History of LAPD Racial Beatings

Ravensteve, your posts make me laugh toooo death and pain in my stomach. :rofl:

What should you do without cops around?

We need cops to protect us against criminals......

How do you feel if the cop do nothing and watch crimes beat you up?
Liebling:-))) said:
How do you feel if the cop do nothing and watch crimes beat you up?
He wants America to roll back to idiotic Wild West era.. he wants to shot anyone that he don't like with his Six-Shooters.

Thank god that Wild West is a dying breed people.
The Wild west was pure brand of justice. Justice the way it ought to be. You didnt have crooked lawyers asking for the insanity plea. Once your sentence is carried out theres no appeals court to reduce your sentence and theres no probation on your first offence. And theyres no parole board to set you free because you behave well behind bars. And if your sentence is death by hanging theres no governor to call to be saved by the bell youre gonna die tommorow. And even the jury found him not guilty the criminal dont get protection they let him out and some vilante gang will follow him and kill him .Yep, the wild west was good old fashoin justice the way it should be.
Your actions will come back to haunt you one day. You may call it "payback". There will come a day where you will be really sorry for your immature, idiotic ideas. It was a damn shame that you didn't get caught for slashing the tires. Next time, you might not be so lucky.
ravensteve1961 said:
Well i didnt pay $65 for nothing.
Hmm... *printing out post & walking to local police station*

Let's see what will happen next! ;)
ravensteve1961 said:
Meg Why dont you go a try to park by going to a ballgame. Its not that simple and easy as you think it is unless that team sucks like the tampa bay rays.Its probily very easy to park at tropicanna field. But try to park at yankee stadium or fenway park then its not so easy. Or try go to university of maryland try to watch a football game. All over campus theres those no parking signs and you cant get on the stadium lot unless youre a season ticket holder. I parked on campus 2 blocks from the stadium and when game was over i saw a god damned $65 parking ticket. So all the sudden i saw a squad car no cop was around. I parked looked around make sure no one is looking got out my pocket knife stabbed each of the squad car tires no now the cop comes back hes gonna be pissed looking at those flat tires. Its called getting even. And i do that alot.Listen if al queda can retailate whatever you do to them arabs so can i.

Isn't it wonderful to think that while you were slashing tires on a police car, some woman could have been about to be robbed, raped or murdered, and mere seconds would be critical in her life or death...and lo, the closest officer can't respond because he has flat tires. Would your tune change if that was your mother that was getting raped. I'm sure you would love to try and sue the department because of a delayed response because some asshole like yourself slashed the cops tires....You are showing your true colors in proving that you would risk other peoples lives because of a $65 parking ticket...and that you could care less who your actions have an impact on.

Next time, instead of slashing a cops tires or trying to hurt everyone in other ways, why don't you use that effort to look at the damned no parking sign that you parked in front of and you wouldn't get a ticket.
Taylor said:

Next time, instead of slashing a cops tires or trying to hurt everyone in other ways, why don't you use that effort to look at the damned no parking sign that you parked in front of and you wouldn't get a ticket.
Taylor why in the hell the post no parking signs from 8 blocks from stadium? And i cant get on the lot cause i havta be a season ticket holder. And its frustration looking for a parking spot just to go to a football game.So he wrote me a ticket andf i wasnt gonna pay $65 for nothing so i slashed the tires.That should cover it.
ravensteve1961 said:
Taylor why in the hell the post no parking signs from 8 blocks from stadium? And i cant get on the lot cause i havta be a season ticket holder. And its frustration looking for a parking spot just to go to a football game.So he wrote me a ticket andf i wasnt gonna pay $65 for nothing so i slashed the tires.That should cover it.

Wow you slashed the cops' tires??? :D
ravensteve1961 said:
Taylor why in the hell the post no parking signs from 8 blocks from stadium? And i cant get on the lot cause i havta be a season ticket holder. And its frustration looking for a parking spot just to go to a football game.So he wrote me a ticket andf i wasnt gonna pay $65 for nothing so i slashed the tires.That should cover it.

LOL, you totally missed my point. You won't even acknowledge that you endangered people by doing that. What if in your walk from the stadium to your car, somebody pointed a gun at you and tried to take your money...you call the police. If he had a car, he could have been there in 1 minute or less...and probably caught the guy and gotten your money back...instead he has to run to you on foot.

Here is something else you fail to understand.....There was a no parking sign there....it wasn't put there by the cops. It was put there because the businesses complained that stadium visitors (like YOU) were blocking their customers from parking...Didn't you see that 2 hour limit on the sign....but I guess you are one of those people that thinks "Oh...that doesn't apply to special 'ole me...that sign was meant for everyone else".
But, as everyone here knows, there would be no satisfying you....If you owned one of those businesses, you'd be complaining about the people parking there and 'All the police do is write a little $65 dollar ticket'.
Your problem lies with the stadium....it is THEM that is not providing adequate parking...take it up with the stadium.

I don't think it will ever sink in with you...you could care less if there was a woman getting raped and an officer couldn't respond. Its all about you...after all, we are talking about guy who has a handicapped permit because he is HOH...nevermind the guy in the wheelchair or woman on crutches...Of course, I can only presume that somehow deafness has affected your feet.
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Taylor, Save your breath to make more posts to response Ravensteve!!! Simple is Ignore Ravensteve's dumb posts. He's :crazy:
Taylor i didnt have an handicapped parking permit back then but now i do because of a loophole my doctor helped me to get around with. My doctor agrees with me. The law doesnt say how handicapped you gotta be but just handicapped. The Eldery get those permits and theyre not even handicapped. So if youre deaf of HOH you quilifiy for those permits. Now with a handicapped permit i dont have to put money in the meter because theyre extempt i can now park in the handicapped lot if you cant find a parking space. Theyre loopholes around laws just like a cop will never give another cop a ticket that just the way it is. Even when your off duty you speed 60MPH when you see a 45 MPH sign just show the officer your badge and he will say just take it easy now ok? and off he goes.
ravensteve1961 said:
Taylor i didnt have an handicapped parking permit back then but now i do because of a loophole my doctor helped me to get around with. My doctor agrees with me. The law doesnt say how handicapped you gotta be but just handicapped. The Eldery get those permits and theyre not even handicapped. So if youre deaf of HOH you quilifiy for those permits. Now with a handicapped permit i dont have to put money in the meter because theyre extempt i can now park in the handicapped lot if you cant find a parking space. Theyre loopholes around laws just like a cop will never give another cop a ticket that just the way it is. Even when your off duty you speed 60MPH when you see a 45 MPH sign just show the officer your badge and he will say just take it easy now ok? and off he goes.

Oh my GOD....you are saying that you got a handicapped parking permit simply because you are deaf????????????????? :eek:

Jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezus, you have me really pissed off here. Hundreds of elderly sick people cannot get permits yet a big strapping oxen like you get one.

Get off on your lazy butt and WALK.
Thats not why i need it.I need a loophole around these stupid no parking signs and putting money in the meter. And meters have 2 hour limit.Jesus christ the game last for almost 3 hours and 1/2 hour i park there early plus the meter is 2 blocks from stadium. and stadium policy says no re-entry! So when time expired a pig puts a ticket on my windsheild. Like i said theyre loophole around laws..Just like the wealthy finds loopholes around from paying taxes.
That is really, really stupid reason ever I heard, ravensteve.

You have two legs so use it. Walking is the greatest and bestest exercise ever in human history... You have a diabetic condition, you better get busy and use the opportunity to exercise by walk long when you park far away. I tend to park my jeep bit far away so I can use the excuse to walk longer.
Hey i suggest you take a ride to college park maryland. Just to show you its not that simple finding a parking spot. Ask new yorkers just how differcult it is driving to yankee stadium. Ask red sox fans how differcult it is parking at fenway park.
That's why most of New Yorkers used the subway for transport to sport games. I went out with my friends (New Yorkers) to watch the Yankee game several years ago... know how we got there? Subway.

These friends aren't stupid, they know how hassle it can be when try to find a space to park. You have two legs and a brain so use it.
So, RSteve, this topic is all about the history of the LAPD racial beatings, huh? Funny, I don't see anything but a distorted mess here....
Sure i know its off topic.But cops never follow the laws because its the power of wearing that badge.
ravensteve1961 said:
Taylor i didnt have an handicapped parking permit back then but now i do because of a loophole my doctor helped me to get around with. My doctor agrees with me. The law doesnt say how handicapped you gotta be but just handicapped. The Eldery get those permits and theyre not even handicapped. So if youre deaf of HOH you quilifiy for those permits. Now with a handicapped permit i dont have to put money in the meter because theyre extempt i can now park in the handicapped lot if you cant find a parking space. Theyre loopholes around laws just like a cop will never give another cop a ticket that just the way it is. Even when your off duty you speed 60MPH when you see a 45 MPH sign just show the officer your badge and he will say just take it easy now ok? and off he goes.
You actually wasted your time to become more lazier? :crazy: