how do you handle a child with...

I hate my sister, I got away from her shit,

You shouldn't hate your sister, she can't help it, her brain is not working as it should. She needs to know she is loved anyway. You don't have to like her behaviour, but you shouldn't hate HER.

By the same token she can hate you for not being able to hear. It tires her and makes her mad when trying to communicate with you. How is that fair?

Myself have ADHD and Jolie_77's and my son have ADHD too Its aint easy to have it...its a lifelong struggle.. also its gentic too
I work daily with young kids and my daughter is ADHD as well as my brother and father --liebling's advice was very good - I found those tecniques worked well for me-
Remember you are the parent and you need to be in control of the situation, the child will act out if they sense you are not in control
You need to show them how to act and behave-you need to be calm, when I am stressed in my own life, I find my daughter acts out more
Lots of sleep (11-12 hours a night for the 6-10 year olds)
I would put my kids in bed at 7 and let them keep the light on for an hour or a half hour - they could read or draw but could not be out of bed or active or watching any tv or computer (the result was that now my kids love to read)
Lots of predictable routine at home and plenty of physical activity (sports, playground ect.) is very important
We signed up for this job - so now we need to give it our all while it matters, when they get to their teens it will be too late
good luck!

Before I forget, I would like to thank all of you for the responses..

My partner and I are working on the 'control thing' and '1-2-3' (1st ..warning-2nd ...warning with explanation of consequence- 3rd... consequence)

yes, we make sure that she gets lots of sleep.
Actually, I am a professional couselor, and work with children with all forms of diagnosis. And I did beleive I said it was difficult. Does your child have a diagnosis of ADD or ODD? Or both?


For those who doesn't know me and my family. my partner and I were the foster parents. We got her when she was 3 weeks old and finally adopted her approx 4 years ago. Her biological mother has bipolar so it is genetic. The psychiatrist told us that it is too early to label my daughter as Bipolar..
just revisiting this topic to see if anyone has the same experience with child with adhd / odd. my daughter now is 9. Still have problem with her behavior.
Many people said she will outgrow bad behavior as she gets older. Is it correct?
just revisiting this topic to see if anyone has the same experience with child with adhd / odd. my daughter now is 9. Still have problem with her behavior.
Many people said she will outgrow bad behavior as she gets older. Is it correct?

Early intervention is the key. If you or your partner does not intervene your daughter, then she will have behavioral problems later on.

Perhaps she will get a medication to control her behavior?? :hmm:
just revisiting this topic to see if anyone has the same experience with child with adhd / odd. my daughter now is 9. Still have problem with her behavior.
Many people said she will outgrow bad behavior as she gets older. Is it correct?

ground her from TV or something during the school week until her behavior improves
Early intervention is the key. If you or your partner does not intervene your daughter, then she will have behavioral problems later on.

Perhaps she will get a medication to control her behavior?? :hmm:

Agreed. And to early intervention I would add consistent intervention. Consistency is important with any child, but particularly so for one with a behavioral diagnosis.
I don't have answers but I offer support and kind thoughts. Connecting with a support group is a great idea.

Does your child respond well to positive reinforcement? When a child craves attention (even negative!), sometimes rewarding good behavior with positive attention helps. You might want to talk to your child's teacher to see what kind of positive reinforcement system she uses in the classroom. Most elementary teachers use some sort of system to reinforce positive behavior. My child's teacher uses tickets to earn special rewards like getting to sit in the teacher's chair, getting to take your shoes off, etc. I used a sticker system with my eldest child. Just a thought.
I don't have answers but I offer support and kind thoughts. Connecting with a support group is a great idea.

Does your child respond well to positive reinforcement? When a child craves attention (even negative!), sometimes rewarding good behavior with positive attention helps. You might want to talk to your child's teacher to see what kind of positive reinforcement system she uses in the classroom. Most elementary teachers use some sort of system to reinforce positive behavior. My child's teacher uses tickets to earn special rewards like getting to sit in the teacher's chair, getting to take your shoes off, etc. I used a sticker system with my eldest child. Just a thought.

I was told this only work with younger children than it does for older children. That older children respond better with consequences of their behavior. Not sure if 9 years old is old enough or not. But anyway, if anyone is going to do this, they will have make sure they do this properly.
I was told this only work with younger children than it does for older children. That older children respond better with consequences of their behavior. Not sure if 9 years old is old enough or not. But anyway, if anyone is going to do this, they will have make sure they do this properly.

It really depends on the child. Some children respond better to negative consequences, and some respond better to reward no matter their age. More about personality and temperament.
It really depends on the child. Some children respond better to negative consequences, and some respond better to reward no matter their age. More about personality and temperament.

Whoa. You know your child???
Whoa. You know your child???

LOL! Kind of a trial and error process. Try reward, and if it doesn't get the results you want, try taking things away (consequences). Even kids who are brothers and sisters often respond differently to different techniques.

And I have to my kid got older, I wasn't above using a little psychology on him.
control with diet!!!

My middle child has o.d.d and a.d.d and a.d.h.d. and suffer from dyslexia. So with that out there, I too was a rather hyper child with similiar problems, but without diagnosis. We control our tempers and our overall need for energetic outburst with diet. As crazy as it sounds it is true. Sugar and sweets are for all intensive purposes strictly forbidden of course, but some other things have help us. with the advice of doctors, nutritionist, and even local heath food store gurus we have found a number of triggers, such as: gluten, red dyes( red dye 40) which is everywhere,and some dairy. Also check out a product called brainlink at Alternatives for Your Brain & Body from Pain & Stress Center Products or , also. You can find a product called calm child at your local heath food store, it is all natural and completely safe for children even babies. You can help your child more by doing this naturally by diet and supplements rather than drug them. You don't want to drug them because they will loose themselves, their personalities, and you will loose your child in the process. So please consider asking those hard questions, and make small changes in your diet.