church was and is....the Bride of Christ. And Ephesians talks about that.

Ephesians 5:25-26 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ loved the church and handed himself over for her to sanctify her, cleansing her by the bath of water with the word.

Did the Bride of Christ come out of His side.....and did she come out when He was unconscious. Looks like that's exactly what happened since water and blood stand for the the Church.... and water stands for the "word" mentioned in in this moment on the cross....when first...Christ is rendered "asleep"..unconscious....dead....then the Bride figuratively...comes out of His side...

John 19:33 But when they came to Jesus and saw that he was already dead, they did not break his legs, but one soldier thrust his lance into his side, and immediately blood and water flowed out.

Now you'll have to try this test on your body since Augustine's other point was that the measurements of the ark were the proportions of a man's body and a prediction of Christ that a lean's man's height is six times his torso's width and ten times its depth since God told Noah to make the ark 300 cubits long by 50 cubits wide by 30 cubits high....and so it was long and skinny and not fat like all the artist illustrations depict it from time had a hole in its side..this time not to let something out at first...but to let some beings in....and later they too would issue forth from His side when they reach heaven. Augustine said that we must enter the ark now...and now we know from further Church development of these ideas....we must enter the Mystical Body of Christ in order to escape judgement...the real flood that threatens us all...whether we be Christian or non-Christian and thus anonymous Christians as the theologian Karl Rahner put it.....what is key is that the person lives out the sacrificial type of love that was in Christ....and that love causes him to enter the Body of Christ ....the Ark that delivers from the Deluge of judgement. So the ark in its deepest meaning was about Christ and this is one of many reasons that He said....."If you believed Moses, you would believe in me...for he wrote of me.".....and "You search the Scriptuers for eternal life and it is they which bear witness to me."....and " the law and all the prophets have prophecied until John."

At the end of history, all the just shall leave that ark from its side...just as Eve left out of Adam's side....just as the water and blood left Christ's side on the cross....the Bride will issue forth from the ark which is Christ into a renewed world.
"Jesus was resurrected after three days, not 3,000 years."

That's right. And no matter how hard you try to twist the issue, the apostles, his followers, Mary, the Ancient Romans, Harold, Nero, and Christians are not mini-gods and/or mini-goddesses. The gospel of Jesus' resurrection was witnessed by HUMANS not by your mini-gods. To all humans, a day is 24-hours. And that is why the gospel recorded their testamony that Christ was resurrected from the dead after 3 days which they had witnessed.

To God, time is meaningless. He is the Alpha and the Omega. We are not.
Daft said:
"Jesus was resurrected after three days, not 3,000 years."

That's right. And no matter how hard you try to twist the issue, the apostles, his followers, Mary, the Ancient Romans, Harold, Nero, and Christians are not mini-gods and/or mini-goddesses. The gospel of Jesus' resurrection was witnessed by HUMANS not by your mini-gods.
Excuse me? Are you addressing that statement to me? What on earth are you talking about? I do not believe in "mini-gods/goddesses", and I have no idea why you are bringing up Mary, Ancient Romans, "Harold" (Herod), or Nero. They are not my "mini-gods". I think you must have me confused with someone else. I find it very presumptuous of you to make such a statement.

I prefer to discuss this topic without making personal slurs. I have tried to ignore your veiled slams of "one", "some people", "you", etc. Let's keep this discussion civil please.

You mentioned that Christ's resurrection occured 3 days after his death and not 3,000. You asked (indirectly) - why if time to God is like 1000 years is to a day - why wasn't Christ dead for 3,000 years.

The Creation story was told by God
The resurrection story was told by humans.

That is why Christ was not "dead" for 3,000 years.

Humans are not gods. Only God is God!
Daft said:

You mentioned that Christ's resurrection occured 3 days after his death and not 3,000. You asked (indirectly) - why if time to God is like 1000 years is to a day - why wasn't Christ dead for 3,000 years.
No, you misunderstand. I didn't ask "why wasn't Christ dead for 3,000 years." I was giving an example that "day" in the Bible often means just that, a 24-hour day. Jesus was resurrected after three days that were just days, not millenia.

Please explain your comment to me about "your mini-gods". That is very offensive. I do not believe in mini-gods. Not even "Harold".

I am referring to this statement:
"...And no matter how hard you try to twist the issue, the apostles, his followers, Mary, the Ancient Romans, Harold, Nero, and Christians are not mini-gods and/or mini-goddesses. The gospel of Jesus' resurrection was witnessed by HUMANS not by your mini-gods."
HUMANS, Reba, they are all HUMANS. They are not gods!

A day to a HUMAN is 24 hours.

A day to GOD is like 1,000 years.

GOD told the Creation story. God is not restricted to a 24-hour day.

HUMANS told the story of the resurrection. To a HUMAN, a day is 24-hours.

BTW, there is a Christian religion which actually does teach God was a man before he became God. And if we are faithful to His teachings, we will become gods, too. And we will get our own universe, make our own planets, and create people, too. I don't accept their teachings.
Daft said:
HUMANS, Reba, they are all HUMANS. They are not gods!
I never said they were gods, mini or otherwise.

BTW, there is a Christian religion which actually does teach God was a man before he became God. And if we are faithful to His teachings, we will become gods, too. And we will get our own universe, make our own planets, and create people, too. I don't accept their teachings.
That is not true Christianity. I do not accept those teachings. I don't know why you include their beliefs in with my statements. We are totally opposed. If you want to debate with Mormons, go for it. But please, not mixed in with my statements.

I will be straight with you, so please be straight with me.

I am a born-again Christian, and a member of an independent Baptist church. We are not part of any other convention or hierarchy. We are not charismatic. My church believes the fundamentals of the Bible. We use the KJV Bible, which we believe is the best English translation but it is a divinely preserved translation, not a re-inspired Scripture. Whatever other doctrine we follow, if you want to know about it, I will answer. We have no "secret" teachings or practices.
The Mormons would debate US about their teachings.

I really don't know of any churches or sects which have secret teachings or practices. Oops. I take that back. I believe only Mormons are allowed into their temples and there are some Mormon rites which only Mormons are allowed to witness.

BTW, I have never heard of a re-inspired Scripture. Don't even know what it would be. LOL.
Reba said:
In other words, the scientists don't know how creation of the universe began. They have some theories (unproven) but they don't know. Each time that they think they resolve one question, the next one pops up. What was the catalyst behind that level of creation, then the next, then the next, etc.? The truth is, one Designer and Creator did it all.

The proper name that scientists use for ideas that haven't been tested yet is hypothesis The ideas about branes is a hypothesis now. Scientists use the word theory for ideas that had stood up to tests, like quantum electrodynamics that is accurate to many decimal places. If you say that the one creator did it, you must back it up with evidence.

Reba said:
God is eternal, without beginning or end. God was not "created".

"In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Gen. 1:1)
God was already in existance to create the heaven and earth.

God is "the King eternal" (I Tim. 1:17), which is time eternally past and future.

Those verses are the evidence for the Judeo-Christian god being the one who created the universe. Scientists say that our universe's space and time were created in the Big Bang. How could the god be eternal? Maybe if "eternal" meant all of time, it could cover only the time since the Big Bang since there was no time before it. Or it could be said that god exists outside of the universe's own time and in another kind of in level above this universe, maybe in the same kind of time the branes could exist in.

This makes the assumption that the verse is right and is good evidence. Scientists check their measuring instruments and compare results from different measurement methods to see if the measurements and the methods match up. It's also important to have the measurements be repeatable with different people getting similiar results. What else out there could imply the same thing as that verse does and therefore support it? The bible and quotes from it must be compared with other things outside the bible to see if everything support each other.

Just giving bible quotes and saying that they are right is as valid as just giving them and saying that they are wrong. That's why outside support is needed.

Reba said:
Even the branes would need creation. Someone would need to create the branes.

That assumes that everything had to be created. Since the verses claiming that god was around forever had not yet been supported by things outside the bible, one could say that if god made the branes, what made god? And what made the maker of god?

Reba said:
There is no need to "put in a god." The God already told us what happened. His is the original story. It is the evolutionists who want to "multiply entities". The six days of Creation requires "the least number of assumptions possible." The theory of evolution is chock full of assumptions.

It is also important to show that the assumptions are reasonable. The six days of creation requires assuming that there is a god and that the bible story about it is valid. I have not seen evidence to support the existence of such a being and evidence that the creation story is an actual account rather than a myth from ancient days. Creation involves god and the physical world and the processes that can happen in it. Evolution only requires the physical world and the processes in it. That's one less assumption. What are some examples of the assumptions that you say evolution is full of?

God also is an accommodation. That means saying that since things need to be created, it has to have a creator. Here's a quote about this from

Accommodation is very different from explanation. An explanation tells why something is one way and not another. A theory that accommodates anything explains nothing, because it does not rule out any possibilities. Accommodating all possibilities also makes a theory exactly useless. Since creationism accommodates all possibilities, it is not explanatory.

Reba said:
Creation was a unique one-time event, so there are no "testable predictions" possible except by God. God has predicted the end of the current world and the beginning of the new world to come, so I guess He is one ahead of the scientists on that one, too. :)

Theories about creation predict what aspects of the outcome would look like. That is how those theories had been tested. For example, Big Bang theories made predictions about the ratios of helium-4, helium-3, deuterium and lithium-7 to the usual hydrogen, hydrogen-1. Those predictions match what we see out there very well. The Big Bang theories also predicted that there would be cosmic microwave background radiation. This microwave light comes from all over the sky. This light had been seen with its properties matching the predicted properties very well. The predicted large scale structure of the universe matches the distribution of galaxies and quasars that we see. The Big Bang also has the universe expand. We can see this expansion by measuring how light from faraway galaxies, quasars and type Ia supernove is redshifted.

Scientists also can make predictions about the end of the world. Their models of how stars work predict that the Sun will get hotter and become a red giant in about five billion years and destroy the Earth. Some of them say that the Earth will already be too hot within a billion years. Those models are supported by looking at many stars in a similar way we could get an idea of what the life cycles of long lived trees are like by looking at many trees of different ages. They also make computer models using the known behaviors of the particles.

The also predict that the red giant sun would shed its outer layers. Stars like that had been seen. The material, which could include particles from the destroyed Earth and some of the carbon that red giants create with the triple alpha fusion reaction, could be incorporated into forming stars and planets in the future. This had to happen in the past because the heavier elements Earth is made of were created by stars and supernove.

Reba said:
Honestly, until you accept the spiritual aspect of creation, you truly can't understand the evidence. Without the Holy Spirit to give you understanding of God's Word, it will not make full sense to you. Suppose you had a science book in front of you that was written in a language that you didn't know. Some of the words might look familiar, and you could maybe guess some of the phrases. But really, you can't understand the text content until someone translates it for you. Well, the Holy Spirit is the "translator" for the Holy Bible. Yes, non-believers can "read" and "study" the Bible, but they will never have full understanding of the words until the presence of the Holy Spirit gives illumination of the meaning.

How do believers know that the Holy Spirit is the right translator for the bible? For all we know, it could be another being like Allah, Thor, Osiris or Quaoar. People in other religions could say that the Christian one is not right and those statements would be as valid as the Christians saying that they're wrong. The Holy Spirit had not given nonbelievers any reason to choose the Holy Spirit to be the translator over other beings or no being. The Holy Spirit should advertise that it is the right translator to choose and give good reasons.

Reba said:
A person blind from birth can say, "Nobody has shown me evidence that various colors exist." The colors do exist; but that person just can't see them.

I know what you mean because I don't know what it's like to hear. But we can give measurements of different wavelengths of light to blind people in a form they can read. And they could take a vision and psychophysics class like I did that explains how those different wavelengths of light are detected by photoreceptors and how the vision system is wired to deal with the signals. They could also be given the results of tests of how the photorecptors react to different wavelengths of light. That would be evidence.

For deaf people, use charts and graphs that show measured pitch and volume and show how the nerve cells in the ears react and measurements of those reactions.

Actually, we don't have to be able to detect things with just our senses to have evidence they exist, we can measure things like sound that are too high pitched for anybody to hear and light we can't see like x rays and radio waves.

Believers claim that there is a spiritual world. I have not seen evidence for this spiritual world that could not be explained with only things in the physical world. Saying that there is a spiritual world and not explaining how the spiritual world works and interacts with the physical world in ways that anybody could repeatly test and verify, when there are explanations that only need the physical world, is unnecessary multiplying of entites. Therefore, Occam's razor cuts off the spiritual world until evidence is brought forth that it is necessary to explain things that can be repeatly verified.
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