How are you feeling today?....

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I just found out my aunt was diagnosed with either stage 3 or 4 Melanoma :( I am praying that it didn't spread. Cancer is such a scary thing that impacts so many people...

Now this is scary and very painful!...Went thru 2 cancers on my arm and hand (but not Melanoma) was Basil and the other one (slips my mind), but was the worst (on my hand)...I avoid the sun now as much as possible, and go out usually late evenings....My sister also had cancers on her face :shock:...but she healed nicely....Best of luck to ur Aunt, tho!
Gotcha', friend came over yesterday talking about being "lonely" for companonship yesterday too...Sometimes a good cry does help, but do ur best to get out, talk to people and keep so busy.

Oh, I do get out, etc. Never been one to wallow in self-pity or let depression get the better of me. I'm sure this will pass (and if it doesn't, to my therapist I go).
I have faith everything will work out (as things have in the past), but being human it can be hard not to worry some.
And, yes, I let myself cry when I need to. It's good cleansing for the soul & body.
Now this is scary and very painful!...Went thru 2 cancers on my arm and hand (but not Melanoma) was Basil and the other one (slips my mind), but was the worst (on my hand)...I avoid the sun now as much as possible, and go out usually late evenings....My sister also had cancers on her face :shock:...but she healed nicely....Best of luck to ur Aunt, tho!

I too had basal cell removed ... from the side of my nose ... just before my 15 year class reunion. Had the bandage on and wouldn't you know they hired someone to take a class pic. I made sure the bandaged side was away from the camera.
I'm a pale skin and proud of it. :lol:
I just found out my aunt was diagnosed with either stage 3 or 4 Melanoma :( I am praying that it didn't spread. Cancer is such a scary thing that impacts so many people...

I am sorry about your aunt. Cancer is the worst. I and my husband have lost lots of family members to it.

I hope your aunt can be cured.
I just found out my aunt was diagnosed with either stage 3 or 4 Melanoma :( I am praying that it didn't spread. Cancer is such a scary thing that impacts so many people...

I do hope that it isn't spreading. My father-in-law had this and after 12 years of skin cancer removals, he just gave up. He kept having them removed and more would show up. After a 3 years battle, his system basically shut down. It had spread everywhere.

I will add her and you to my prayer list.
Feeling good today. Not much pain. Daughter is here and making peach cobbler. Hubby is BBQ-ing chicken. Fresh corn on the cob. Movie. Wine. All 'round good day so far! :D
I feeling good wonderful lots of communications skills effort!! successfully good mood!
Just when we have a heat wave here in Toronto-the swimming pools shut down for yearly maintenance-reopen on July 3! Last day of operation today!
Seems summer programme starts July 3rd!
Although I am near Lake Ontario-just a bit "too cold" for swimming!
Feeling up too early tho'....guessing I'll run out of steam around late afternoon....
got up early got train home felt cheerful then watched jeremy kyle on tv american and british version then lost the will to live
Tired, very achy and sore, but not too too bad.
Im freakin sore and tired..did wood-cuttin cuts and blisters on my hands.

I was probably outside for total of 4 hrs...night before I did heavy my whole upper body is hurtin..

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About "so-so". Not sleeping well, but happy with the construction. Let down by weight loss efforts, but pleased with other results.
:lol: you is busy.

yup , Of course I am busy all the time i am very lots of hard work, I am hard work not easy, I am many told on manager supervisor. pretty It is heavy rough :)
I'm hearing aid, once again, got plugged while I was cleaning it with light brushing and probably got wax into the aid. Just love it. All day seminar tomorrow at work, one functional hearing aid, audi not available except for early morning walk in which I can't do until next week. This is going to either have to wait the day before or the day after my surgery to resolve it - no matter how bad I look because I'll be starting a new job soon dealing with the public and no one knows I wear hearing aids. AND if that wasn't enough, I feel like I could be developing an ear infection in one ear. Just really can't win........:mad:

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