How do you celebrate Christmas?

*beams!* Thanks, K.

Here's the picture of the cookies (Snickerdoodles) we made for Santa. Half of the cookies are missing. Hmmm.

Awesome! I just got back from the Christmas Eve service at church. It was nice and low-key nothing overly fancy, and Linus' soliloquy in A Charlie Brown Christmas movie was used. I won't go into preaching but I will say the once Linus got to talking about the true meaning of Christmas, he dropped his blanket because he knew he was secure in his faith. That was an interesting example.

For those of you unfamiliar with it, here it is on youtube:
[ame=]YouTube - Charlie Brown Christmas[/ame]
DBG...what a great tradition to start with your girls!
I just remembered I need to get that Charlie Brown Christmas special on DVD!! I've missed it every year for the last 5 years!! Shame on me for I have sinned! LOL.
My cousin's husband bought the Charlie Brown tree. They do sell the kit at CVS or some place like that. lol
Neither myself nor hubby is religious. Hubby's parents deceased. We see my husband's family and her kids and husband's uncle in a very small, low-key gathering where emphasis is on being together. The adults really don't exchange gifts but plan to donate to a charity. We brought gifts for the kids and had a nice, informal meal. We brought stuff to drink and some yummy spicy chips and guacamole for appetizers!
I'm Jewish, so my family and I sometimes might the light the menorah but Chanukkah really isn't a direct parallel to Christmas. For us, the High Holidays tend to be much more significant <Fall holidays - New Year and Day of Atonement>. For my family personally, we have special gathering on Thanksgiving instead. <though I do have personal feelings about the whole stereotypical Thanksgiving mythos>
But I do enjoy spending time with my folks.

Hubby and I recently saw some of the old Charlie Brown holiday time-frame specials - I remember watching them as a little kid and how much I enjoyed them.

Holiday well-wishes to all
Dixie and Botti, I hope you feel better soon:aw:

look at those yummy cookies!
Thanks Dogmom, I'm on the mend from my cold, and I'm hoping Botti is feeling better as well.
nothing traditional in here since it's just me and my family. if we have a relative family nearby, we'd have a get-together. so what I did today and take my family out to our favorite chinese restaurant in chinatown. it's a meal to die for... that's why we've been going there for many years.

stopped by at Target and Bed & Bath Beyond to buy humidifier, Brita water filter, coffee maker, and a couple of stuff... At Target - my brother told me he saw a celebrity from Desperate Housewives of NJ - Danielle Staub.

Never thought a person like her would be shopping at Target :dunno:
Wirelessly posted

Christmas eve spent time with two separate families. It was so much fun at our last visit which is my uncle's place. We ate dinner together, my neices had a blast, the family dog and spending time together priceless!

Christmas day will be spent with my mom and dinner.
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Gonna be at 2nd brother's place today for Christmas dinner with him and his family along with his wife's parents and other family members... did bake some cupcakes (need to put frosting on them soon enough) and will also go to oldest brother's place on Jan 8 for Ukrainian Christmas (still waiting on details about xmas gift exchanging and etc).... should be nice for sure...
well - what I did today to "celebrate" christmas is by going to Rockefeller Center again with my friend...... and then spa castle.

outdoor winter spa = feels good, man
I stayed home yesterday with my kitty. I played with him with his new toys which he got from me for Christmas. He played with his new toys for hours and hours. He had a great time.

I will be heading to ME and spending with my family for our belated Christmas on January 1st.
Wirelessly posted

We ate our tradtional tamales at my mom's place and it was delish! Opened presents and Sunday celebrated an early bday :) My Patriots won whoohoo!