
What is your Zodiac Sign?

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Miss*Pinocchio said:
Levonian is a Libra. That is not fair for you to judge me like that...
telling me that Astrology is bullshit. It is my hobby and if I want
to believe in that, then that is my prerogative. I am only trying
to make some friends.... trying to get to know everybody here
and study them...

So stop monkey around and let me do what I want... please.
End of this discussion.

TTT, relax. I’m not attacking you personally—I’m just bashing astrology in general. The notion that the positions of the stars and/or planets could in any way influence our personality structures and the events which occur daily on this planet is just simply preposterous. The gravitational attraction of the doctors and nurses who were in the delivery room when you were born were stronger than the gravitational attraction of even the nearest star. But, I’m not here to hijack your thread. I’ll say no more on the subject. And no cheap jokes, either—I’ll just stay out of it.
Levonian said:
I’ll say no more on the subject. And no cheap jokes, either—I’ll just stay out of it.
Don't! Keep that jokes, it got us chuckled more than we can count!
Okay, Undy... Levon... I would snap easily if I feel insulted. Everything cool now. Sorry.

LovelyBlkGal, an Aquarius.... cool.
Mod Note:

Several posts have been removed at the request of the creator--

Also, I have been noticing a 'few' members using another user's name that's different from the posts/quotes of the specified user's name in their replies...I do not recall anywhere in AD that signifies this member also being the 'other' user, therefore, let's keep any assumptions or assuming a certain member is someone else, I believe that's being fair and courteous no matter if certain similarities do exists, after all, this could very well be a simple coincidence...but the bottom line is this: Respect the user's name and respond to that name only as shown by the member creating their posts.

Thank you!!

Btw--even though I am NOT into astrology and the likeness of what it holds...at least I can state that my zodiac sign is Aquarius--
Levonian said:
TTT, relax. I’m not attacking you personally—I’m just bashing astrology in general. The notion that the positions of the stars and/or planets could in any way influence our personality structures and the events which occur daily on this planet is just simply preposterous. The gravitational attraction of the doctors and nurses who were in the delivery room when you were born were stronger than the gravitational attraction of even the nearest star. But, I’m not here to hijack your thread. I’ll say no more on the subject. And no cheap jokes, either—I’ll just stay out of it.

I have to agree with you, Levonian. I think it's interesting, but I don't put any real stock in it.
do all Aries people mean? :madfawk:
do all Taurus people spend too much money?
do all Gemini people talk tooo much? :gossip:
are all Cancer people sensitive?
Do all Leo wanna be a leader?
do all Virgo clean and organize stuff? :thumbd:
do all Libra judge people? :smash:
do All Scorpio like scary movies? :popcorn:
do all Sagittarius like sports?
do all Capricorn always be depressed? :tears:
Do all Aquarius like to socialize? :grouphug:
do all Pisces like rain?

Since you know your sun sign, What is your moon sign, uranus sign, mars sign, jupiter sign, and etc....??????

i'm capricorn ofc have goatee baa baa baa i m an earthy goat n never depressin nah i always good moody n friendly wolfy :) :lol: